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검색결과 (전체 1건)


영양보충용식품에 함유된 비타민 B_12_의 저장안정성 / 김미숙 인기도
서울 : 숙명여자대학교 대학원, 2005.2
TM 641.1 ㄱ634ㅇ
x, 81 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 숙명여자대학교 대학원, 식품영양학, 2005.2




국문요약 12

Ⅰ. 서론 14

Ⅱ. 실험재료 및 방법 20

1. 실험재료 20

2. 실험방법 20

가. 저장조건 20

나. pH 및 aw 측정 21

다. 미생물을 이용한 비타민 B12 함량측정 21

(1) 미생물 구입 및 배양 21

(2) 미생물 접종 21

(3) 비타민 B12 정량 22

(가) 표준검량곡선 작성 22

(나) 시료 전처리 22

(다) 비타민 B12 함량측정 23

라. HPLC를 이용한 비타민 B12 함량측정 23

(1) 표준검량곡선 작성 23

(2) 시료 전처리 및 HPLC 기기 작동조건 25

마. Kinetic model approach 25

(1) 비타민 B12 감소율 상수 산출 25

(2) 저장온도의 영향 27

바. 통계처리 28

Ⅲ. 실험결과 및 고찰 29

1. 실험재료 29

2. pH 및 aw 측정 29

(1) 저장 전 영양보충용식품의 pH, aw 측정 29

(2) 저장 후의 pH, aw 측정 33

3. 비타민 B12 함량측정 33

가. 미생물학정 방법에 의한 저장 전 비타민 B12 함량 33

(1) 미생물 생장곡선 작성 33

(2) 표준검량곡선 작성 35

(3) 비타민 B12 함량 측정 35

나. HPLC 방법에 의한 비타민 B12 함량측정 35

(1) 표준검량곡선 작성 35

(2) 비타민 B12 함량 측정 40

다. 미생물학적 방법과 HPLC 방법 비교 40

4. 저장조건에 따른 비타민 B12 함량측정 40

5. Kinetic model approach를 통한 data 분석 53

가. 비타민 B12 감소율 상수(k) 53

나. 저장조건과 비타민 B12 감소율 상수와의 관계 53

(1) 제품 형태에 의한 영향 61

(2) 빛에 의한 영향 61

(3) 저장온도에 의한 영향 61

(4) 반감기 산출 68

(5) 저장온도의 효과-활성화 에너지 및 Q10 값 68

다. 유효기간 산출 75

Ⅳ. 결론 83

Ⅴ. 참고문헌 85


Table 1. HPLC operation condition for determining vitamin B12 content 26

Table 2. Information of purchased dietary supplements 30

Table 3. Determination of pH in dietary supplements before and after 18-week storage 31

Table 4. Determination of aw in dietary supplements before and after 18-week storage 32

Table 5. Vitamin B12 contents by microbiological assay 37

Table 6. Comparison of vitamin B12 contents between microbiolgical assay and HPLC method 41

Table 7. Residual contents of vitamin B12 during storage at 4℃ without light 43

Table 8. Residual contents of vitamin B12 during storage at 4℃ with light 44

Table 9. Residual contents of vitamin B12 during storage at 25℃ without light 45

Table 10. Residual contents of vitamin B12 during storage at 25℃ with light 46

Table 11. Residual contents of vitamin B12 during storage at 35℃ without light 47

Table 12. Residual contents of vitamin B12 during storage at 35℃ with light 48

Table 13. Residual contents of vitamin B12 during storage at 45℃ without light 49

Table 14. Residual contents of vitamin B12 during storage at 45℃ with light 50

Table 15. Residual contents of vitamin B12 during storage at 55℃ without light 51

Table 16. Residual contents of vitamin B12 during storage at 55℃ with light 52

Table 17. Vitamin B12 reduction rate constants during storage conditions without light 59

Table 18. Vitamin B12 reduction rate constants during storage conditions with light 60

Table 19. ANOVA table of vitamin B12 reduction rate constant 62

Table 20. Comparison of vitamin B12 reduction rate constant among different product types 65

Table 21. Influence of light existence on vitamin B12 reduction rate constant 66

Table 22. Influence of storage temperature on vitamin B12 reduction rate constant 69

Table 23. Calculation of half-life and activation energy in tablet type 70

Table 24. Calculation of half-life and activation energy in chewable type 71

Table 25. Calculation of half-life and activation energy in liquid type 72

Table 26. Calculation of half-life and activation energy in powder type 73

Table 27. Comparison of Q10 values among product types under storage conditions without light 76

Table 28. Comparison of Q10 values among product types under storage conditions with light 77

Table 29. Estimation of shelf-life period during storage at 4℃ 80

Table 30. Estimation of shelf-life period during storage at 25℃ 81

Table 31. Estimation of shelf-life period during storage at 35℃ 82

Figure 1. Flow chart for microbiological vitamin B12 analysis 24

Figure 2. Growth curve of Lactobacillus leichmannii 34

Figure 3. Typical standard curve of vitamin B12 from Lactobacillus leichmannii 36

Figure 4. Comparison of declared and initially determined amounts of vitamin B12 in dietary supplements 38

Figure 5. Typical standard curve of vitamin B12 of HPLC method 39

Figure 6. Relationship between microbiological assay and HPLC method of vitamin B12 analyses 42

Figure 7. Semi-logarithmic plot of residual vitamin B12 content in dietary supplement, products TA and CA during storage without light 54

Figure 8. Semi-logarithmic plot of residual vitamin B12 content in dietary supplement, products LB and PC during storage without light 55

Figure 9. Semi-logarithmic plot of residual vitamin B12 content in dietary supplement, products TA and CA during storage with light 56

Figure 10. Semi-logarithmic plot of residual vitamin B12 content in dietary supplement, products LB and PC during storage with light 58

Figure 11. Vitamin B12 reduction rate constants in dietary supplements of tablet type and chewable tablet type 63

Figure 12. Vitamin B12 reduction rate constants in dietary supplements of liquid type and powder type 64

Figure 13. Effect of storage temperature on vitamin B12 reduction rate constant of dietary supplements without light and with light 67

Figure 14. Arrhenius plot of vitamin B12 reduction rate constant in dietary supplement, product LB 74

Figure 15. Calculation of shelf life preiod from semi-logarithmic plot of residual vitamin B12 constant during storage at 4℃ without light in porduct LB 78


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