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검색결과 (전체 1건)


평창동계올림픽 유치활동 분석 및 유치전략 / 한철수 인기도
춘천 : 한림대학교 경영대학원, 2011.2
TM 658 -11-235
68 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 한림대학교 경영대학원, 경영학, 2011.2. 지도교수: 이종석




I. 서론 5

1. 연구의 필요성 5

2. 연구의 목적과 방법 7

II. 2010·2014 동계올림픽 유치활동 분석 8

1. 동계올림픽 개최지역에 대한 기본전략 분석 8

2. 대회운영을 위한 소요예산 분석 10

3. 유치활동을 위한 유치위원회의 조직 분석 11

4. 유치활동에 소요된 예산 분석 20

5. IOC 총회에서의 약속에 따른 드림프로그램 추진현황 21

6. 국제대회 유치 및 개최 현황 26

III. 후보도시들에 대한 비교와 실패원인 분석 28

1. 후보도시들에 대한 비교 28

2. 여론조사 결과의 변화 33

3. 2010·2014 동계올림픽 개최지 결정에 대한 결과 34

4. 2010·2014 동계올림픽 유치실패 원인 종합분석 35

IV. 2018동계올림픽 유치전략 기초 37

1. 공식후보도시에 대한 IOC 위원들의 시각 분석 37

2. 두 번의 유치실패를 통해 본 유치전략의 기초 40

3. 2018동계올림픽 유치성공을 위한 전략 접근방법 41

V. 2018평창동계올림픽 유치를 위한 전략 43

1. 새로운 트랜드(Trend)와 동계올림픽의 융합 필요성 43

2. 문화마케팅 전략을 통한 동계올림픽의 가치 변화 모색 46

3. IOC 위원들의 표심을 얻기 위한 활동 주체별 전략 50

4. 최종 프레젠테이션을 통한 낙점 전략 52

5. 프레젠테이션 종료 후 최종 IOC 위원 설득 전략 56

V. 결론 58

[참고문헌] 62

올림픽대회 유치희망도시에 적용되는 행동규정 64


(표 1) 사무처 인력 13

(표 2) 사무처 인력 17

(표 3) 유치위원회 사무처 인력 18

(표 4) 2018 동계올림픽유치지원단 지원인력(강원도청) 18

(표 5) 국·도비 지원 및 집행내역 20

(표 6) 후원금 수입 및 지출내역 20

(표 7) 드림프로그램 운영 현황 22

(표 8) 드림프로그램 참가자 중 국제대회 출전선수 현황 25

(표 9) 동계 국제대회 유치·개최 현황 26

(표 10) 2010동계올림픽 경쟁도시별 장·단점 28

(표 11) 2014동계올림픽 후보도시 비교 29

(표 12) 신청도시파일 비교 30

(표 13) IOC의 후보도시 평가점수 31

(표 14) 2010 및 2014 동계올림픽 투표결과 34

(표 15) IOC위원 국가별 현황 -112명 38

(표 16) 역대 올림픽대회 개최지 현황 55

(그림 1) 2010동계올림픽유치위원회 : 2001. 3. 26 ~ 2002. 10. 20 12

(그림 2) 「IOC 현지실사」 이전기구 :2002. 10. 21 - 2003. 3. 31 12

(그림 3) 「IOC 현지실사」 이후기구 : 2003. 3. 31 - 2003. 7. 31 13

(그림 4) 2014동계올림픽유치위원회 구성 : 2005. 3. 31 - 5. 19 14

(그림 5) 공식후보도시 선정 이전 : 2005. 5. 20 - 2006. 7. 23 15

(그림 6) 공식후보도시 선정 이후 : 2006. 7. 24 - 2007. 1. 1 15

(그림 7) 「IOC 현지실사」 이전 : 2007. 1. 2 - 3. 14 16

(그림 8) 「IOC 현지실사」 이후 : 2007. 3. 15 - 7. 31 16

(그림 8) 유치위원회 기구 : 1총장, 1특보, 4처, 2실·관, 8부, 16팀, 69명 17

(그림 9) 2018 동계올림픽유치지원단(강원도청) 18

초록보기 더보기

In Korea, great efforts are currently placed to host international games and events not only by the Korean government, but also by the local governments. As an example of such phenomenon, the government had attempted to host the Olympics a while ago, which eventually ended in failure. Furthermore, Pyeongchang had attempted, but failed, to host the 2010 and 2014 Winter Olympics.

The purpose of this study is to provide the theoretical background in providing measures for successfully hosting international competitions. In order to achieve such purpose, this study analyzes the hosting activities of the 2010 and 2014 Winter Olympics. Furthermore, comprehensive analysis on the cause of hosting failure is achieved through external comparison and results regarding formal candidate cities.

Analysis is achieved through recomposition based on evidence data such as internal data of Gangwon-do, which was at the center of the hosting activities at the time, and the data submitted by the Winter Olympics Hosting Committee to Gangwon-do Parliament. Furthermore, articles that were reported in main newspapers and local newspapers are bound into small groups to be organized into consistent content.

Next, this study analyzes the basis of strategy for hosting the 2018 Winter Olympics at Pyeongchang. What do the IOC members and authorities of international sports want? What is the direction for Winter Olympics, and how should it be progressed? It is essential to ask such questions and seek answers to them.

Although the native language of Austria is German, most of the Austrian people cheered for Korea rather than Germany during the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup. This implies that IOC members of the same region may support different aspects due to national or individual interests. Thus, disposition analysis and customized strategy regarding IOC members should be achieved through diverse examination on surroundings, such as historical relations.

On the other hand, authorities of international sports regard Winter Olympics to be held in the dimension of a city, rather than nation. Also, they do not consider wholehearted support of government or people or results on due diligence to be the absolute decisive factors in making the final decision. As it was observed from the 2014 Winter Olympics hosting process, Putin's process on due diligence and presentation event can be regarded to have played a large role for Sochi, Russia. Therefore, the hosting decision of Winter Olympics is not achieved by a particular factor, but rather is accomplished by gaining the votes of IOC members through the combination of various factors.

Furthermore, the negative perspective that Korea is excessively monopolizing international competitions should be converted to the positive perspective that this is due to the fact that Korea's ability in hosting international competitions is worldly recognized. Also, through the 2 cases of failures in the past, it should be known that international competitions cannot be held only based on objective and reasonable reasons.

Strategy should be provided based on the results gained through such basic analysis on hosting strategy. Approach toward IOC members should be diversified in aspects of time or method. Moreover, strategies considering the distinct characteristics of IOC members are required to be created. It should be understood that great effects can be derived from giving presentations that can persuade many IOC members gathered in IOC general assembly. Lastly, one must impress the IOC members by presenting the image of striving to do one's best until the very last moment of leaving the general assembly to vote.

This research aims to study the strategies that can justify the support for 'Pyeongchang' to IOC members.


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