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검색결과 (전체 1건)


유리 온실과 플라스틱필름 온실 간 환경 요인 및 파프리카 생육의 차이 / 정석기 인기도
익산 : 원광대학교 대학원, 2011.2
TD 635 -11-27
x, 86 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 원광대학교 대학원, 원예학, 2011.2. 지도교수: 배종향




Abstract 10

서언 13

연구사 16

1. 온실 피복재에 따른 환경 및 작물 생육 17

2. 파프리카 생육 및 생산성에 대한 환경의 영향 19

재료 및 방법 24

결과 및 고찰 27

1. 온실 내부 환경 요인 차이 27

가. 지상부 환경 요인 차이 27

나. 지하부 환경 요인 차이 35

2. 두 온실 간 파프리카 생육 및 생산량 차이 49

가. 두 온실 간 잎의 생육 차이 49

나. 두 온실 간 줄기, 과실 생장 및 생산량 차이 56

다. 두 온실의 생육 특성 간 상관성 60

3. 두 온실 간 파프리카 생육 및 생산량에 대한 환경 요인 65

가. 두 온실 간 파프리카 생육 특성에 대한 환경 요인의 영향력 차이 65

나. 두 온실 간 파프리카 생산량에 대한 환경 요인의 영향력 차이 73

적요 84

1. 두 온실 간 내부 환경 요인 차이 84

2. 두 온실 간 파프리카 생육 및 생산량 차이 85

3. 파프리카 생육 및 생산성에 대한 환경 요인 영향 85

인용문헌 86

Table1. Information on cultural management and yield of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 25

Table 2. Correlation among 16 factors of aerial and underground part from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 40

Table 3. Weekly growth characteristics of leaf on the 6th node from stem-end from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 50

Table 4. Weekly stem diameter, fruit diameter, and yield per week from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 57

Table 5. Correlation coefficients among weekly growth characteristics from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 62

Table 6. Correlation coefficients between growth characteristics and environmental factors from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 66

Fig. 1. Change of hourly increased temperature for three hours after sunrise on May in glass and plasticfilm house. 28

Fig. 2. Change of hourly decreased temperature for three hours before sundown on May in glass and plasticfilm house. 29

Fig. 3. Change of hourly decreased temperature for three hours and after sunrise and before sundown from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 30

Fig. 4. Weekly change of temperature factors from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 31

Fig. 5. Weekly change of daily humidity deficit from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 33

Fig. 6. Weekly change of daily amounts of applied CO₂ from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 34

Fig. 7. Weekly change of daily amounts of applied nutrient solution and the uptaken percentage from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 36

Fig. 8. Weekly change of pH and EC of rockwool substrates from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 37

Fig. 9. Weekly change of increased pH and EC of rockwool substrates by pH and EC of applied nutrient solution from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 38

Fig. 10. Effects of solar radiation on uptaken percentage of applied nutrient solution from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 42

Fig. 11. Effects of solar radiation on daytime temperature and difference between daytime and nighttime temperature from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 43

Fig. 12. Effects of solar radiation on daytime humidity deficit and difference daytime and nighttime humidity deficit from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 45

Fig. 13. Effects of temperature factors on uptaken percentage of applied nutrient solution from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 46

Fig. 14. Effects of daytime temperatures on difference daytime and nighttime temperature from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 47

Fig. 15. Effects of temperatures factors on difference daytime and nighttime humidity deficit from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 48

Fig. 16. Weekly change of chlorophyll contents and area of leaf on the 6th node from stem-top from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. Bars represents Mean ± SD (n=12). 51

Fig. 17. Weekly change of fresh weight and dry matter of leaf on the 6th node from stem-top from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. Bars represents Mean ± SD (n=12). 52

Fig. 18. Weekly change of respiration rate and maximum photosynthesis rate of leaf on the 6th node from stem-top from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. Bars... 54

Fig. 19. Weekly change of light use efficiency of leaf on the 6th node from stem-top from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. Bars represents Mean ± SD (n=3). 55

Fig. 20. Weekly change of stem and fruit diameter from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 58

Fig. 21. Weekly change of fruit yield from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 59

Fig. 22. Weekly accumulative yield from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 61

Fig. 23. Effects of leaf area and dry matter on fruit diameter from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 64

Fig. 24. Effects of temperatures factors on leaf temperature from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 67

Fig. 25. Effects of leaf temperature on respiration rate from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 68

Fig. 26. Effects of light use efficiency on leaf dry matter from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 70

Fig. 27. Effects of nighttime temperature on leaf area from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 71

Fig. 28. Effects of nighttime humidity deficit on fruit diameter from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 72

Fig. 29. Change of fruit yield depending on accumulative amount of solar radiation from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 74

Fig. 30. Change of fruit yield depending on accumulative amount of daily temperature and difference between daytime and nighttime temperature from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and... 75

Fig. 31. Change of fruit diameter and yield depending on accumulative amount of leaf temperature from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 77

Fig. 32. Change of fruit yield depending on accumulative amount of humidity deficit from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 78

Fig. 33. Change of fruit yield depending on accumulative amount of CO₂ application from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 79

Fig. 34. Change of stem and fruit diameter, yield depending on accumulative amount of percentage of uptaken nutrient solution from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 80

Fig. 35. Change of stem and fruit diameter, yield depending on accumulative amount of chlorophyll contents from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and plasticfilm house. 82

Fig. 36. Change of percentage of leaf dry matter and fruit yield depending on accumulative amount of applied CO₂ and dry matter ratio of leaf from 16th week to 27th week after planting of sweet pepper in glass and... 83

초록보기 더보기

본 연구는 파프리카의 생산성 증대와 수출 물량의 안전한 확보를 위한 기초자료를 마련하고자 전북 김제에서 파프리카를 재배하고 있는 유리 및 플라스틱필름 온실을 대상으로 2009년 4월 5일부터 6월 28일(정식 후 16-27주)까지 내부 환경 및 이에 따른 생육 및 생산성 차이를 알아보고자 수행하였다.

1. 두 온실 간 내부 환경 요인 차이

일출 직후 3시간 동안 시간당 온실 내부의 상승 온도는 플라스틱필름 온실에서 2배나 높았으나, 일몰 직전 3시간 동안에는 두 온실에서 유사한 수준이었다. 일평균온도, 주야간온도차, 일평균수분부족분 등은 유리 온실에서 낮았고 그 편차도 작았다. 단위면적당 CO₂ 공급량도 유리 온실에서 1.5배나 많았다. 단위면적당 배양액 공급량은 유리 온실에서 36% 정도 적었으나 작물로의 배양액 흡수율은 큰 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 암면 배지의 pH 및 EC는 유리 온실에서 다소 높았으나, 공급 배양액 EC와 암면 배지 EC 간 차이는 크지 않았다.

외부광량에 대한 작물의 배양액 흡수율은 유리 온실에서 크게 영향을 받았으나 수분부족분은 적게 받았다. 두 온실 모두 일평균온도에 대하여 야간온도보다는 주간온도의 영향이 컸고, 일평균온도는 야간수분부족분에 영향을 주었다. 주간온도 및 일평균온도는 작물의 배양액 흡수율에 영향을 주었는데 온도가 증가할수록 유리 온실에서는 상승하였으나 플라스틱필름 온실에서는 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다.

2. 두 온실 간 파프리카 생육 및 생산량 차이

주간 평균 잎의 면적이 유리 온실에서 많았던 것을 제외하고는 잎의 생체중, 건물중, 건물률 등은 두 온실 간 차이를 나타내지 않았으나, 그 편차는 유리 온실에서 작았다. 잎의 호흡량, 최대 광합성률, 광 이용 효율 등은 유리 온실에서 높은 경향이었다. 주간 평균 줄기 직경은 유리 온실에서 적었던 반면 과실 직경과 단위면적당 생산량은 높게 나타났다. 특히, 잎의 면적이 증가할수록 과실 직경은 유리 온실에서 3배나 높게 증가하는 것으로 나타났다.

3. 파프리카 생육 및 생산성에 대한 환경 요인 영향

내부 온도가 증가할수록 잎의 온도는 유리 온실에서 더 높게 증가하였으나, 야간온도가 증가할수록 잎의 면적은 두 온실 모두 감소하는 경향이었다. 야간수분부족분이 증가할수록 과실 직경은 유리 온실에서 더 많이 증가하였다.

줄기 직경의 누적량은 외부광량의 단위 누적량에 따라 유리 온실에서 적었으나, 과실 직경과 생산량은 각각 1.7배와 1.3배 정도 많았다. 주간온도, 주야간온도차, 잎의 온도 등에 따라 누적 생산량은 유리 온실에서 각각 1.7배, 1.7배 및 1.5배 정도 많았다. 일평균 및 주간 수분부족분에 따라 생산량은 유리 온실에서 각각 1.8배와 2.2배 정도 많았다. 또한 잎의 건물률에 따라 생산량은 유리 온실에서 많았다. 그러나 작물의 배양액 흡수율에 따라 생산량은 차이를 나타내지 않았다.


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