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도서 앰블럼

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검색결과 (전체 1건)


팔당호 전이대의 조류발생이 호심부 수질에 미치는 영향 / 윤성규 인기도
서울 : 한양대학교 산업경영대학원, 2007.2
TM 628.112 ㅇ479ㅍ
xi, 88 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 한양대학교 산업경영대학원, 환경공학, 2007.2




국문요지 12

제1장 서론 15

제2장 조사지 개황 16

1. 대상지역 선정 16

2. 조사지의 특성 18

2-1. 유역개황 18

2-2. 팔당호 형상 20

제3장 연구방법 22

1. 기상 및 수문 22

2. 유량 및 수질 조사 23

3. 수질모델링 25

3-1. 모델의 선정 25

3-2. 모형 네트워크 28

3-2-1. 하천 네트워크 28

3-2-2. 호수 네트워크 31

3-3. 확산계수 산정 32

3-4. 모델의 검정 34

제4장 결과 및 고찰 35

제1절 수리ㆍ수문 35

1. 팔당호의 물수지 35

2. 전이대의 수리특성 42

제2절 수질 및 식물플랑크톤 44

1. 오염부하 특성 44

2. 본류의 수질변동 46

3. 식물플랑크톤 동태 49

제3절 결정론적 수질모델링 49

1. 하천수질모델링 49

1-1. QUALKO의 보정과 검증 49

1-2. 결과 요약 54

2. 호소 수질모델링 54

2-1. EUTRO5 주요 입력인자 54

2-2. 보정 및 검증 59

2-3. 결과 요약 62

제4절 경험론적 수질모델 63

1. 호소 물질수지의 기본개념 63

2. Phosphorus 64

3. Nitrogen 71

4. Chlorophyll a 73

5. CODMn 77

6. BOD5 79

7. 경험식의 보정된 반응계수 81

8. 결과 요약 82

제5절 전이대의 수질영향 분석 82

1. 남한강 하류부 82

2. 호심대 86

제5장 결론 89

References 90

Abstract 93

Appendix 95

Appendix 1. Location and GPS coordinates of sampling sites(공 등, 2005). 95

Appendix 2. Hydraulic coefficients(공 등, 2005) calculated from HEC-RAS at each reach of Namhan River. 96

Appendix 3. Calibration(공 등, 2005)and verification of QUALKO model in Namhan River (Left : calibration at Apr.~June, 2005 ; Right : verification at Mar.~June, 2006). 97

감사의 글 101

Table 1. Watershed formation of Lake Paldang. 18

Table 2. Discharge load of total phosphorus from each watershed. 20

Table 3. Formation of Lake Paldang. 21

Table 4. Monthly mean inflow of each stream in Lake Paldang during 1974~2005. 38

Table 5. Inflow change(CMS) of Namhan River in Lake Paldang by the construction of Chungju dam. 39

Table 6. Model efficiency(E ) test to water quality items of QUALKO model(Appendix 3). 50

Table 7. Dimensions of segments in EUTRO5 model of Lake Paldang. 55

Table 8. Dispersion coefficients in EUTRO5 model of Lake Paldang. 56

Table 9. Calibrated rate constants and stoichiometric values in EUTRO5 model. 57

Table 10. Annual mean T-P concentration of inflow and outflow, hydraulic residence time and lumped parameter in Lake Paldang(Figure : relationship between conc. ratio and residence time). 65

Table 11. Calibrated parameters at empirical models in Lake Paldang. 81

Table 12. BOD5 and CODMn concentrations at the downstream of Namhan River according to each load condition at the low flow season. 84

Table 13. Effect of transitional zone(TZ) to water quality of Lake Paldang at the low flow season. 87

Fig. 1. Variation of Chl.a and BOD5 concentration according to the flow levels in Lake Paldang during 2000~2005.


Fig. 2. Correlationship between organic materials and Chl.a at the downstream of Namhan River during 2000~2005. 17

Fig. 3. Streams and watersheds of the survey area. 19

Fig. 4. Survey area and sampling sites. 24

Fig. 5. QUAL2E state variable interactions. 26

Fig. 6. QUALKO state variable interactions(from Kong et al., 1999). 27

Fig. 7. Elements and input-output network of QUALKO. 29

Fig. 8. Segmentation of WASP5 and water sampling sites in Lake Paldang. 31

Fig. 9. Relationship between monthly summated precipitation(mm) and mean flow(Q, m /s) at Kyeongan stream. 36

Fig. 10. Monthly mean inflow of each stream into Lake Paldang. 37

Fig. 11. Moving annual average of total stream inflow in Lake Paldang. 37

Fig. 12. The monthly inflow ratio of

Pukhan River to Namhan River in Lake Paldang. 40

Fig. 13. Moving annual average of the inflow ratio of Pukhan River to Namhan River in Lake Paldang. 41

Fig. 14. Change of outflow from Hwacheon dam. 41

Fig. 15. Lateral cross-section morphology of Namhan River(공 등, 2005) 42

Fig. 16. Conductivity distribution in Namhan River and Lake Paldang(Dec. 2004). 43

Fig. 17. Inflow rates of branch streams in Namhan River at the low flow season in 2005. 44

Fig. 18. T-P concentrations of branch streams in Namhan River at the low flow season in 2005. 45

Fig. 19. T-P delivery loads of branch streams in Namhan River at the low flow season in 2005. 45

Fig. 20. Chlorophyll a concentration in Namhan River in 2005/2006. 46

Fig. 21. BOD5 and CODMn concentration in Namhan River(Top : 2005, Bottom : 2006). 47

Fig. 22. Seasonal changes of Cyclotella in the Transitional zone of Namhan River(Top : 2005, Bottom : 2006). 48

Fig. 23. Soluble reactive phosphorus concentration at the low flow season in Namhan River. 51

Fig. 24. Variation of TN/TP ratio at the low flow season in Namhan River. 52

Fig. 25. Calibration and verification of T-P in Lake Paldang (Left : calibration, Right : verification). 59

Fig. 26. Calibration and verification of T-N in Lake Paldang (Left : calibration, Right : verification). 60

Fig. 27. Calibration and verification of Chl.a in Lake Paldang (Left : calibration, Right : verification). 60

Fig. 28. Calibration and verification of BOD5 in Lake Paldang (Left : calibration, Right : verification). 61

Fig. 29. Calibration and verification of CODMn in Lake Paldang (Left : calibration, Right : verification). 62

Fig. 30. Estimation of net settling velocity of total phosphorus in Lake Paldang (Left : annual level, Right : low flow level). 67

Fig. 31. Simple total phosphorus budget model in Lake Paldang (Top : annual level, Bottom : low flow level). 69

Fig. 32. Output of empirical total phosphorus model in Lake Paldang (Top : annual level, Bottom : low flow level). 70

Fig. 33. Output of empirical total nitrogen model in Lake Paldang (Top : annual level, Bottom : low flow level). 72

Fig. 34. Output of empirical Chl.a model in Lake Paldang (Top : annual level, Bottom : low flow level). 76

Fig. 35. Output of empirical CODMn model in Lake Paldang (Top : annual level, Bottom : low flow level). 78

Fig. 36. Output of empirical BOD5 model in Lake Paldang. (Top : annual level, Bottom : low flow level). 80

Fig. 37. BOD5 and CODMn concentrations according to each load condition in Namhan River at the low flow season (Top : 2005, Bottom : 2006). 83

Fig. 38. Contribution by each factor to BOD5 and CODMn concentrations at the downstream of Namhan River. 86

Fig. 39. Percentage contribution of the algal production in the transitional zone(TZ) to BOD5 and CODMn concentrations at Paldang damsite at the low flow season. 88


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