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검색결과 (전체 1건)


행동수정 프로그램 적용이 초등학생의 학습행동 변화에 미치는 효과 / 서경자 인기도
공주 : 공주대학교 교육대학원, 2008.8
TM 370.15 -8-455
iii, 81 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 공주대학교 교육대학원, 상담심리(교육대학원), 2008.8




I. 서론 7

1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 7

2. 연구문제 9

3. 용어의 정의 9

II. 이론적 배경 11

1. 행동수정 11

2. 학습행동 19

3. 학습부적응 행동의 개념과 특성 21

4. 행동수정프로그램과 학습행동의 변화 23

III. 가설 25

IV. 연구 방법 26

1. 연구 설계 26

2. 연구 대상 26

3. 실험처치 및 절차 28

1) 실험처치: 행동수정 프로그램 28

2) 실험절차 30

4. 측정도구 35

5. 자료수집 및 분석 35

V. 연구 결과 38

1. 아동 A의 주의산만 행동의 수정 38

2. 아동 B의 수업방해 행동의 수정 48

3. 아동 C의 과제불이행 행동의 수정 58

VI. 논의 및 결론 69

1. 요약 69

2. 논의 70

3. 결론 및 제언 72

참고 문헌 74


부록 79

1. 주의산만행동·수업방해 행동 행동수정을 위한 토큰지급계약 80

[표- 1] 주의산만, 수업방해 행동 행동수정을 위한 토큰지급계약서 80

2. 과제이행 관련 행동수정을 위한 토큰 지급계약 81

[표- 2] 과제이행관련 행동 관련 토큰지급 계약서 81

[표- 3] 주의산만행동 관찰 기록표 82

[표- 4] 수업방해 행동관찰 기록표 83

[표- 5] 과제 이행관련 성과측정기록표 84

3. 장난감 돈 (토큰) 제작의 예 85

4. 좋아하는 행동 사전 조사 86

5. 좋아하는 놀이 및 활동 87

〈표-1〉 연구대상 아동의 행동 특성 27

〈표-2〉 주의산만 행동의 수정 31

〈표-3〉 수업방해 행동의 수정 31

〈표-4〉 과제불이행 행동의 수정 32

〈표-5〉 행동수정 프로그램의 절차 33

〈표-6〉 행동 관찰 기록표 36

〈표-7〉 과제불이행 행동 성과측정 기록표 36

〈표-8〉 아동 A의 주의산만 행동의 관찰 결과 39

〈표-9〉 아동 B의 수업방해 행동 관찰 결과 49

〈표-10〉 아동 C의 과제불이행 행동 성과측정 결과 58

〈표-11〉 기간별 표정행동 비교 67

[그림 1] 연구 설계의 개요 26

[그림 2] 아동 A의 주의산만 행동의 변화 과정 38

[그림 3] 아동 B의 수업방해 행동의 변화 과정 48

[그림 4] 아동 C의 과제불이행 행동의 변화 과정 58

초록보기 더보기

This study was performed in order to find out the effects of behavior modification program on the primary school student's learning behavior. Based on theoretical backgrounds and previous researches, several problems as below were investigated in order to achieve the goal of this study.

1) Would the effects of modification program on the improvement of primary school children's concentration be?

2) Would the effects of modification program on the reduction of primary school children's class interrupting behavior be?

3) Would the effects of modification program on the reduction of primary school children's homework failing behavior be?

In order to investigate these problems, 3 children who were charged by researcher and fallen behind on their studies in Boryung city, Chungchungnam-do, were sampled, For observation method, using child behavior observation check sheet, researcher marked each frequencies of target actions, and Total 30 behaviors were checked.

For the validity of this experiment design, A-B-A-B matrix's reversal design among behavior meditation programs was used and set baseline I, prescription I, baseline II, prescription II and post assessment. The results of behavior changes were graphed on this paper.

Findings of this study were as below.

First, behavior modification program affected on the reduction of behaviors such as lacks and maladjustments in study attitude by stimulate them to do in which they are interested when target behavior, disruptive action, is shown less than specific rate. Average frequency of disruptive action rate (4.13%) during prescription I is remarkably low compared to baseline I (7.8%). Also from the fact that the frequency of disruptive behavior during prescription I(3.38%) is remarkably low compared to prescription I (0.75%), it can be assumed that corrected behavior is reduced more faster than before, if related student is revealed in the similar environment.

Second, behavior modification program effected on the reduction of behaviors such as lacks and maladjustments in study attitude by enforcing token when class interruption behavior, target action, is shown under specific rate for special class student(Klinefelter's syndrome).

Average class interruption behavior rate per a day during baseline I(7.4%) was remarkable low compared to prescription I(5.0%) and frequency of distraction in study during prescription II(4.3%) was also lower than prescription I(0.7).

Finally, behavior modification program effected on the reduction of reason regarding to poor progress in study and homework non-fulfillments by applying behavior correction method such as token enforcement and behavior reward time out for target action, homework non-fulfillments. Moreover student C enjoyed than others and also was full of learning will the most.

Student C, who used to suffer poor performance due to homework non-fulfillment during baseline I (86.68%), remarkably got reduced into 41.65% during prescription I, token enforcement period and also during prescription II (33.33%), it was lower than prescription I (53.35%). During post assessment period, after 2 weeks later, homework non-fulfillment rated 41.65, which is slightly higher than prescription II.

This study found out that behavior modification program token reinforcement, behavior rewards and time-out method applied to 3 target students, effected into primary school student's concentration improvement, class interruption reduction and homework non-fulfillment reduction. Also confirmed that children's favorite and the most effective method was token enforcement, which dramatically help study intention. Behavior reward and timeout effected into reduction of distraction behavior and lacks in study attitude although has lower response than token enforcement.


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