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검색결과 (전체 1건)


영어의 PRO에 관한 연구 : 초기변형문법에서 최소주의까지 / 임재용 인기도
대전 : 충남대학교 대학원, 2004.2
TM 425 ㅇ995ㅇ
89 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 충남대학교 대학원, 영어학, 2004.2




1. 서론 7

2. 초기변형문법에서의 동일명사구삭제 9

2.1. 변형규칙의 유형 9

2.2. 동사의 유형별 동일명사구삭제의 적용 14

2.2.1. Prefer, Force, Believe의 특성 14

2.2.2. 동사의 유형과 삭제규칙 22

2.3. 동일명사구삭제의 문제점 27

3. 지배-결속이론에서의 PRO 29

3.1. PRO설정의 의미적 근거 29

3.2. PRO설정의 구조적 근거 32

3.3. 결속이론적 해결 방안과 문제점 36

3.4. 통제이론적 해결 방안과 문제점 56

4. 최소주의 이론 틀 속에서의 PRO 69

4.1. 최소주의에서의 기본개념 69

4.2. 격 점검 76

4.3. 격점검을 통한 PRO의 해결 방안 82

5. 결론 87

참고문헌 89


초록보기 더보기

In the development of transformational grammar, this paper is on one of the most important discoveries, a covert NP called PRO. In this thesis, I am trying to survey the methods and problems following the great turning point of the transformational grammar which Chomsky continually updates.

The second chapter demonstrates the early transformational grammar called Standard Theory. That is the manner of the subcategorization of verbs. In the Standard Theory, the Equi-NP deletion of deletion rules is used to explaining the phenomena of some specific structures. This method can explain the problems that Structuralism could not solve. In spite of such a strong point, this approach cannot explain the reason why children can acquire those rules in period of language acquisition according to 'strict cyclicity'.

In the third chapter, I examine principle-and-parameter approaches in the frame of Government and Binding Theory. In this period, two streams are outstanding. Some scholars, like Manzini, made efforts to solve the empty pronoun, PRO, with Binding Theory. Other scholars, like Chomsky, tried to get the answer with Control Theory. This thesis briefly shows two opinions of theirs, and the problems of each theory. When we consider Control Theory as the operation for the syntactical readings of PRO, we know that the theory itself overburdens the GB framework.

The fourth chapter examines the new trend of Minimalism Theory, which has been making a progress from the nineties to the present time. Minimalism is a project which is being examined by syntacticians around the world. Because this approach is purely syntactic, they think that they can solve the problems of PRO structurally. In other words, they suppose that PRO has null Case with Case relation, so they can get the additional effect that is absorbed in the universal principles, The Case relation is explained in Spec-head relation.

Finally, I want to show that basic problems still remain in spite of a lot of great efforts by scholars. In terms of this position, some scholars like Hornstein(2001) look upon PRO as a trace of NP movement. I think that more efforts to solve the problems are needed in the future.


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