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검색결과 (전체 1건)


무부자 쌍끌이 중층트롤 어구 어법의 개발 / 유제범 인기도
부산 : 부경대학교 대학원, 2007.2
TD 639.2 ㅇ434ㅁ
xvi, 127 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 부경대학교 대학원, 수산물리학, 2007.2




Abstract 14

제1장 서론 20

1.1. 연구배경과 목적 20

1.2. 연구사례 25

1.3. 연구의 개요 27

제2장 현용 쌍끌이 중층망의 전개성능 29

2.1. 재료 및 방법 30

2.1.1. 모형어구 30

2.1.2. 실험수조 및 장치 36

2.1.3. 실험방법 38

2.2. 결과 및 고찰 41

2.2.1. 유체저항 41

2.2.2. 망고 및 망폭 44

2.2.3. 망구면적 및 여과량 45

2.2.4. 뜸의 부력에 따른 전개성능 47

가. 유체저항 47

나. 망고 및 망폭 49

2.3. 요약 52

제3장 無浮子 쌍끌이 중층망의 전개성능 54

3.1. 재료 및 방법 56

3.1.1. 모형어구 및 실험장치 56

3.1.2. 실험방법 58

3.1.3. 아래끌줄 길이에 따른 망고전개의 원리 60

3.2. 결과 및 고찰 61

3.2.1. 아래끌줄의 길이(dL)에 따른 전개성능 61

3.2.2. Front weight의 무게에 따른 전개성능 74

3.2.3. Wing-end weight의 무게에 따른 전개성능 81

3.3. 요약 89

제4장 카이트를 부착한 無浮子 쌍끌이 중층망의 전개성능 93

4.1. 재료 및 방법 95

4.1.1. 모형어구 95

4.1.2. 카이트의 제작 97

4.1.3. 실험수조 및 장치 100

4.1.4. 실험방법 101

4.2. 결과 및 고찰 103

4.2.1. 카이트의 면적에 따른 전개성능 103

4.2.2. Wing-end weight의 무게에 따른 전개성능 111

4.2.3. Front weight의 무게에 따른 전개성능 117

4.2.4. 아래끌줄의 길이(dL)에 따른 전개성능 125

4.3. 요약 131

제5장 종합고찰 133

참고문헌 140

감사의 글 145

Table 2-1. Value of k and n as a function of hydrodynamic resistance according to the buoyance in case of Fig.2-10 48

Table 3-1. Value of k and n as a function of hydrodynamic resistance according to dL in case of Fig. 3-3 62

Table 3-2. Value of xand y of the experimental formula (3-1) in case of Fig.3-5 67

Table 3-3. Value of k and n as a function of hydrodynamic resistance according to the front weight in case of Fig. 3-12 75

Table 3-4. Value of k and n asa function of hydrodynamic resistance according to the wing-end weight in case of Fig. 3-17 82

Table 4-1. Value of k and n asa function of hydrodynamic resistance according to the kite area in case of Fig. 4-6 107

Fig. 2-1. Drawing of the full-scale midwater pair trawl(MAT. : materal, PA : polyamide, PE : polyethylene). 32

Fig. 2-2. Schematic arrangement of head rope(a), ground rope (b) and net pendant (c) of the full scale midwater pair trawl. 33

Fig. 2-3. Drawing of the model midwater pair trawl. 34

Fig. 2-4. Schematic arrangement of head rope(a), ground rope(b) and net pendant(c) of the model midwater pair trawl(F. W : front weight) 35

Fig. 2-5. Schematic drawing of the circulation water channel. 37

Fig. 2-6. Schematic drawing of the experimental equipments(a, b : observation point of net height and width) 37

Fig. 2-7. Relationship between hydrodynamic resistance and flow speed in the commercial midwater pair trawl. 43

Fig. 2-8. Change of the net height and width according to the flow speed in the commercial midwater pair trawl. 45

Fig. 2-9. Change of the mouth area and filtering volume according to the flow speed in the commercial midwater pairt rawl. 46

Fig. 2-10. Relationship between hydrodynamic resistance and flow speed according to the buoyance in the commercial midwater pair trawl. 49

Fig. 2-11. Change of net height and width according to the buoyance in the commercial midwater pair trawl. 51

Fig. 3-1. Schematic arrangement of head rope(a), ground rope(b) and net pendant(c) of the model midwater pair trawl(F. W : front weight, W. W : wing-end weight) 57

Fig. 3-2. Schematic diagram for opening effect of height in the non-float pair trawl. 61

Fig. 3-3. Relationship between hydrodynamic resistance and flow speed according to dL in the non-float midwater pair trawl 64

Fig. 3-4. Relationship between hydrodynamic resistance acting on the lower warp and flow speed according to dL in the non-float midwater pairt rawl. 64

Fig. 3-5. Relationship between net heightand flow speed according to the lower warp length in the non-float midwater pair trawl. 68

Fig. 3-6. Relationship between net height and dL according to the flow speed in the non-float midwater pair trawl. 69

Fig. 3-7. Relationship between netwidth and flow speed according to dL in the non-float midwater pairt rawl. 69

Fig. 3-8. Relationship between netwidth and dL according to the flow speed in the non-float midwater pair trawl. 70

Fig. 3-9. Relationship between netwidth and dL according to the flow speed in the non-float pair trawl at the observation point a . 71

Fig. 3-10. Relationship between mouth area and dL according to the flow speed in the non-float midwater pairt rawl. 73

Fig. 3-11. Relationship between filtering volume and dL according to the flow speed in the non-float midwater pair trawl 73

Fig. 3-12. Relationship between hydrodynamic resistance and flow speed according to the front weight in the non-float midwater pair trawl when dL is 30m. 75

Fig. 3-13. Relationship between net heightand flow speed according to the front weight in the non-float midwater pair trawl with dL of 30m. 77

Fig. 3-14. Relationship between netwidth and flow speed according to the front weight in the non-float pair trawl with dL of 30m. 78

Fig. 3-15. Relationship between mouth area and flow speedinthe non-float pair trawl according to the front weight when dL is 30m. 80

Fig. 3-16. Relationship between filtering volume and flow speedinthe non-float pair trawl according to the front weight when dL is 30m. 80

Fig. 3-17. Relationship between hydrodynamic resistance and flow speed according to thewing-end weight in the non-float midwater pair trawl when dL is 30m and the front weight is 1.40tons. 82

Fig. 3-18. Relationship between net heightand flow speed according to the wing-end weight in the non-float midwater pair trawl when dL is 30m and the front weight is 1.40tons. 84

Fig. 3-19. Relationship between netwidth and flow speed according to the wing-end weightin the non-float midwater pair trawl when dL is 30m and the front weight is 1.40tons. 85

Fig. 3-20. Relationship between mouth area and flow speed according to the wing-end weight in the non-float midwater pair trawl when dL is 30m and the front weight is 1.40tons. 87

Fig. 3-21. Relationship between filtering volume and flow speed according to the wing-end weight in the non-float midwater pair trawl when dL is 30m and the front weight is 1.40tons. 88

Fig. 4-1. Developed drawing of the model non-float midwater pair trawl(b~g : observation points in the netside shape). 95

Fig. 4-2. Schematic arrangement of head rope(a), groundrope(b) and net pendant(c) of the model non-float midwater pair trawl(F. W : front weight, W. W : wing-end weight). 96

Fig. 4-3. Structureof the kite(a) and its suspension in the head rope(b)(①~② : attached order of the kite in the model experiment, a : head rope, b : connection line, c : netting, d : kite, e : float). 99

Fig. 4-4. Schematic drawing of the experimental equipments(a~g : observation point in the net side shape). 100

Fig. 4-5. Working depth of the model midwater pair trawl(- : partof warpand pendent, ── : netpart, ―ㆍ― : setting depth of sward) 105

Fig. 4-6. Hydrodynamic resistance(a), netheight(b) and width(c) according to the kite area in the non-float midwater pair trawl with the kite when the front weight is 1.40tons, the wing-end weight is 1.11tons and dL is 30m. 109

Fig. 4-7. Working depth of the non-float midwater pair trawl with the 4kites according to the wing-end weight when the front weight is 1.40tons and dL is 30m 112

Fig. 4-8. Hydrodynamic resistance(a), net height(b) and net width(c) according to the wing-end weightin the non-float midwater pair trawl with the 4kites when the front weight is 1.40tons and dL is 30m. 115

Fig. 4-9. Working depth of the non-float midwaterpair trawl withthe 4kites according to the front weight when the wing-end weight is 0ton and dL is 30m 118

Fig. 4-10. Total hydrodynamic resistance of net(a) and tension acting on the lower warp(b) according to the front weight in the non-float midwater pair trawl with the 4kites when the wing-end weight is 0ton and dL is 30m. 122

Fig. 4-11. Net height(a) and width(b) according to the front weight in the non-float midwater pair trawl with the 4kites when the wing-end weight is 0ton and dL is 30m. 124

Fig. 4-12. Working depth of the non-float midwater pair trawl with the 4kites according to dL when the front weight is 1.40tons and the wing-end weight is 0ton at 4.0knots 126

Fig. 4-13. Opening efficiency according to dL in the non-float midwater pair trawl with the 4kite swhen the front weight is 1.40tons and the wing-end weight is 0ton at 4.0knots. 127

Fig. 4-14. Relationship between filtering volume and flow speed. 129

Fig. 4-15. Relationship between hydrodynamic resistance permouth area and flow speed in the non-float midwater pair trawl with the 4kites when dL is 30m and the wing-end weight is 0ton. 130

Photo. 1-1. Net drum in the commercial midwater pair trawler. 23

Photo. 1-2. Process of hauling in the commercial midwater pair trawler 24

Photo. 2-1. Side view (a) and upper view (b) of vertical circulation water channel. 36

Photo. 2-2. Observation of net height and width in the model net. 39


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