키토에서 우기(4월)와 건기(7월) 동안 다양한 기상 변화를 묘사할 수 있는 3차원 수치모델을 활용하여 바람 및 기온, 일사량 등을 예측하고 도시기상 및 난류 운동 특성을 분석하였다. 우기 동안 주 풍향은 북북서풍으로 평균 풍속은 3.5 m/s, 평균 기온은 17°C , 평균 습도는 75.9% 으로 건기 보다 약간 높았다. 우기 동안 총일사량에서 평균과 최고치는 각각 191 W m-2 과 1038 W m-2 , 순일사량은 평균과 최고치에서 각각 117 W m-2 와 724 W m-2 을 나타냈다. 우기에 증발 잠열이 높은 대기환경 영향으로 잠열이 현열보다 우세하였다. 건우기 동안 대류속도와 마찰속도는 0.2 ~ 0.4 m/s 수준으로 유사하였으나 우기에 약간 높았다. 혼합고는 평균적으로 147 m ~ 152 m 수준으로 낮으며 북반구 중위도 도시 지역에 비해 난류 운동은 활발하지 못하였다. 폭우로 인한 산사태와 인명 피해 등 재산피해를 예방하기 위해 지속적으로 도시기상 현상을 감시해야 하겠다.The wind, temperature, humidity, total and net solar radiation in Quito were predicted and evaluated by TAPM (The Air Pollution Model) during the wet (1 April 2017 to 15 April 2017) and dry (1 July 2017 to 15 July 2017) seasons. The prevailing wind direction during wet season was northwest with 3.5 m/s, 17 °C, 75.9 % , 191 W m-2 , 117 W m-2 averagely. The total solar radiation during the wet period was higher than one during the dry season. It was understood that this phenomena was resulted from the higher maximum and averaged temperature than those in dry season. The latent heat was higher than sensible heat because evaporated latent heat was high in wet season.
The convection and friction velocity both seasons was a range of 0.2 ~ 0.4 m/s, but velocities during the wet season was a little high compared with those in dry season. The averaged mixing height in dry season were 152m with a little high compared those in wet season. The intensive of turbulence in Quito was not active in comparison with one at the urban located on middle latitude in Northern Hemisphere. To meet with extreme meteorology as heavy rain effectively, it is necessary to continuously monitor the phenomena of micro-meteorology in Quito.