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검색결과 (전체 1건)


지역방송 선거보도의 특성에 관한 연구 : 2010년 6·2 지방선거에 대한 보도를 중심으로 / 이승기 인기도
광주 : 광주대학교 언론홍보대학원, 2011.2
TM 070.4 -11-4
viii, 53 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 광주대학교 언론홍보대학원, 언론학, 2011.2. 지도교수: 류한호





제1장 서론 12

제1절 연구의 목적 12

제2절 연구문제 13

제3절 연구범위와 연구방법 14

제4절 논문의 구성 15

제2장 이론적 배경 16

제1절 선거보도에 관한 이론적 논의 16

1. 선거와 언론의 역할 16

2. 선거보도의 원칙 18

3. 선거방송 구성 과정 21

제2절 지역방송 선거보도에 관한 이론적 논의 23

1. 선거보도의 문제점 23

2. 지역방송의 선거보도에 관한 연구성과 분석 26

제3장 지역방송의 지방선거 보도실태 분석 32

제1절 분석방법 32

제2절 선거방송보도 분석 34

1. 편성시간 대비 실제 보도시간 34

2. 보도주제 35

3. 기사유형 36

4. 방송사별 톱뉴스 비중 39

5. 선거방송 항목별 분석 40

제3절 2010 지방선거보도 분석결과 논의 51

1. 2010년 지방선거방송에 관한 분석결과 논의 51

2. 선거방송 개선방안 53

제4장 결론 58

제1절 연구결과의 요약 58

제2절 연구의 한계와 제언 60

참고문헌 62

〈표 1〉 선거보도 메시지 구성 과정 22

〈표 2〉 선거 쟁점보도의 분류와 보도의 중요도 28

〈표 3〉 편성시간과 실제 보도시간 34

〈표 4〉 지방선거기간 중 방송사별 뉴스 보도주제 35

〈표 5〉 보도주제별 기사유형 37

〈표 6〉 보도주제와 방송사별 기사유형 38

〈표 7〉 방송사별 톱뉴스 40

〈표 8〉 방송사간 선거종류별 보도량 비교 41

〈표 9〉 방송사별 선거보도 핵심주제 43

〈표 10〉 방송사별 보도의 관점평가 45

〈표 11〉 선거종류에 따른 보도관점평가 46

〈표 12〉 방송사별 보도의 갈등성 47

〈표 13〉 선거종류에 따른 보도의 갈등성 48

〈표 14〉 방송사별 쟁점의 강도경향 49

〈표 15〉 기존 저널리즘의 선거보도와 시민저널리즘 선거보도의 비교 55

초록보기 더보기

The era of media politics refers to the phenomena that the politics including elections, political activities, public opinion and others are closely related to and influenced by the practice of media.

The coverage of media play an important part in political election. Historically, the election coverage of media have shown many kinds of problems. Especially, it doesn't paid attention to the politics of political parties and the candidates. So, voters have disappointed to the election coverage of media. Such phenomena appeared more strongly in the local election, because of the center oriented political culture and political system.

This study intends to study the characteristics of media coverage during the local election campaign period in 2010. The research questions of this study are as follows.

Research question 1. What is the general characteristics of election coverage of local media?

Research question 2. What are the characteristics of election coverage of local media on the June 2 local election in 2010?

Research question 3 What kinds of problems are appeared in the election coverage of local media and which measure can be proposed to improve those problems?

The subjects of this study are the news programs of 3 local television broadcasting companies, KBS, MBC, KBC in GwangJu. The period of analysis was 13 days of the official campaign period (2010. 5. 20∼2010. 6. 1), from the candidate registration to the day before the election day. The data were collected through the VOD service from the internet sites of main evening news of each broadcasting companies.

The analysis showed the current status of local broadcastings in Gwangju on the local election as follows.

The main news of 3 broadcasting companies in Gwangju for the period of the local election reveals that the news topics accounted for more than half. Second, The Gwangju MBC made much more report news than KBS Gwangju, KBC Gwangju. On the other hand, KBS Gwangju and KBS Gwangju gave much more weight to the straight news than Gwangju MBC. To sum up, it was shown that while Gwangju MBC relatively heavily dealt with in-depth news in the election coverage, and KBS Gwangju heavily dealt with relatively superficially.

Third, the news covering main issues and arguments, election law violation, election-related complaints, illegal election practices don't show notable differences between the three broadcasting stations. For news related the aftermath of the election, impact, future prospects and so on, all the three broadcastings showed low attentions. And the three broadcastings didn't remarkably dealt with the overview and comparison of main policies of each party, and biography and evaluation of candidates. The proportion of news items related to such topics were only very low, not more than 5% of total election coverage.

In conclusion, the local broadcasting stations, KBS Gwangju and Gwangju MBC, KBC Gwangju failed to cover, compare and analyze the main policies of parties and candidates. It means they failed to play their role in transfer useful information related to policies and candidates to voters.

In recent years, many researchers and media professionals have emphasized the right to know of voters, in-depth reporting in the election coverage, and the civil participation in the coverage of media. The trends of public journalism and citizen journalism can be useful idea and practice to meet the goal of worthwhile and valuable election coverage.

What is the feature on contents of the report related to 6.13 regional election of 3 broadcasting companies in Busan area.

In order to get answer of the above Subject for Study, I have looked around through an analysis of the content with a subject to analysis from the news reports of the three (3) news and TV broadcasting companies, such as KBS, MBC, PSB in Busan area. As a results of the analysis, the following results are drawn.

First, since the composition time is reduced due to habitual practice of the report in centering of the center area by the national event that is the World Cup Games and it does not reach to the previous election on its whole reporting numbers and the numbers in report related to the regional election and we would say that our regional broadcasting companies have the more lower concerns to the regional reports. To have concerns reporting on the regional election is to really have a reason of the existence for the regional press. However, the regional broadcast shall not carry out well their functions and roles as a provider of information.

Second, the regional broadcasting companies have carried out a lot in numbers, on the report for the regional election than that of the World Cup Game, however, in value of the news, it was a reporting type to give a more high value to the World Cup Game rather than the regional election even if it is the period of the regional election period. However, ratio for the report news comes appearance higher than the strait news that cannot help putting the superficial report compared with the other reports, and it will be positive to intend to put the more deep contents.

Third, at the 6.13 regional election, the regional broadcasting companies have reported in concentration only for election on the chief, metropolitan city group as if it were an election for a chief, metropolitan city group. Accordingly, the eligible voter's concerns to the election for the chief of the foundational group and election on assemblies of the metropolitan and foundational group are more possible to be fallen down.

Fourth, the cored main subject for the report of the regional election is the electioneering tour relating report, such as report for candidate's movement around the electioneering and political offense and defense surrounded the special agenda were handled, and in the viewpoints of the report, the sneer theory for election pointed at the various election report till now and the negative contents to be planted disgust have exceeded more than the half.

The trouble-oriented reports are occurred so much higher than the harmony-oriented and therefore, it shows that there are troubles or composition of confrontation among candidates. Even if the horse-race type report is decreased than the previous election, instead of that, the negative sides, such as disclosure of scandal, mutual slander, among the candidates and unconcerns of election are comparatively raised up.

Fifth, the point at issue that most reported in election for chief, metropolitan city appears the public promise for the policy, such as "Economic/traffic and get encouraged to induce to the political public pledge and object, however, it had stopped to level to be compared and arranged in a row from their political public pledge and object of each candidate or political party. Otherwise, the negative sides, such as "morality, the stop of concealed rumor, falsehood and fabrication and revelation & complaint, offense and defense of the candidates" are so much, that it appears to shows the muddy aspects.

Sixth, It will promote unconcerns for the regional election to the eligible voters and there so may expressions to blow up the negative recognition and cynicism for election. There occurs so may words used the negative words, such as the offense and defense, Busan crash, all-out war, slander war, taking the initiative and dispatch of troops in the titles of the election reports.

Seventh, at the features in each broadcasting company, it shows 1st rank in the words of the top news ratio of World Cup Report, neutral reporting, morality, economics and traffics, public promise for policies in KBS, Busan, and shows 1st rank, for actual reporting hours and numbers of total reports, reports of the World Cup Game, straight news, positive news, "economics and traffics and public promise for policies in Busan MBC. PSB Busan Broadcasting company puts 1st rank for ratio of the regional election news and reporting news of regional news, top news ratio of the regional election, negative news, the stop of concealed rumor, falsehood and fabrication, revelation & complaint, offense and defense. The differences among each company are slight in general, and it showed almost no differences with a level to be a meaningless in strategy.


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