제1절 서론 10
제2절 결정론적 안전규제 관점 12
2.1. 보수적 해석 방법론 12
2.2. 최적 해석 방법론 13
2.3. 전통적인 결정론적 관점에서의 발전소 안전해석 13
2.4. 결정론적 안전규제 관점에서의 안전여유도 특성 16
2.4.1. Fuel safety criteria (First barrier) 20 Fuel safety Criteria for Events Categories 1 and 2 20 Fuel Safety Criteria for Events of Category 3 21 Fuel Safety Criteria for Events of Category 4 21 Particular Aspects in Fuel Safety Criteria Application 22
2.4.2. Primary Circuit Criteria(Second Barrier) 23
2.4.3. Containment Criteria(Third Barrier) 23
제3절 확률론적 안전규제 관점 23
3.1. 확률론적 안전규제 관점에서의 안전여유도 특성 26
제4절 Integrated Risk and Safety Margin(IRSM) 관점의 안전규제 26
4.1. 위험도공간(Risk space) 27
4.2. 초과빈도(Exceedance frequency) 29
4.2.1. 사고경위 해석 방법 31 Very conservative method 31 Best estimate bounding method 32 Realistic conservative method 33 Best estimate plus uncertainties(BEPU) method 33
4.2.2. 불확실도 정량화 35 불확실도의 분류 35 불확실성의 분리 37
4.3. 결말(Consequence) 39
4.4. 일반안전여유도(generalized safety margin) 40
4.5. IRSM 관점의 안전규제 체계에서의 안전여유도 적용 42
4.5.1. 손상여유도(margin to damage) 개념 43
4.5.2. 협의의 안전여유도 44
4.5.3. IRSM 관점의 안전규제 체계에서의 활용 46
제5절 결론 48
References 51
Table 1: French classification of initiating events by its frequency of occurrence 18
Table 2: Frequencies of Loss of function for the representative reactor 48
Table 3: Data used to calculate the change in expected frequency of core damage before and after the modification 49
Figure 1: Various definitions of safety margins 14
Figure 2: Contributor to global plant margins 19
Figure 3: Design basis(licensing) approach vs. PSA approach 25
Figure 4: Schematic representation of multiple barriers containing the fuel and fission products 40
Figure 5: Computing the likelihood of failure of the nth barrier 42
Figure 6: Probability density functions for load and strength (for high reliability case) 43
Figure 7: Probability density functions for load and strength (for low reliability case) 44
Figure 8: Setting the safety limit for a specific safety variable 45
Figure 9: Setting the safety limit for a specific safety variable 46
Figure 10: Calculating the conditional probability of exceedance in an event sequence 46
Figure 11: Risk space of a representative reactor 48
Figure 12: Reduced risk space for the example safety inquiry 49