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검색결과 (전체 1건)


레지오 에밀리아 접근법과 레지오 에밀리아 교사교육에 대한 유아교사의 인식 및 현장 적용 실태 / 박영명 인기도
부산 : 경성대학교 교육대학원, 2008.8
TM 372.21 -8-654
iii, 91 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 경성대학교 교육대학원, 유아교육, 2008.8




I. 서론 7

1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 7

2. 연구문제 11

3. 용어의 정의 11

1) 레지오 에밀리아 접근법 11

2) 교사교육 12

3) 유아교사 12

4. 연구의 제한점 12

II. 이론적 배경 13

1. 레지오 에밀리아 접근법의 역사적 배경 13

2. 레지오 에밀리아 접근법의 철학적 배경 15

1) 듀이(Dewey) 15

2) 피아제(Piaget) 16

3) 브루너(Bruner) 16

4) 브론펜 브레너(Bronfenbrenner) 17

5) 비고스키(Vygotsky) 18

3. 레지오 에밀리아 접근법의 특성 19

1) 발현적 교육과정(Emergent Curriculum) 19

2) 학습을 위한 그리기(Drawing to learn) 19

3) 상징화 주기(Cycles of Symbolization) 21

4) 사회적 상호작용(Social Interaction) 23

5) 물리적 환경 24

6) 기록 작업(Documentation) 25

4. 레지오 에밀리아 접근법의 교사교육 26

III. 연구방법 30

1. 연구대상 30

2. 연구도구 30

3. 연구절차 32

1) 예비 조사 32

2) 본 조사 33

4. 자료 분석 33

IV. 결과 및 해석 34

1. 레지오 에밀리아 접근법에 대한 유아교사의 인식 34

1-1. 유아교사 변인에 따른 레지오 에밀리아 접근법에 대한 인식 38

2. 레지오 에밀리아 접근법의 교사교육에 대한 유아교사의 인식 39

2-1. 교사 변인에 따른 레지오 에밀리아 접근법의 교사교육에 대한 유아교사의 인식 47

3. 레지오 에밀리아 접근법의 현장 적용 실태 58

3-1. 교사 변인에 따른 레지오 에밀리아 접근법의 현장 적용 실태 58

V. 논의 및 결론 66

1. 논의 및 결론 66

2. 제언 74

참고문헌 76

Abstract 82

부록 87

〈표 III-1〉 연구대상의 일반적 특성 30

〈표 III-2〉 설문지의 문항 구성 31

〈표 IV-1〉 레지오 에밀리아 접근법에 관심을 갖게 된 동기 34

〈표 IV-2〉 레지오 에밀리아 접근법에 대한 교사들의 열의 35

〈표 IV-3〉 레지오 에밀리아 접근법에 대한 현장 적용 정도 35

〈표 IV-4〉 레지오 에밀리아 접근법에 대한 현장 적용 중점 36

〈표 IV-5〉 레지오 에밀리아 접근법 적용에 대한 장애요인 I : 환경 및 지원(빈도:%) 36

〈표 IV-6〉 레지오 에밀리아 접근법 적용에 대한 장애요인 II: 인식 및 기타(빈도:%) 37

〈표 IV-7〉 교사 학력에 따른 레지오 에밀리아 접근법에 대한 관심 동기의 차이 38

〈표 IV-8〉 교사교육 참여 동기 및 받는 목적에 대한 인식 40

〈표 IV-9〉 교사교육 내용에 대한 인식 41

〈표 IV-10〉 교사교육 방법에 대한 인식 42

〈표 IV-11〉 교사교육 이후 평가에 대한 인식 43

〈표 IV-12〉 교사교육 기관 및 시기에 대한 인식 44

〈표 IV-13〉 교사교육 강사에 대한 인식 46

〈표 IV-14〉 교사교육 문제점에 대한 인식 47

〈표 IV-15〉 학력에 따른 교사교육 참여 동기의 차이 48

〈표 IV-16〉 학력에 따른 레지오 에밀리아 교사교육 이수 목적에 대한 인식 49

〈표 IV-17〉 학력에 따른 교사교육 기간의 차이 50

〈표 IV-18〉 학력에 따른 교사들의 지속적 노력 방법의 차이 51

〈표 IV-19〉 학력에 따른 교사교육 이수 시간의 차이 52

〈표 IV-20〉 학력에 따른 교사교육 강사의 차이 53

〈표 IV-21〉 학력에 따른 주요 교육내용에 대한 교사 인식의 차이 54

〈표 IV-22〉 경력에 따른 레지오 에밀리아 교사교육 이수 기간의 차이 55

〈표 IV-23〉 경력에 따른 교사교육 이수 시간의 차이 56

〈표 IV-24〉 경력에 따른 교사교육 기관의 운영 방식에 대한 인식 차이 57

〈표 IV-25〉 레지오 에밀리아 접근법의 현장적용실태 58

〈표 IV-26〉 학력에 따른 현장 적용 실태 평정척도의 평균과 표준편차 59

〈표 IV-27〉 Scheffe 사후검증 62

〈표 IV-28〉 경력에 따른 현장 적용 실태 평정척도의 평균과 표준편차 63

〈표 IV-29〉 Scheffe 사후검증 65

초록보기 더보기

The purpose of this study was to survey the actual condition of application of Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood education and the recognition of kindergarten teachers about in-service education of Reggio Emilia Approach. It was analyzed by variables of teachers which are teachers' academic career and their teaching career. This study focused on verifying its application degree to Korean early childhood education and presenting the direction for kindergarten teacher's in-service education by investigating prominent characteristics of Reggio Emilia Approach: Emergent Curriculum, Documentation, Cycles of Symbolization, Drawing to learn. This study can provide a new guideline for in-service education of Reggio Emilia Approach for kindergarten teachers and it will help to settle a whole new system of teacher education which fits in Korean culture.

The research questions for the purpose of this study are as follows:

1. What aspects are shown in teachers' recognition of Reggio Emilia Approach?

1-1. Is there a significant difference in teachers' recognition of Reggio Emilia Approach?

2. What aspects are shown in recognition of in-service education of Reggio Emilia Approach to Early childhood Education.

2-1. Is there a significant difference in recognition of in-service education of Reggio Emilia Approach to Early childhood Education according to teachers' academic career and teaching career?

3. What aspects are shown in actual condition of applying Reggio Emilia Approach to Early childhood Education according to teachers' academic career and teaching career?

3-1. Is there a significant difference in actual condition of applying Reggio Emilia Approach to Early childhood Education according to teachers' academic career and teaching career?

The subjects in this study were 251 teachers of early childhood education and they are actually using Reggio Emilia Approach in their classes where are in Kyung-Nam area. The questionnaire were distributed 251 and answered 230. Only 215 out of them were actually analyzed by SPSS Win 12.0. The questionnaire was made by referring three researchs which were Eun-Sook, Lee(2001), Kyu-Eun, Lee(2002), Bo-Kyung, Choi(1999). It was modified considering the correspondence of the purpose of this study and used.

The results of this study are as follows:

First, it was discovered that inappropriate Physical Environment and lack of knowledge were recognized as obstacle of applying to actual situation. Almost all teachers had a great deal of enthusiasm whereas they had scanty knowledge of applying it. The problems were the shortage of teachers, pedagogists, time for supporting children and proper ratio of children per teacher. To solve these problems, it is necessary that enough number of teachers should work flexible hours. And also specialized pedagogists should be arranged for advising teachers. There were significant difference in motivation and positive change of teaching according to academic career. In other words, academic background is considered as an important factor of motivation and positive change of teaching. But there were no significant difference in these two area according to teaching career.

Second, it was dominant that the purpose of in-service education and the reason of participation was due to external factor. But the purpose was changed to get more knowledge of the approach during the education. The most desirable contents of Reggio Emilia Approach was Emergent Curriculum. And also Implementation, Documentation, and General Remarks were equally demanded as a high rate. It is needed that the overall knowledge and specific character of Reggio Emilia Approach should be reflected to current contents of education. 'During The Term' is cognized by teachers as the most adequate time for the in-service education. In the method of training, dynamic teaching method(simulation, using visual and auditory material) was preferred than static method(seminar or lecture). This tendency was because of intention for direct application from training to practice. The educational institutions were diverse, but the ratio of trainee per each institute was even. This means that there were no expert institutions of Reggio Emilia Approach in-service education. But the lecturers of Reggio Emilia Approach were qualified as a teacher of Reggio Emilia Approach and trainees recognized them high level of specialist in education. After the education, teachers tends to supplement it through the interaction among the colleagues. There were significant differences in the purpose of teacher training, the reason of participation according to academic career. The purpose of in-service education was for obtaining the knowledge of Reggio Emilia Approach in the highest academic career group. In the highest academic career group the reason of participation was more spontaneous than the lowest one. The training period was short in lower academic career group and it is the reason of partial or wrong application of the approach. For the steady efforts of education, most teachers in higher academic career group were trying to obtaining professional and objective knowledge rather than interaction with colleagues. In addition, there was significant difference in most desirable contents of the approach according to academic career. In the lowest two group, it was Emergent Curriculum, in the highest group, it was General Remarks of Reggio Emilia Approach. According to teaching career, the training period and time was long in higher teaching career group. The way of managing the educational institutions was recognized trainer-centered by lower teaching career group, whereas it is cognized trainee-centered by higher teaching career one. These results were due to practical application ability of higher teaching career group.

Third, it was the Documentation that was the highest score among six characteristics in applying Reggio Emilia Approach to the early childhood education, which means Documentation is the most practical using area. The order of scores except Documentation in applying this approach is Symbolization, Emergent Curriculum, Social Interaction, Physical Environment and Drawing to Learn. There was significant difference in Emergent Curriculum, Drawing to Learn, Cycles of Symbolization, Social Interaction according to academic career, which means that the higher academic career was, the higher score of these area was. But it was not high following teacher's teaching career except Social Interaction area. In other words, in the highest group of career the score of Cycles of Symbolization and Social Interaction was the highest. In the second highest group of teaching career the score of Drawing to Learn was the highest. In the lowest group of teaching career the score of Emergent Curriculum, Physical Environment, Documentation were the highest.


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