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도서 앰블럼

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검색결과 (전체 1건)


중앙정부와 지방정부간 사무배분의 문제점과 개선방안/ 정회동 인기도
광주: 조선대학교 대학원, 2003.8
TM 350.0073 ㅈ349ㅈ
iii, 77 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 조선대학교 대학원, 행정학, 2003.8





제1장 서론 10

제1절 연구의 목적 10

제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 13

제2장 사무배분에 관한 이론 14

제1절 지방자치와 사무배분 14

1. 기능과 사무 14

2. 사무배분의 개념 15

제2절 사무배분의 원칙과 기준 24

1. 사무배분의 원칙 24

2. 사무배분의 기준 27

제3절 사무배분의 변수와 방식 29

1. 사무배분의 변수 29

2. 행정사무의 배분방식 32

제3장 중앙정부와 지방정부간의 사무배분 35

제1절 사무배분 실태 37

1. 중앙정부와 지방정부간의 사무배분 실태 37

2. 기능별 사무배분실태 40

3. 정책부문별 사무배분 41

제2절 중앙정부와 지방정부의 사무수행실태 44

1. 중앙정부수행 44

2. 지방정부수행 44

제4장 사무배분의 문제점 및 개선방안 47

제1절 법규 및 제도상의 문제점 47

1. 법규상의 문제점 47

2. 제도상의 문제점 51

제2절 사무배분의 개선방안 55

1. 법규상 개선방안 55

2. 제도운영상 개선방안 62

3. 특별행정기관의 사무이관추진 69

4. 중앙행정기능의 지방이양 72

제5장 결론 77

제1절 연구결과의 요약 77

제2절 연구의 시사점 79

참고문헌 81

〈표 2-1〉주요 국가의 사무배분원칙 26

〈표 3-1〉국가와지방자치단체간 사무수행실태 37

〈표 3-2〉지방자치단체의 기능별사무실태 39

〈표 3-3〉지방정부정책선호 연구결과 39

〈표 3-4〉중앙 · 지방사무의 기능별분포 41

〈표 3-5〉정책부문별 사무배분 42

〈표 3-6〉보성군2001세출예산 구성비 43

〈표 3-7〉환경규제기능의 배분 45

〈표 3-8〉자치단체별사무배분실태 46

〈표 4-1〉광역·기초간의 단위사무 기능별, 성질별 중복배분실태 51

〈표 4-2〉광역자치단체와 기초자치단체의 행정적 특징비교 63

〈표 4-3〉사무의 성질별분류 64

〈표 4-4〉정부기능의 이론적배분 68

〈표 4-5〉특별행정기관의 증가추세 71

〈그림 2-1〉지방자치단체의 사무유형 17

초록보기 더보기

With a local election in 1995 as a turning point, efforts and results for developing and taking root of a local self-governing system have been expressed everywhere. Among others the most important field is the matter of functional distribution between the central government and the local government. It is rational that the administrative services which the central government can perform more efficiently and effectively should be done by the central government, and the local government performs practical administrative services linked directly with residents' life. To do this, many laws and administrative systems need to be improved. The matter of functional distribution is not realized only by the effort and intent of both central and local government. When laws are established and revised within the system of that country's administrative systems, actual results could be achieved. In other words, it should be distributed and fulfilled on the basis of the process of performance or the scope of results in every administrative class.

While an administrative function placed stress on the principle of functional distribution until tile 1990s, in these modem days, it is impossible to perform in one administrative unit alone due to highly qualitative specialization. Thus it is desirable to use the term, 'standard' rather than the technical term, 'principle', and to study systematically in every field such as self-governing organization, self-governing finance, self-governing personnel, etc. by defining local administrative function as multivocal and broad.

Most local governments used to perform the part of the central government's or the superior local government's functions restrictedly and dependently by concrete authorization in the idea of vertical system. But the modem local governments perform all functions to attain certain means, methods, objectives, and results and decide their kind and scope of performance, depending on procedures or mobilized resources they use.

Since the functional distribution system between the central government and the local government has operated dually, it is difficult to distribute functions organizationally. Furthermore there is no concrete standards of functional distribution, To resolve this problem, we need to legislate a functional classification systematically and concretely with its focus on functions required to perform in each administrative unit. Its details need to be enacted as 『the Package Law of Local Transfer of Functional Distribution Rules』 in order io coincide in both authority and responsibility. In particular, we need general approach, which includes the improvement of administrative system, standards, methods, and procedures to abolish agency commission functions. Because this study had difficulties in proposing alternatives or approaching theories, it leaves something to be desired. Further study must make more effort to present new alternatives of functional distribution between the central government and the local government.


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