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검색결과 (전체 1건)


역기능 가정 자녀의 자아분화 향상을 위한 성경적 모델 연구 : 요셉과 그 원가족을 통해 / 염애영 인기도
부천 : 서울신학대학교 상담대학원, 2011.2
TM 259.12 -11-3
ii, 68 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 서울신학대학교 상담대학원, 가정상담, 2011.2. 지도교수: 김종환




I. 서론 7

A. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 7

II. 가정의 이해 11

A. 순기능 가정 11

1. 순기능 가정의 개념 11

2. 순기능 가정의 특징 13

B. 역기능 가정 14

1. 역기능 가정의 개념 14

2. 역기능 가정 자녀의 특징 18

III. 자아분화의 이해 21

A. 보웬의 가족체계 이론 21

1. 이론 발달 배경 22

B. 보웬의 자아분화 이론 23

1. 자아분화 23

2. 자아분화 이론의 주요 개념들 27

3. 치료적 개입 38

IV. 요셉과 그 원가족 이해 43

A. 야곱과 아내들 43

B. 야곱의 자녀들 45

C. 요셉의 생애 47

V. 요셉과 자아분화 50

A. 보웬의 자아분화 이론을 통해 본 요셉의 원가족 50

B. 보웬의 자아분화 이론을 통해 본 요셉 56

1. 요셉과 하나님의 관계 56

2. 요셉의 자아분화 58

VI. 결론 63

A. 요약 63

B. 한계성 및 제언 66

참고문헌 68


초록보기 더보기

This study was conducted as the concerns regarding the effect of dysfunctional family on children's psychological problems began to grow. In today's modern societies, many households are lacking the affection within the family members, and as the number of such families deficient of its main function are increasing, the number of related and causal problems are also escalating. The family members of such dysfunctional family typically are or separated in extreme manners. Consequently, the family fails to serve its purpose and as the main function of a family loses its purpose, the individual family members are sacrificed and sometimes even results in a disruption of an individual's emotional growth.

Murray Bowen considers the self-differentiation within a family and also within an individual as the main cause of the formation of the dysfunctional family.

The purpose of this research is as follows.

First, by analyzing Bowen's self-differentiation theory, undifferentiated self typically shown in children of dysfunctional family will be examined.

Second, the story of Joseph in the Bible Genesis will be analyzed based on Bowen's theory. Accordingly, another model of a self-differentiation theory will be suggested based on the Bible in the hopes providing improvement in self-differentiation of children in dysfunctional family.

The underlining reason for choosing Joseph as a model in improving self-differentiation of children in dysfunctional family lies in the similarities in how Joseph's family-of-origin depicts the family under this essay's discussion. Upon further review, it is detailed in the Bible that there existed competition, slander, jealousy, favoritism, incest, and even attempted murder within the family members. The most important factor to bear in mind out of all these details would be how Joseph was able to achieve high level of self-differentiation in this typical dysfunctional family.

The contents of this thesis are as follows.

In the chapter II, the concepts and characteristics of functional and dysfunctional families are examined.

In the chapter III, Bowen's self-differentiation theory and therapeutic intervention are described.

in the chapter IV, for enhanced understanding of Joseph and his family-of-origin, the abstract of Jacob, Jacob's wives and children, and Joseph's main events in his life are summarized.

In the chapter V, Joseph's family-of-origin is analyzed based on self-differentiation theory in order to examine Joseph's own self-differentiation, and finally, Joseph's life and his relationship with God are examined thoroughly to analyze his self-differentiation.

Although he eventually becomes a prime minister, Joseph had experienced unimaginable hardship in his life as he was sold into slavery to Egypt by his own brothers. During the course of his difficult life, it would have been very tempting to question morality and live an unethical life by showing resentment and denial towards God, and not forgiving his own brothers who had sold him into slavery. However, he put his best effort to live an honest life towards God by accepting the changes in his position and behaving in a rational and mature manner in every situation he was put into. As Joseph originally had low level of self-differentiation during his adolescence, the main reason behind his achievement in such a high level of self-differentiation lies in Joseph's trust in God which is evident in his relationship with God.

In a certain perspective, Bowen's theory can be argued as an antichrist and anti-Bible model having its premise on the theory of evolution. Nevertheless, it is fair to state that his view coincides with the Christianity's perspective on human in that both perspectives view human beings as an individual trying to understand and solve one's problems within the emotional unit known as a family by acting in a reciprocal manner with other family members within a fence called a household.

Joseph's story contains archetypal elements which can be shared by an individual or all mankind. Hence, this thesis has tried to approach the problems such as eternal triangles, multigenerational transmission process, family projection process, and emotional cutoff in Joseph's family by conceptualizing in self-differentiation to analyze and ultimately, come up with an objective and cause and effect explanation.

In conclusion, Joseph's story reflects the restoration of the wrecked family illustrated by forgiveness and reconciliation in dysfunctional family members within the divine providence of God. Subsequently, as today's modem family is experiencing rapid deterioration in terms of family relationships due to disharmony, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflicts, separations, and divorce, it is hoped that the story of Joseph and this research will serve as a guide and assistance to the family members of needs.


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