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검색결과 (전체 1건)


Toyota와 GM의 기업문화 비교연구 / 손원일 인기도
강릉 : 관동대학교 대학원, 2008.2
TD 382 -8-53
iv, 102 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 관동대학교 대학원, 무역학, 2008.2




I. 서론 8

1. 연구의 필요성과 목적 8

2. 연구내용과 방법 9

3. 연구의 의의와 한계 12

II. 기업문화와 기업성과 13

1. 기업문화의 정의 14

2. 기업문화의 기능 16

가. 로빈스(S. P. Robbins)의 연구 16

나. 샤인(E. H. Schein)의 연구 17

다. 세드(V. Sathe)의 연구 18

3. 기업문화와 기업성과와의 관계 20

4. 우수기업의 기업문화 26

가. 우수기업의 문화요소 26

나. 미국의 우수기업문화와 사례 27

다. 일본의 우수기업문화와 사례 39

III. Toyota와 GM의 기업문화 52

1. Toyota의 기업문화 52

가. 위기의식 공유경영 52

나. Toyota가의 구심력과 조정력 53

다. 인간중심 경영 54

라. 협력적인 노사관계 56

마. 기술 중심의 교육훈련 57

바. Toyota의 해외진출 전략 58

2. GM의 기업문화 60

가. 전문경영인 체제 60

나. 고객만족주의 61

다. 학습을 통한 지식경영 61

라. 다양성 존중 63

마. 개방적인 의사결정시스템 64

바. 글로벌화 65

IV. Toyota의 성공요인과 GM의 실패요인 68

1. Toyota의 성공요인 68

가. 위기의식과 비전의 공유 69

나. Toyota가와 최고경영자의 파트너 리더십 70

다. 인간중심의 경영과 협력적 노사관계 70

라. Toyota 생산 시스템과 현장중시의 경영 71

2. GM의 실패요인 72

가. 과다한 유산 비용 73

나. 소극적 투자 75

다. 제품 및 제조 경쟁력의 약화 76

라. 판매촉진 전략의 실패 77

마. 지나치게 많은 브랜드 78

바. 대립적 노사관계 78

사. CEO 리더십의 한계 79

아. 외부환경에 대처 미흡 80

3. Toyota의 성공요인과 GM의 실패요인 비교 86

4. 실패에 대한 GM의 대응방안 87

가. 브랜드 차별화 87

나. 조직의 슬림화와 원가절감 88

다. 성공에 안주하는 문화 쇄신 89

라. 고객의 수요를 반영한 안전한 제품 생산 90

V. 요약 및 결론 91

1. Toyota의 약진이 주는 교훈 94

2. GM의 실패가 주는 교훈 94

3. 한국기업에 주는 시사점 97

참고문헌 99


〈표 1〉 대표적 기업의 기업문화강도 21

〈표 2〉 강한 기업문화와 낮은 성과를 보인 기업들 22

〈표 3〉 기업문화와 환경의 적합도 23

〈표 4〉 리더십의 가치 24

〈표 5〉 고객, 주주, 종업원의 가치 25

〈표 6〉 일본, 미국, EU의 근속 연수(1992-2000) 42

〈표 7〉 GM의 종업원·퇴직자 의료비 지출 74

〈표 8〉 GM·Ford·Toyota의 퇴직자에 대한 의료비 (2004년) 74

〈표 9〉 GM과 Toyota의 연구개발비 비교 (2004년 기준) 75

〈표 10〉 자동차 회사별 대당 조립시간 비교 76

〈표 11〉 주요 업체의 품질지수 (2004년 상반기 북미시장) 76

〈표 12〉 GM과 Toyota의 중고차 가격추이 77

〈표 13〉 GM의 사업부문별 수익 추이 80

〈표 14〉 GM의 이자비용 추이 85

〈표 15〉 Toyota의 성공요인과 GM의 실패요인 비교 86

초록보기 더보기

What are the reasons of the current crisis of GM that was once the premier company in automobile manufacturing? In addition, what are the driving forces of Japanese companies taking a leap against the decade long slump? In this study, the desirable management models for Korean businesses will be presented by analyzing the reasons for the successful achievement of Toyota, which is the typical company of Japanese management style, and by analyzing the reasons for the current slump of GM, which is well known for the representative model of American management style.

"The Corporate Culture" is the customary and shared value among members, which functions as the standard or factors that have an influence on members' ideas, behaviors, and business performances. Researchers who study "Corporate Culture" say that the companies, which adapt themselves well to the environmental changes, tend to produce a creditable business achievement. A sense of crisis from executives makes employees united and plays an important role in laying the foundation for the powerful management.

The reason why employees in Toyota trust and follow "the Toyota- Family" stems from the admiration of the managers from "the Toyota-Family." The employees believe that the Toyota-Family managers, who have been well educated in proper ways since they were young, have the insight for the future. The mutual agreements between the managers and employees during the late few years, in which the employees consented to the suggestion of the "0%" raise of their salary, result from the idea that both of them shared a sense of crisis.

One of the merits of Toyota is that it has a clear vision for the future. The big difference from other companies lies in the fact that the goals of the group are viable and all the staffs are sharing them.

The values of Toyota are characterized by "the Human Respection Management" and by "Sharing the sense of Crisis Management." Toyota did not fire employees as part of their solution in reconstructing during the mid of 90s, when the bubble economy collapsed. These kinds of values led the employees to trust Toyota and played an pivotal role in making all the members strive to invent new models of cars and to launch strategies into a costly car market.

The company should have asked for the cooperation of the labor union so that the company can obtain the better partnership of management. On the contrary, the labor union should have closely cooperated with the company in order to guarantee their employment. In other words, both the company and the labor union made "the Positive Economic Circulation," in which the company guarantees the employment and the labor union contributes to the better management performance. Furthermore, there was no room for a strike for a wage increase.

The reason for the struggle of GM is due to the burden coming from legacy cost in management, and GM has a passive tendency in investing R&D than Toyota does. Besides, factories of GM had a lower manufacturing productivity and rate of improvement than other rivals did; in addition, the incentives that had been spent for the sale promotion became the burden of the increased costs in return, functioning as the fixed costs. In the relationship between employers and employees, the labor contract makes it impossible to dismiss employees or to reduce the number of factories without significant spending costs of GM. GM has been traditionally managed by CEOs who are charge of financial division, and the CEOs have preferred to make profits by a transaction such as M&A (Merger & Acquisition), rather than concentrating on the automobile-related businesses; therefore, the CEOs have made the company's potential ability of growth weakened as a result of the reduction of R&D during a economic slump. In addition, GM has yielded the precedence to Toyota in the filed of inventing vehicles for the era of high oil-prices, and it is one of the reasons of failure not to react elastically against a rise in the rate of interest.

The lessons from the success of Toyota include the following: First, it is required to make the harmony between employers and employees and the activities for improvement on the basis of trust. Second, it is needed not to reduce the number of employees in spite of the employment surpluses. Finally, the initiative of the CEO and the field-focused management should be considered.

The lessons from the failure of GM include the following: First, it is necessary to pursue the continuous changes and innovation without being content with the success. Second, leaders should be capable of protecting their own market, understanding the strategies and the movement of rivals. Lastly, it should be followed to read customers' thoughts and needs, and to reflect those to the management, keeping in continuous contact with the market and customers.

The success of Toyota and the failure of GM should be an example to acquire the continuous global competitive power. First, it should be considered that an aggressive management style of Japanese companies based on the increased profits and the reinforcement of the management quality are not the contemporary tendency, but the main flow. Second, it should be reflected to make a strategic choice considering the merits and demerits of both Korean and Japanese companies. Third, the "speedy" and "decisive" actions in making a decision, the most powerful factor, should be recommended. Fourth, "the aggressive protective strategies" are needed to prepare the intensification of competitions in an emerging market, where Korean companies have already preoccupied it. Fifth, it would have difficulty in competing with Japanese companies, if the companies only rely on the reinforcement of production technology and merchandising. Finally, it is necessary to focus on strengthening innovative ability, which enables companies to introduce new products and adopt technology of new concepts.


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