Title Page
I. Introduction 10
1. Scope and Purpose 10
2. Roadmap 12
3. Significance 14
4. Outline of Remaining Chapters 14
II. Generative Inquiries 16
1. Overview of Knowledge of Language 16
1.1. Three Constitutions and Characteristics 16
1.2. One Issue Left Aside 17
2. Transformational Analysis of Locational Existential Construction 19
2.1. The There-insertion Rule 19
2.2. Follow-up Work: Small Clauses 22
2.3. There as LF Affix 23
2.4. Agree in There-Construction 25
2.5. Problems 27
3. Phrase Structure Analysis 32
3.1. Phrase Structure Rules 32
3.2. Problems 39
4. The Meaning of Locational Existential Constructions 40
4.1. There-insertion Analysis 40
4.2. The Assertion of Existence 43
4.3. The Meaning of "Exist" - The E Rule 52
4.4. Quantification Restriction 56
4.5. Problems 59
5. Limitations and Proposals 61
5.1. A Dialogue: Disembodiment and Embodiment 61
5.2. Some Pending Issues:Non-Semantic or Semantic? 64
5.3. Definiteness Restriction and Topic Restriction 79
5.4. Summary 85
III. Systemic Functional Inquiries 87
1. Towards SFG: A Relation Between Language and Society 87
1.1. A Methodological Flaw of Formalism 87
1.2. A Methodological Flaw of Pragmatics 89
1.3. Clause as a Tri-functional Construct 91
2. Characterization of Locational Existential Processes 94
2.1. Functional Account 94
2.2. Problems and Disputes 97
3. Limitations and Proposals 104
3.1. Subjecthood 104
3.2. Space and Time as Theme 108
3.3. A Metaphorical Analysis 112
3.4. Summary 116
IV. Cognitive Inquiries 118
1. Orientation : A Relation Between Language and Thought 118
1.1. A Methodological Flaw of SFG 118
1.2. Beyond the Module: Conceptualization and Categorization 119
2. Cognitive Account of Locational Existential Constructions 120
2.1. Lakoff's Account 121
2.2. Langacker's Account 129
3. Limitations and Proposals 141
3.1. Where's the Hearer's Mind? 141
3.2. The Visual Impact Constraint 142
3.3. A Proposed Cognitive Model 145
3.4. Summary 149
V. Embodied Inquiries 151
1. Embodied Cognition: Putting Language-Mind-World Together 151
1.1. Basic-level Concepts 153
1.2. Spatial-relation Concepts 154
2. Embodied Comprehension of Locational Existential Constructions 156
2.1. Interconnected Experiential Traces 156
2.2. Construal 157
3. The Knowledge System of "Existence" Itself 160
3.1. Two Dimensions of Information 160
3.2. Packaging of Information in Locational Existential Constructions 163
3.3. Neither OLD Nor NEW: Information Ecosystem of 'Existence' 166
3.4. Three Aspects of Knowledge of 'Existence' 168
3.5. Summary 174
VI. Conclusion 176
References 183
국문초록 199