This study was conducted to know the characteristics of agricultural non-point source pollutants runoff by rainfall events at the upper catchment of Goseong reservoir in Gonjy city, Chungnam Province. For this study, the monitoring sites of the research catchment were set nineteen during the research period (between June 2005 and October 2006). Average runoff coefficient were observed 0.51 in 2005, 0.71 in 2006, respectively. The correlation coefficient (r) between the rainfall and peak-flow was investigated 0.787. By rainfall events, the water quality of the sites were shown like this: BOD 0.555~9.60 mg/L, T-N 0.01~13.50 mg/L, T-P 0.002-2.952 mg/L, and SS N.D~820.0 mg/L. The strong rainfall intensity was the most important factor of the soil erosion. The gabs of the arithmetic mean concentrations and the flow weighted mean concentrations were observed as the followings: BOD 0.0~29.2%, T-N 0.1~11.4%, T-P 0.4~95.2%, and SS 1.7~57.0% in 2005, and BOD 1.0~11.9%, T-N 0.7~7.3%, T-P 9.9~36.5%, and SS 6.6~36.5% in 2006, respectively. The BOD pollution load was 2,117 kg (36% of the total BOD loading of survey periods) while, T-N was 3,209.0 kg (27.9% of the total T-N loading of survey periods), T-P was 136.4 kg (37.4% of the total T-P loading of survey periods) and SS was 72,733.8 kg (51.8% of the total SS loading of survey periods) in the year 2005. In case of 2006, BOD load was 1,321.7, T-N was 2,845.8, T-P was 42.9, and SS was 16,275.8 kg, respectively.