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검색결과 (전체 1건)


한·중 근대 저항시 비교연구 / 董佳 인기도
대전 : 충남대학교 대학원, 2011.2
TD 811 -11-8
ii, 233 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 충남대학교 대학원, 현대문학, 2011.2. 지도교수: 손종호




I. 서론 6

1. 연구의 목적 6

2. 연구사 검토 12

3. 연구의 방법과 범위 16

II. 한·중 근대 저항시의 특성 19

1. 한·중 근대문학의 기점 19

2. 한·중 근대 저항시의 개념과 범위 25

III. 한·중 근대 저항시가의 유형별 고찰 35

1. 한국 개화기 가사의 전개와 저항의식 35

1) 반봉건의 평등사상과 민족자주의식 36

2) 망국현상의 폭로와 도의(道義)의 혁신 47

3) 국권수호의 창의(倡議)와 무력항쟁의식 56

2. 중국 근대전환기 시가의 전개와 저항의식 68

1) 반봉건의식과 반전통의 지향 69

2) 투쟁의 선동과 계급혁명의식 89

3) 대중화의 추구와 거족적 항전의식 100

3. 한·중 근대 저항시가의 저항의식 비교 118

IV. 한·중 근대 대표시인의 저항시 고찰 123

1. 일제 강점기 한국 근대 대표시인의 저항의식 124

1) 한용운의 조국애와 카프파의 무산계급혁명의식 125

2) 이상화의 국권상실의 고통과 심훈의 광복의 열망 140

3) 이육사의 초절의 의지와 윤동주의 비극적 자아성찰 153

2. 격변기 중국 근대 대표시인의 저항의식 170

1) 곽말약의 민족의식의 각성과 혁명정신 171

2) 애청의 국난 위기의식과 신생의 동경 188

3) 장극가의 민중과의 동일성 지향과 투쟁의식 203

3. 한·중 근대 저항시의 주제의식 비교 218

V. 결론 223

VI. 참고문헌 227

Abstract 236

초록보기 더보기

This study is aimed to compare the characteristics of resistance poetry written in modern times of the two countries of Korea and China.

The fact that Korea and China are geographically adjacent and historical relationship leads to result that the two countries have deep affluences upon each other and are tightly related in the fields of politics, economics and culture as well. Especially during the modern times, the two countries both had been invaded by foreign countries that they share the same historical background. On the other hand, because of their particular cultural roots different characteristics were shown in the form of poetry.

Resistance poetry was a literal expression born because of not willing to yield by some force and insisting on resisting against it. In this study, analysis on modern poetries was based on American 'contrast'. In the 2nd part, the definitions and coverages of resistance poetries of Korea and China were listed respectively. The 3rd, 4th parts gave a 'textural' analysis on the different types of anti-feudalism, anti-invasion poeties between the two countries by means of contrast. Korean early modern resistance poetries used a early form of poem called 'geci' to express dissatisfaction about the feudal government of the country and willingness for revolution while in the later modern times resentment toward invasion of foreign forces and longing for liberation was expressed. Chinese resistance poetries had developed from colloquial poems in the early modern times to political lyric poems and then progressively to highly classed feature-length sarcastic poems with the contents of resisting feudal government of their home country and the autocracy of Kuomitang, and also resisting foreign forces, especially invasion of Japan. Through analysis beyond, conclusion was made that both likenesses and differences exist between Korean and Chinese modern resistance poetries.

The likenesses of the poetries of two countries can be summarized in 3 witch is as below. firstly, in the manner of form there was the combination of inherence and coming-from-outside; secondly, in the manner of content, there was the theme on anti-feudalism and anti-invaison; thirdly, in the manner of function, they were both equipment fighting for freedom.

And the differences include two sides one of which is that the consciousness of Korean poetries was mostly internalized while in Chinese poetries it was strongly defiant and the other side is that as a manner of creation Korean poetries mostly included metaphor and symbol that shew strong artistry while Chinese poetries were shorter, direct which had a strong function of enlightenment.

Through analysis on the resistance poetries between Korea and China, one can see that under the similar historical environment the people of the two countries, especially the educated ones had made usage of the form of poetry to express dissatisfaction toward feudal force inside there own countries and resistance against foreign invasion and the iron will of two people had finally led to true independence.


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