국토, 인구 및 기후=13,15,2
Ⅰ. 국토=15,17,1
1. 위치=15,17,1
2. 시도별 면적 및 행정단위=15,17,1
Ⅱ. 인구=16,18,1
1. 인구추이=16,18,1
2. 시도별 인구=17,19,1
3. 산업별 경제활동인구=18,20,2
4. 연령계층별 농림어업 취업자=18,20,2
Ⅲ. 기후=20,22,1
1. 지중온도 및 초상최저 온도(1995)=20,22,2
2. 상대습도 및 풍속(1995)=22,24,2
3. 일조시간 및 강수량(1995)=24,26,2
4. 증발량(1995)=26,28,1
5. 평균기온(1995)=27,29,2
Ⅰ. 농가 및 농가인구=31,33,1
1. 농가 및 농가인구=31,33,1
2. 성별 및 호당 농가인구=31,33,1
3. 연령별 농가인구=32,34,2
4. 농가호당 경지면적=32,34,1
5. 전·겸업별 농가=33,35,1
6. 경지규모별 농가=34,36,2
7. 시·군별 농가 및 농가인구=36,38,4
Ⅱ. 경지 및 경지이용=40,42,1
1. 국토이용=40,42,1
2. 수리상태별 논면적=41,43,1
3. 경지면적=42,44,2
4. 경지이용=42,44,2
5. 증감사유별 경지면적=44,46,6
6. 시·군별 경지면적=50,52,4
Ⅲ. 농업생산자재=54,56,1
1. 농업용 기구 및 기계보유=54,56,10
2. 비료소비=64,66,2
3. 비료생산=66,68,2
4. 농약생산=68,70,1
5. 농약출하=69,71,1
6. 농약수입 및 수출=70,72,2
Ⅳ. 작물 재배면적=72,74,1
1. 작물별 재배면적=72,74,2
2. 식량작물 재배면적=74,76,4
3. 채소 재배면적=78,80,8
4. 과수 및 특용작물 재배면적=86,88,4
5. 기타작물 재배면적=90,92,1
6. 뽕밭 및 수원지 면적=91,93,1
7. 시설작물 재배면적=92,94,2
Ⅴ. 작물생산량=94,96,1
1. 미곡 및 맥류생산량(정곡)=94,96,2
2. 미곡 및 맥류생산량(조곡)=94,96,4
3. 서류 생산량=96,98,2
4. 잡곡 생산량=98,100,2
5. 두류 생산량=98,100,2
6. 채소 생산량=100,102,6
7. 과실 생산량=104,106,4
8. 특용작물 생산량=106,108,2
9. 뽕밭면적 및 고치생산량=108,110,1
10. 원잠종 및 보통잠종 생산량=108,110,1
11. 생사 생산량=109,111,1
12. 뽕밭 10a당 생산=109,111,1
13. 논벼 수량 구성요소=110,112,2
Ⅵ. 축산=112,114,1
1. 가축 사육 가구 및 마리=112,114,2
2. 한우육 사육 가구 및 마리=114,116,2
3. 젖소 사육 가구 및 마리=114,116,2
4. 돼지 사육 가구 및 마리=116,118,2
5. 닭 사육 가구 및 마리=116,118,2
6. 말, 토끼, 산양 사육 가구 및 마리=118,120,2
7. 꿀벌, 오리 사육 가구 및 마리=118,120,2
8. 도축검사=120,122,2
9. 가축 질병 진료=122,124,2
10. 가축 전염병 발생=124,126,1
11. 가축 전염병 예방주사 실적=124,126,1
12. 폐사검안=125,127,1
13. 가축 전염병 검색=125,127,1
14. 동물 및 축산물 수출 검역실적=126,128,2
15. 동물 수출 검역실적=128,130,2
16. 동물 수입 검역실적=130,132,2
17. 축산물 수출 검역실적=132,134,2
18. 축산물 수입 검역실적=134,136,2
19. 시도별 우유 생산량=136,138,2
20. 배합사료 원료사용=138,140,1
21. 배합사료 생산=139,141,1
Ⅶ. 농가경제=140,142,1
1. 표본농가 개황(호당평균)=140,142,2
2. 농가경제 주요지표(호당평균)=142,144,2
3. 농가경제 도별 주요지표(호당평균)=144,146,2
4. 농업 조수입(호당평균)=146,148,2
5. 농업 경영비(호당평균)=148,150,2
6. 겸업수입 및 지출(호당평균)=150,152,2
7. 사업이외수입(호당평균)=152,154,1
8. 사업이외지출(호당평균)=153,155,1
9. 이전수입(호당평균)=153,155,1
10. 용도별 차입금(호당평균)=154,156,2
11. 차입처벌 차입금(호당평균)=154,156,2
12. 가계비(호당평균)=156,158,4
13. 농가자산=160,162,2
14. 농업생산성지표(호당평균)=162,164,2
15. 농가노동투하량(호당평균)=164,166,2
Ⅷ. 농산물 생산비=166,168,1
1. 논벼생산비(10a당)=166,168,4
2. 논벼생산비(정곡 80㎏당)=170,172,2
3. 논벼 도수 분표=172,174,2
4. 겉보리생산비(10a당)=174,176,4
5. 겉보리생산비(정곡 76.5㎏당)=178,180,2
6. 쌀보리생산비(10a당)=180,182,4
7. 쌀보리생산비(정곡76.5㎏당)=184,186,2
Ⅸ. 양곡수급 및 관리=186,188,1
1. 1994양곡년도 전체양곡 수급실적=186,188,2
2. 1995양곡년도 전체양곡 수급실적(잠정)=188,190,2
3. 양곡년도별 곡가조절양곡 방출실적(정곡)=190,192,1
4. 추곡 및 하곡 수매실적(정곡)=191,193,1
5. 정부관리 양곡 판매가격=192,194,2
6. 정부관리 양곡 매입가격(2등품 기준)=192,194,2
7. 1인당 년간 양곡소비량=194,196,1
8. 미곡 검사실적=195,197,1
9. 맥류 검사실적=196,198,2
10. 맥류, 두류, 잡곡, 유채씨, 마른고추 검사실적 =198,200,2
11. 수출 농산물 검사실적=200,202,2
12. 수입 농산물 검사실적=202,204,2
13. 수출용 통조림 검사실적=204,206,2
Ⅹ. 수출입 동향=206,208,1
1. 농림수산물 수출입 실적=206,208,1
2. 양곡도입실적=207,209,1
ⅩⅠ. 조합 및 농업금융=208,210,1
1. 협동조합 설립상황=208,210,1
2. 조직수 및 회원수=209,211,1
3. 농업자금 융자실적=210,212,1
4. 금융 농업자금 융자실적=211,213,1
5. 재정 농업자금 융자실적=212,214,1
6. 영농조합법인 설립현황=213,215,1
7. 농업회사법인 설립현황=214,216,1
Ⅰ. 임야면적 및 임목축적=217,219,1
1. ㏊당 평균 임목 축적=217,219,1
2. 임야면적 및 임목 축적=218,220,2
3. 행정구역별 임야면적 및 임목 축적=220,222,2
4. 소유별·임상별 임야면적=222,224,2
5. 소유별·임상별 임목축적=224,226,2
Ⅱ. 임업생산=226,228,1
1. 임산물 생산량=226,228,4
Ⅲ. 조림과 보호=230,232,1
1. 산림 병해충 방제상황=230,232,2
2. 조림과 보호 투자실적=232,234,1
3. 산불발생 상황=233,235,1
Ⅳ. 임산물 가공 유통 및 무역=234,236,1
1. 목재 가공품 생산 및 공급=234,236,1
2. 지류 생산실적=234,236,1
3. 주요 임산물 수입실적=235,237,1
4. 주요 임산물 수출실적=236,238,3
Ⅰ. 어가 및 어가인구=241,243,1
1. 어업가구, 가구원 및 종사자=241,243,1
2. 어업가구수=242,244,2
3. 어업가구원수=244,246,2
4. 어업종사자수=246,248,2
5. 연령별 어업 가구원수=248,250,2
6. 연령별 어업 종사자수=250,252,2
7. 작업성질별 어업종사자=252,254,1
Ⅱ. 어선 및 어로장비=253,255,1
1. 시도별·선종별 어선세력=253,255,1
2. 톤급별·선질별 어선세력=254,256,2
3. 1994년 어종별 어선세력=256,258,2
4. 1994년 업종별·톤급별·선질별 어선척수=258,260,6
5. 선령별·톤급별·선질별 어선척수=264,266,1
6. 1994년 업종별·선령별 어선척수=265,267,1
7. 동력어선 기관별·선질별·톤급별 어선척수=266,268,1
8. 1994년 시도별·톤급별 어선세력=267,269,1
9. 1994년 업종별 어로장비 대수=268,270,2
10. 시도별 어로장비 대수=270,272,1
Ⅲ. 연도별 어업생산량 및 생산액=271,273,1
1. 부분별 어업생산량=271,273,1
2. 업종별 총생산액=271,273,1
3. 업종별·어류별 어획량=272,274,2
4. 어업별 생산량=274,276,4
5. 어종별 생산량=276,278,12
6. 원양어업 어업별·해역별 생산량=286,288,2
Ⅳ. 어업생산량 및 생산액=288,290,1
1. 1995년 원양어업 해역별·어업별·월별 생산량=288,290,2
2. 1995년 원양어업 어업별·어종별 생산량=290,292,7
3. 포경어업생산량 및 생산액=297,299,1
4. 1995년 일반 해면어업 월별·어업별 생산량=298,300,2
5. 1995년 일반 해면어업 월별·어종별 생산량=300,302,8
6. 1995년 일반 해면어업 월별·지방별 생산량=306,308,2
7. 1995년 일반 해면어업 어업별·어종별 생산량=308,310,16
8. 1995년 일반 해면어업 어업별·지방별 생산량=324,326,4
9. 1995년 일반 해면어업 지방별·어종별·판매형태별 생산량=328,330,18
10. 1995년 천해양식어업 월별·어종별 생산량=346,348,2
11. 1995년 천해양식어업 지방별·어종별·판매형태별 생산량=348,350,6
12. 1995년 내수면 어로어업 지방별·어종별 생산량=354,356,2
13. 1995년 내수면 양식어업 지방별·어종별 생산량=356,358,2
14. 1995년 일반 해면어업 어류별·지방별 생산액=358,360,2
15. 1995년 천해양식어업 어류별·지방별 생산액=358,360,2
16. 1995년 업종별·지방별 생산액=360,362,2
17. 1995년 해면 및 원양어업 어류별·지방별 생산액=360,362,2
18. 1995년 내수면 어업 어류별·지방별 생산액=362,364,2
Ⅴ. 천해양식어업 어업권현황=364,366,1
1. 천해양식어업 어종별·연도별 어업권 현황=364,366,2
2. 천해양식어업 시도별·연도별 어업권 현황=364,366,2
Ⅵ. 어가경제=366,368,1
1. 1995년 표본어가개황(호당평균)=366,368,2
2. 어가경제 주요지표(호당평균)=368,370,6
3. 어업수지(호당평균)=374,376,4
4. 어업소득(호당평균)=378,380,2
5. 어업외 수지(호당평균)=380,382,2
6. 어업외 소득(호당평균)=382,384,1
7. 어가소득(호당평균)=383,385,2
8. 가계비(호당평균)=385,387,1
9. 어업생산량(호당평균)=386,388,1
10. 어가자산 및 차입금(호당평균)=387,389,5
Ⅶ. 수산가공품=392,394,1
1. 품종별 수산가공품 생산량=392,394,2
2. 1995년 수산가공품 월별·품목별 생산량=394,396,6
3. 1995년 수산가공품 품종별·지방별 생산액=398,400,2
Ⅷ. 수출실적=400,402,1
1. 품종별·수출대상국별 수출실적=400,402,4
2. 연도별·품종별 수산물 수출실적=404,406,1
Ⅰ. 지수=407,409,1
1. 생산자 물가지수=407,409,2
2. 농가판매가격 유별지수=409,411,1
3. 농촌물가 및 임료금 지수=410,412,2
4. 농가구입가격 유별지수=410,412,2
5. 농림어업 생산지수=412,414,12
Ⅱ. 농촌물가=424,426,1
1. 농산물 농가 판매가격=424,426,4
2. 농업용품 농가 구입가격=428,430,2
3. 가계용품 농가 구입가격=430,432,4
Ⅲ. 생산액=434,436,1
1. 농림어업 생산액(경상가격)=434,436,20
2. 경제활동별 국내총생산=454,456,4
3. 경제활동별 국내총생산=458,460,4
4. 농업·임업 및 어업의 부가가치=462,464,4
Ⅳ. 국제통계=466,468,1
1. 세계 주요국 농업생산지수=466,468,2
2. 세계 주요국 식량생산지수=468,470,2
3. 세계 주요국 농산물 생산량(1994)=470,472,2
4. 세계 주요국 가축(1994)=472,474,2
5. 연도별 국가별 어획량=474,476,2
Ⅴ. 기타=476,478,1
1. 도량형환산=476,478,2
2. 곡류 용량 중량 환산=478,480,1
Title Page=0,1,3
Ⅰ. National Land=15,17,1
1. Location=15,17,1
2. Area and Administrative Unit by Province=15,17,1
Ⅱ. Population=16,18,1
1. Trend of Population=16,18,1
2. Population by Province=17,19,1
3. Economically Active Population by Industry=18,20,2
4. Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Employed Persons By Age Group=18,20,2
Ⅲ. Climate=20,22,1
1. Soil Temperature and Grass Minimum Temperature(1995)=20,22,2
2. Relative Humidity and Wind Speed(1995)=22,24,2
3. Daylight Hours and Precipitation(1995)=24,26,2
4. Evaporation(1995)=26,28,1
5. Average Temperature(1995)=27,29,2
Ⅰ. Farm Households and Population=31,33,1
1. Farm Households and Population=31,33,1
2. Farm Population by Sex and Per Household=31,33,1
3. Farm Population by Age Groups=32,34,2
4. Area Cultivated and Per Farm Household=32,34,1
5. Farm Households by Full and Part-Time=33,35,1
6. Farm Households by Size of Cultivated Land=34,36,2
7. Farm Households and Population by Shi and Gun=36,38,4
Ⅱ. Patterns of Cultivated Land use=40,42,1
1. Uses of National Land=40,42,1
2. Area of Paddy Fields by Irrigation Conditions=41,43,1
3. Area of Cultivated Land=42,44,2
4. Patterns of Cultivated Land Use=42,44,2
5. Area of Cultivated Land Increased or Decreased=44,46,6
6. Area of Cultivated Land by Shi and Gun=50,52,4
Ⅲ. Agricultural Production Material=54,56,1
1. Agricultural Implement and Machinery Holdings=54,56,10
2. Consumption of Chemical Fertilizer=64,66,2
3. Domestic Production of Chemical Fertilizer=66,68,2
4. Production of Agricultural Chemicals=68,70,1
5. Shipment of Agricultural Chemicals=69,71,1
6. Agricultural Chemicals Imports and Exports=70,72,2
Ⅳ. Planted Area=72,74,1
1. Planted Area by Crops=72,74,2
2. Planted Area of Food Crops=74,76,4
3. Planted Area of Vegetables=78,80,8
4. Planted Area of Orchards and Oil and Cash Crops=86,88,4
5. Planted Area of Other Crops=90,92,1
6. Area of Mulberry Fields and Permanent Crops=91,93,1
7. Planted Area of Greenhouse Crops=92,94,2
Ⅴ. Crops Production=94,96,1
1. Rice and Barley Production(Polished)=94,96,2
2. Rice and Barley Production(Unhulled)=94,96,4
3. Potatoes Production=96,98,2
4. Miscellaneous Grains Production=98,100,2
5. Pulse Production=98,100,2
6. Vegetable Production=100,102,6
7. Fruit Production=104,106,4
8. Oil and Cash Crops Production=106,108,2
9. Area of Mulberry Fields and Cocoon Production=108,110,1
10. Parent & F₁Hybrid Silkworm Egg Production=108,110,1
11. Raw Silk Production=109,111,1
12. Cocoon Production Per 10aof Mulberry Field=109,111,1
13. Factors of Yield in Paddy Rice=110,112,2
Ⅵ. Livestock=112,114,1
1. Number of Livestock and Poultry and their feeders=112,114,2
2. Number of Native and Beef Cattle and their feeders=114,116,2
3. Number of Dairy Cattle and feeders=114,116,2
4. Number of Pig and feeders=116,118,2
5. Number of Chicken and Feeders=116,118,2
6. Number of Horse, Rabbit, Goat and feeders=118,120,2
7. Number of Bees, Raising Duck and feeders=118,120,2
8. Inspection of Livestock Slaughter=120,122,2
9. Treatment of Livestock Diseases=122,124,2
10. Cases of Infectious Diseases of Livestock=124,126,1
11. Livestock Vaccinated Against Infectious Diseases=124,126,1
12. Diagnosis of Dead Animals=125,127,1
13. Test of Livestock Infectious Diseases=125,127,1
14. Quarantine of Animals and Livestock Products Exported=126,128,2
15. Exports by Animal Quarantine=128,130,2
16. Imports by Animal Quarantine=130,132,2
17. Exports by Livestock Products Quarantine=132,134,2
18. Imports by Livestock Products Quarantine=134,136,2
19. Production of Milk by Provinces=136,138,2
20. Using of Raw Material for Assorted Feed=138,140,1
21. Production of Assorted Feed=139,141,1
Ⅶ. Farm Household Economy=140,142,1
1. Outline of Sample Farm Households(Average per Household)=140,142,2
2. Major Indicators of Farm Household Economy(Average per Household)=142,144,2
3. Major Indicators of Farm Household Economy by Province(Average per Household)=144,146,2
4. Agricultural Gross Receipts(Average per Household)=146,148,2
5. Agricultural Management Expenditures(Average per Houserhold) =148,150,2
6. Side Business Receipts and Expenditures(Average per Household) =150,152,2
7. Non-Business Receipts(Average per Household)=152,154,1
8. Non-Business Expenditures(Average per Household)=153,155,1
9. Transfer Receipts(Average per Household)=153,155,1
10. F.H.Liabilities by Uses(Average per Household)=154,156,2
11. F.H.Liabilities by Borrow Sources(Average per Household)=154,156,2
12. Living Expenses(Average per Household)=156,158,4
13. Farm Household Assets=160,162,2
14. Indicators of Agricultural Productivity(Average per Household) =162,164,2
15. Farm Household Labor Hours(Average per Household)=164,166,2
Ⅷ. Production Cost=166,168,1
1. Production Cost of Rice(Per 10a)=166,168,4
2. Production Cost of Rice(Per Hulled, 80㎏)=170,172,2
3. Frequency Distribution of Rice=172,174,2
4. Production Cost of Common Barley(Per 10a)=174,176,4
5. Production Cost of Common Barley(Per Hulled, 76.5㎏)=178,180,2
6. Production Cost of Naked Barley(Per 10a)=180,182,4
7. Production Cost of Naked Barley(Per Hulled, 76.5㎏)=184,186,2
Ⅸ. Food Grain Supply and Demand=186,188,1
1. Overall Food Grain Supply and Demand in Rice Year 1994=186,188,2
2. Overall Food Grain Supply and Demand in Rice Year 1995(Preliminary)=188,190,2
3. Government Grain Release for Price Stabilization by Rice Year(Polished)=190,192,1
4. Government Purchasing of Rice and Barley Grain(Polished)=191,193,1
5. Selling Price of Government Grains=192,194,2
6. Purchasing Price of Government Grains(Based on 2nd Grade)=192,194,2
7. Annual Per Capita Consumption of Food Grain=194,196,1
8. Results of Rice Inspection=195,197,1
9. Results of Barley and Wheat Inspection=196,198,2
10. Results of Barley, Wheat, Miscellaneous Grains Rape Seed, Pulses and Dired Red-Pepper Inspection=198,200,2
11. Results of Exported Agricultural Products Inspection=200,202,2
12. Results of Imported Agricultural Products Inspection=202,204,2
13. Results of Canned Goods Inspections for Export=204,206,2
Ⅹ. Trade in the Agricultural, Forestry & Fishery Sector=206,208,1
1. Exports and Imports of Agricultural, Forestry & Fishery Products =206,208,1
2. Results of Food-Grain Import=207,209,1
ⅩⅠ. Association and Agricultural Financing=208,210,1
1. Establishment of Cooperative Association=208,210,1
2. Number of Clubs and Members=209,211,1
3. Loans Advanced by Agricultural Production Fund=210,212,1
4. Loans Advanced by Agricultural Credit Fund=211,213,1
5. Loans Advanced by Counterpart Agricultural Fund=212,214,1
6. Agricultural Cooperative Development Status=213,215,1
7. Agricultural Company Development Status=214,216,1
Ⅰ. Forest Area and Growing Stock=217,219,1
1. Average Growing Stock per ㏊=217,219,1
2. Forest Area and Growing Stock=218,220,2
3. Forest Area and Growing Stock by Administrative District=220,222,2
4. Forest Land Area by Ownership and Forest type=222,224,2
5. Growing stock by Ownership and Forest type=224,226,2
Ⅱ. Forest Production=226,228,1
1. Production of Forest Products=226,228,4
Ⅲ. Reforestation and Production=230,232,1
1. Forest Prevention by Forest Insect and Disease=230,232,2
2. Investment Accomplishment of Reforestation and Protection=232,234,1
3. Forest Fires=233,235,1
Ⅳ. Processing, Marketing and Trade=234,236,1
1. Production and Supply of Processed Wood=234,236,1
2. Paper Production=234,236,1
3. Imports of Major Forest Products=235,237,1
4. Exports of Major Forest Products=236,238,3
Ⅰ. Fishery Households and Members=241,243,1
1. Fishery Household, Members and Workers=241,243,1
2. Number of Fishery Households=242,244,2
3. Number of Fishery Household Members=244,246,2
4. Number of Fishery Workers=246,248,2
5. Number of Fishery Household Members by Age=248,250,2
6. Number of Fishery Workers by Age=250,252,2
7. Number of Fishery workers by Type of Fishery Mainly Performed=252,254,1
Ⅱ. Fishing Vessels and Equipment=253,255,1
1. Fishing Fleet by Size(GRT), Type and Province=253,255,1
2. Fishing Fleet by Tonnage Groups and Type of Construction Material =254,256,2
3. Fishing Fleet by Type Of Fishing 1994=256,258,2
4. Number of Fishing Vessels by Tonnage Groups, Type of Construction Material and Fishing Means 1994=258,260,6
5. Number of Fishing Vessels by Tonnage Groups, Type of Construction Material and Age Groups=264,266,1
6. Number of Fishing Vessels by Age Groups and Type of Fishing 1994 =265,267,1
7. Number of Fishing Vessels by Engine Type, Type of Construction material and Tonnage Groups=266,268,1
8. Fishing Vessels by Province and Tonnage Groups 1994=267,269,1
9. Number of Fishing Equipment by Type of Fishing 1994=268,270,2
10. Number of Fishing Equipment by Province=270,272,1
Ⅲ. Fish Catches and Value of Catches by year=271,273,1
1. Fish Catches by Fishery Section=271,273,1
2. Value Fish Catches by Type of Fishing Area=271,273,1
3. Catches by Type of Fishing Area and Fish Groups=272,274,2
4. Catches by Type of Fishing Means=274,276,4
5. Catches by Species=276,278,12
6. Catch of Distant Waters Fisheries by Type of Fishing Means=286,288,2
Ⅳ. Fish Catches and Value of Catches=288,290,1
1. Catches of Distant Waters Fisheries by Area, Type of Fishing Means and Month 1995=288,290,2
2. Catches of Distant Waters Fisheries by Type of Fishing Means and Species 1995=290,292,7
3. Catches and Value of Whaling=297,299,1
4. Catches of Adjacent Water Fisheries by Month and Type of Fishing 1995=298,300,2
5. Catches of Adjacent Waters Fisheries by Species and Month 1995 =300,302,8
6. Catches of Adjacent Waters Fisheries by Province and Month 1995=306,308,2
7. Catches of Adjacent Waters Fisheries by Species and Type of Fishing Means 1995=308,310,16
8. Catches of Adjacent Waters Fisheries by Type of Fishing Means and Province 1995=324,326,4
9. Nominal Catches of Adjacent Waters Fisheries by Type of Sale, Species and Province, 1995=328,330,18
10. Yield of Shallow-Sea Cultures by Species and Month 1995=346,348,2
11. Yield of Sea Cultures by Type of Sale, Species and Province, 1995=348,350,6
12. Catches of Inland Waters Fishing by Province and Species 1995=354,356,2
13. Yield of Inland Waters Cultures by Province and Species 1995=356,358,2
14. Value of Catches of Adjacent Waters Fisheries by Groups and Province 1995=358,360,2
15. Value of Catches of Marine Cultures by Groups and Province 1995 =358,360,2
16. Value of Catches by Type of Fishing Area and Province 1995=360,362,2
17. Value of Catches in Adjacent & Distant Waters Fisheries by Groups and Province 1995=360,362,2
18. Value of Catches of Inland Waters Fisheries by Groups and Province 1995=362,364,2
Ⅴ. Condition of Shallow-Sea Culture Licensed=364,366,1
1. Condition of Shallow-Sea Cultures Licensed by Species and Year=364,366,2
2. Condition of Shallow-Sea Cultures Licensed by Province and Year=364,366,2
Ⅵ. Fishery Household Economy=366,368,1
1. Outline of Sample Fishery Household 1995(Average per Household)=366,368,2
2. Major Indicators of Fishery Household Economy(Average per Household)=368,370,6
3. Fishery Receipts and Expenditures(Average per Household)=374,376,4
4. Fishery Income(Average per Household)=378,380,2
5. Non-Fishery Receipts and Expenditures(Average per Household)=380,382,2
6. Non-Fishery Income(Average per Household)=382,384,1
7. Fishery Household Income(Average per Household)=383,385,2
8. Living Expenses(Average per Household)=385,387,1
9. Fishery Production(Average per Household)=386,388,1
10. Fishery Household Assets and Liabilities(Average per Household)=387,389,5
Ⅶ. Processed Fishery Products=392,394,1
1. Production of Processed Fishery Commodities by Groups=392,394,2
2. Production of Preserved and Processed Fishery Commodities by Month 1995=394,396,6
3. Value of Processed Fishery Commodities by Province and Groups 1995=398,400,2
Ⅷ. Exports of Fishery Products=400,402,1
1. Exports of Fishery Products to Major Countries by Commodity Groups =400,402,4
2. Exports of Fishery Products by Year and Commodity Groups=404,406,1
Ⅰ. Index=407,409,1
1. Producer Price Index=407,409,2
2. Index Numbers of Price of Farm Products Received Farmers by Commodity Group=409,411,1
3. Index Number of Price, Wage and Charge in Rural Areas=410,412,2
4. Farmers Purchase Price Index by Commodity Group=410,412,2
5. Index Numbers of Agricultural Forestry & Fishery Production=412,414,12
Ⅱ. Price of Commodities in Rural Area=424,426,1
1. Prices of Farm Products Received by Farmers=424,426,4
2. Prices of Farm Supplies Paid by Farmer=428,430,2
3. Prices of Household Goods Paid by Farmers=430,432,4
Ⅲ. Value of Production=434,436,1
1. Value of Agricultural, Forestry & Fishery Products(Current Market Prices)=434,436,20
2. Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity=454,456,4
3. Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity=458,460,4
4. Value Added in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries=462,464,4
Ⅳ. International Statistics=466,468,1
1. Agricultural Production Index of Major Countries=466,468,2
2. Food Stuffs Production Index of Major Countries=468,470,2
3. Agricultural Production of Major Countries(1994)=470,472,2
4. Number of Livestock of Major Countries(1994)=472,474,2
5. Fish Catches by Countries and Year=474,476,2
Ⅴ. Others=476,478,1
1. Conversion Table of Weight and Measures=476,478,2
2. Conversion Table of Grain by Volume and Weight=478,480,2