List of Figures=viii
List of Tables=ix
An Introduction to the Decline: Unfulfilled Promise or Inefficient Path?=1
1. Reconversion: Confirming the Inter-War Course, 1945-1950=13
2. Corporate Structure and Management Strategy: Decision-Making and Path Dependence, 1945-1968=34
3. British Leyland and Chrysler UK: Lock-In, Path Overlap, and Dysfunction, 1968-1977=91
4. The Final Stage in the Indigenous Development Path: British Leyland under Edwardes, 1977-1979=135
5. Design and Development: The Practical Men and the Myth of Engineering Excellence=155
6. British Production Methods: The Evolution of Flexibility and the Failure of Fordism=181
7. Distribution Structures: Dealers, Agents, and Self-Interest=243
8. Domestic and Export Markets: Demand, Differentiation, and Product Characteristics=280
9. Product Quality and Reliability: The Silver British Lemon=327
10. U-Turn, New Path, or Market Failure? Transforming BL into Rover, 1979-1994=360
Select Bibliography=414
2.1. Production volume of British car manufacturers, 1950-1951=44
2.2. Annual operating profits, BMC, 1957/8-1966/7=46
2.3. Annual car production, 1955-1960, and percentage of total output, 1955 and 1960=51
2.4. Return on capital employed, average capital employed per vehicle, and new profit margins, 1955-1960=51
2.5. Ordinary dividends and earnings per share of the British-owned car manufacturers, 1959/60-1963/4=54
2.6. Cash flow of the British-owned volume car manufacturers, 1959/60-1963/4=54
2.7. Standard-Triumph production forecasts, 1958 and 1960=67
3.1. Annual total output and pre-tax profits, British car manufacturers, 1967/8-1976/7=110
3.2. Company domestic market shares and net profits after tax 1969/70-1978/9=122
6.1. The productivity of the British, German, and US motor industries, 1935-1976=198
6.2. Return on average capital employed, German and British manufacturers, 1955/6-1962/3=198
6.3. Increase in net assets of British motor manufacturers, 1947-1956, and value of net assets, 1956=200
6.4. Percentage earned per ordinary share, 1959/60-1963/4=207
6.5. Annual passenger-car output, productivity, and net profit of BMC, 1957/8-1966/7=207
6.6. 'Official' strikes in the British motor industry, and days lost, 1955-1970=211
6.7. Average weekly earnings of adult male manual workers in the British motor industry, 1963-1970=214
6.8. Average hours wotked weekly by adult male manual workers in the British motor industry, 1963-1970=214
6.9. Causes of 'unofficial' strikes in the British motor industry, 1959-1960=215
6.10. Productivity and profitability, Rover P6 (2000), 1965/6-1971/2=221
6.11. Productivity at British Leyland Cars, 1974-1977=229
6.12. Off-standard indicators in assembly of Land Rover, Range Rover, and Rover SDI, 1977-1978=232
6.13. BLMC annual engine output and model utilization by type, 1968-1979=239
7.1. Domestic main dealers, dealers, and sales per dealer, 1961=247
7.2. Distribution structure members in the British market, by type, 1961=247
8.1. New registrations in British market by engine capacity, 1961-1965=290
8.2. New registrations by engine capacity in British market, 1966-1973=290
8.3. Top five market segments according to new registrations of engine capacity, 1966 and 1973=290
8.4. Annual new growth in home-market new registrations, 1950-1956=302
8.5. Changes in credit, purchase tax rates, and domestic and export annual sales, 1954-1975=303
8.6. Annual change in domestic sales, 1960/1-1974/5=304
8.7. Destination of British new car exports, 1946-1973=312
8.8. Destination of British new car exports, 1974-1981=321
10.1. Annual production of Rover models and British car manufacturers, 1982-1991=381
10.2. British market shares of selected manufacturers, 1979-1980, 1985-1994=384