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검색결과 (전체 1건)


시화호 내·외측 퇴적물 및 수층에 존재하는 지속성독성물질의 분포특성 = Distribution characteristics of persistent toxic substances in surface sediments and water column of Lake Shihwa, Korea / 이성규 인기도
서울 : 한양대학교 대학원, 2010.2
TM 551.46 -10-5
vii, 93 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 한양대학교 대학원, 해양환경과학, 2010.2. 지도교수: 신경훈


Title Page



Chapter 1. Introduction 12

Chapter 2. Materials and Methods 15

2.1. Sampling sites and sample collection 15

2.2. Chemicals and regents 17

2.3. Chemical analysis 19

2.4. GC/MSD analysis 21

2.5. GC/ECD analysis 24

2.6. Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) 25

2.7. Total organic carbon (TOC) analysis 28

Chapter 3. Results and discussion 29

3.1. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) 29

3.1.1. PAHs in the coastal regions of Kyeonggi Bay, Korea 29

3.1.2. PAHs in sediment from the Lake Shihwa 45

3.2. Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides 58

3.2.1. PCBs and OCPs in the coastal regions 58

3.2.2. PCBs and OCPs in sediment from the Lake Shihwa 76

Chapter 4. Conclusion 89

Reference 91

Abstract (in Korean) 101

연구 윤리 서약서 103

Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research 104

Table 1. Target compounds and their monitored ions for SIM mode. 23

Table 2. The PAHs results of certified reference materials (SRM 1941b) analysis (n=7) in comparison with the certified values (ng g-¹ dw) 26

Table 3. The PCBs and OCPs results of certified reference materials (SRM 1941b) analysis (n=7) in comparison with the certified values (ng g-¹ dw) 27

Table 4. Concentrations of individual PAH compound and selected PAH ratios 31

Table 5. Concentrations of individual PAH compound and selected PAH ratios. 47

Table 6. Comparison of sediment PAH concentrations (ng g-¹ dw) measured in this study with those in other regions from Korea. 57

Table 7. Concentrations of PCBs in the sediment, SPM and dissolved phase in surface water from coastal region of the Kyeonggi Bay. 60

Table 8. Concentration of organochlorine pesticides in sediment and SPM and dissolved phase in surface water. 71

Table 9. Concentrations of PCBs in the sediment from the inner and outer regions of the Kyeonggi Bay (ng g-¹ dw). 77

Table 10. Concentrations of OCPs in the sediment from the inner and outer regions of the Kyeonggi Bay (ng g-¹ dw). 83

Fig. 1. Sampling locations in the Kyeonggi Bay, Korea. 15

Fig. 2. GC oven temperature programs and GC/MS operating conditions for PAHs. 21

Fig. 3. GC oven temperature programs and GC/ECD operating conditions for PCBs and OCPs. 24

Fig. 4. PAH (2-6 rings) distribution patterns in sediment, dissolved phase and SPM. 36

Fig. 5. The percentages of high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) PAH values in sediment, dissolved phase and SPM. 37

Fig. 6. Plot of selected PAH ratios, including: Phe/Ant vs. Flu/Pyr and IcdP/IcdP+BghiP vs. Fl/Fl+Pyr. P; petroleum, PC; petroleum combustion, C; combustion of coal, grasses and wood. 40

Fig. 7. Relationship between total PAH concentration and TOC in sediments from the coastal region of Kyeonggi Bay, Korea. 42

Fig. 8. PCA loading plot of dissolved phase, SPM and sediments from coastal areas of Kyeonggi Bay, Korea. 43

Fig. 9. PAH (2-6 rings) distribution patterns in sediment. 50

Fig. 10. The percentages of HMW and LMW PAH values in sediment. 51

Fig. 11. Plot of selected PAH ratios, including: Phe/Ant vs. Flu/Pyr and IcdP/IcdP+BghiP vs. Fl/Fl+Pyr. P; petroleum, PC; petroleum combustion, C; combustion of coal, grasses and wood. 53

Fig. 12. Relationship between total PAH concentration and TOC in sediments from the inner region of Lake Shihwa, Korea. 54

Fig. 13. Relationship between total PAH concentration and TOC in sediments from the outer region of Lake Shihwa, Korea. 55

Fig. 14. Comparison of PAH levels with previous study in Lake Shihwa. We were compared PAH levels (fluoranthene + pyrene) with previous study in Lake Shihwa (Khim et al., 1999) (Fig. 14). PAH levels were slightly higher in this study than before 10 years study. 56

Fig. 15. Composition of PCB congeners in sediment, SPM and dissolved phase in surface water from the coastal area of Kyeonggi Bay, Korea. 64

Fig. 16. Relationship between total PCBs concentration and TOC in sediments from the coastal regions of Kyeonggi Bay, Korea. 65

Fig. 17. PCA score plot for composition of PCB congeners in dissolved phase, SPM and sediments from coastal areas of Kyeonggi Bay. 66

Fig. 18. Composition of DDT compounds in sediments, SPM and dissolved phase in the water from coastal area of Kyeonggi Bay, Korea. 69

Fig. 19. Relative compositions of DDT and its metabolites (DDD and DDE). 70

Fig. 20. PCA score plot for composition of PCB congeners. PC 1 and PC 2 accounted for 97% and 25%, respectively. Congener specific concentrations were normalized with total concentrations at each site. 79

Fig. 21. Composition of PCB congeners in sediments from inner and outer regions of Lake Shihwa, Korea. 81

Fig. 22. Comparison of PCB levels with previous study in Lake Shihwa. 82

Fig. 23. Comparison of DDT and HCH levels with previous study in Lake Shihwa. 88


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