Title Page
I. Introduction 10
1. Extrauterine Growth Restriction (EUGR) and nutrition 11
2. Effects of nutrition on metabolic health in prematurity 12
3. Amino acids (AA) supplementation in VLBW infants 14
II. Objective 17
III. Methods 18
1. Study Subjects 18
2. Nutritional management 18
3. Data collection and monitoring 20
4. Statistical analysis 22
IV. Results 23
V. Discussion 26
VI. Conclusion 32
References 33
국문초록 58
Table 1. Evidence-Based Early Nutritional Practice for VLBW... 51
Table 2. Parenteral nutrition dosing strategies within... 52
Table 3. Demographic & Clinical characteristics of the study... 53
Table 4. Nutritional intake during the initial 14 days of life 54
Table 5. Nutrition-associated laboratory values during the initial... 55
Table 6. Neonatal morbidities between the HP and the SP groups... 56
Table 7. Multiple regression: adjusted independent variables determining z score between birth and 36 weeks of... 57
Figure 1. Interaction between early diet and genes in defining... 43
Figure 2. Flowchart of study population 44
Figure 3. Mean ± SD value of the daily amino acid doses in... 45
Figure 4. A comparison of mean blood urea nitrogen(BUN) level... 46
Figure 5. Correlation of mean amino acid dose with mean serum... 47
Figure 6. Body weight changes within two weeks of life 48
Figure 7. Z score change of growth parameters from birth to... 49