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Feature extraction and classification of EEG-P300 signals, and its application to online brain computer interface / Arjon Turnip 인기도
부산 : 부산대학교 대학원, 2012.2
TD 621.8 -12-607
xiii, 145 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 부산대학교 대학원, School of Mechanical Engineering, 2012.2. 지도교수: Keum-Shik Hong


Title Page



List of Abbreviations 14

Chapter 1. Introduction 16

1.1. Background 16

1.2. Motivation 19

1.3. Contributions of the Dissertation 23

1.4. Overview of the Dissertation 24

Chapter 2. Electroencephalography and Its Applications 26

2.1. Principles of EEG 28

2.1.1. The Nature of the EEG Signals 28

2.1.2. EEG Wave Groups 29

2.2. Artifact Removal 31

2.3. Event Related Potentials 32

2.4. Brain Computer Interface 34

2.4.1. System Overview 34

2.4.2. BCI Applications 36

2.4.3. EEG-BCI 38

2.4.4. P300-BCI 39

2.5. Neural Networks 40

2.5.1. Biological Nature of Neural Cells 40

2.5.2. Mathematical Representations 41

2.5.3. Signal Processing Multilayer Neural Networks 43

2.5.4. Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis 44

Chapter 3. Adaptive Neural Network Classifier 45

3.1. Background 45

3.2. Data Set and EEG Preprocessing 46

3.3. Feature Extraction and Classification 49

3.4. Results and Discussions 57

3.5. Concluding Remarks 66

Chapter 4. Adaptive Feature Extraction 67

4.1. Background 67

4.2. EEG Data Acquisition and Preprocessing 69

4.3. Feature Extraction and Classification 70

4.3.1. Feature Extraction 70

4.3.2. Classification 75

4.4. Results and Discussions 79

4.5. Concluding Remarks 90

Chapter 5. Real-Time P300 Feature Extraction 91

5.1. Background 91

5.2. Methods 93

5.2.1. Data Acquisition 93

5.2.2. Real-Time Feature Extraction 95

5.3. Experimental Results 107

5.4. Discussions 114

5.5. Concluding Remarks 118

Chapter 6. Online Classification and BCI Application 119

6.1. Background 119

6.2. Methods 121

6.2.1. Data Acquisition 121

6.2.2. P300 Feature Extraction 122

6.2.3. Classification 127

6.3. Application to Brain Computer Interface 130

6.4. Experimental Results 131

6.5. Concluding Remarks 139

Chapter 7. Conclusions and Future Researches 141

7.1. Conclusions 141

7.2. Directions for Future Research 143

Bibliography 144

References 145

Abstract 158

Table 3.1. Average classification accuracy. 65

Table 3.2. Maximum average transfer rate. 65

Table 4.1. Average classification accuracy over three sessions training. 88

Table 4.2. Average classification accuracy over two sessions training. 89

Table 4.3. Maximum average transfer rate over three sessions training. 89

Table 4.4. Maximum average transfer rate over two sessions training. 90

Table 6.1. Average value of the classification accuracies upon seven stimuli (online). 138

Table 6.2. Average value of the classification accuracies upon seven stimuli (offline). 138

Table 6.3. Maximum transfer rate upon seven stimuli (online). 138

Table 6.4. Maximum transfer rate upon seven stimuli (offline). 139

Table 6.5. Average Latency and amplitude. 139

Fig. 2.1. The eight-electrode configuration. 27

Fig. 2.2. Basic five key steps in BCl. 35

Fig. 2.3. A typical nerve cell. 41

Fig. 2.4. Each input xi is attenuated (or amplified) by a weight wi and summing amplifier effect at soma can be modeled as a weighted sum of inputs.(이미지참조) 42

Fig. 3.1. Structure of the proposed feature extraction and classification algorithm. 48

Fig. 3.2. The EEG signals preprocessed using the BPF. 58

Fig. 3.3. The EEG signals extracted using the AR model (3.3). 58

Fig. 3.4. The average of the eight extracted signals in Fig. 3.3. 59

Fig. 3.5. Reduction of the classifier training time by using the extracted signals. 59

Fig. 3.6. Comparison of classification accuracy and transfer rate obtained with BPNN, ANNC, and the ANNC with the AR model for disabled subjects. 60

Fig. 3.7. Comparison of classification accuracy and transfer rate obtained with BPNN, ANNC, and the ANNC with the AR model for able-bodied subjects. 62

Fig. 3.8. Classification accuracy and transfer rate obtained with BPNN, ANNC, and the ANNC with the AR model, averaged over all disabled subjects. 62

Fig. 3.9. Classification accuracy and transfer rate plots obtained with BPNN, ANNC, and the ANNC with the AR model, averaged over all able-bodied subjects. 63

Fig. 3.10. Classification accuracy and transfer rate plots obtained with BPNN, ANNC, and the ANNC with the AR modeI, averaged over all subjects. 63

Fig. 4.1. Structure of the proposed feature extraction and classification algorithm. 71

Fig. 4.2. EEG signals preprocessed using the BPF. 80

Fig. 4.3. Feature extraction using only the AR filter (w/o the AAR model). 81

Fig. 4.4. Feature extraction using only the AAR model (w/o the ARF). 81

Fig. 4.5. Improved feature extraction using the combination of the ARF and AAR model. 81

Fig. 4.6. Reduction of MNN training time by using the proposed feature extracted method. 83

Fig. 4.7. Comparison of classification accuracy and transfer rate: Based on three sessions training and using i) the preprocessed signal, ii) ARF, iii) AAR model, and iv) ARF +AAR (marked by *, Δ, +, and O, respectively)... 85

Fig. 4.8. Comparison of classification accuracy and transfer rate: Based on three sessions training and using i) the preprocessed signal, ii) ARF, iii) AAR model, and iv) ARF +AAR (marked by *, Δ, +, and O, respectively)... 86

Fig. 4.9. Comparison of classification accuracy and transfer rate: Two sessions training in MNN for disabled subjects (* the preprocessed signal and O the ARF+AAR feature extraction). 87

Fig. 4.10. Comparison of classification accuracy and transfer rate: Two sessions training in MNN for able-bodied subjects (* the preprocessed signal and O the ARF+AAR feature extraction). 88

Fig. 5.1. The proposed scheme for real-time feature extraction (the seven traffic signals flash one at a time to evoke P300) 94

Fig. 5.2. Block diagram illustrating the real-time application of the learning algorithm of the sequential pre-separation step. 99

Fig. 5.3. Block diagram illustrating the real-time application of the learning algorithm for whitening step. 101

Fig. 5.4. Block diagram illustrating the real-time application of the learning algorithm for separation step. 104

Fig. 5.5. Procedure of the four steps of the ANPCA algorithm. 106

Fig. 5.6. The measured raw EEG signals. 108

Fig. 5.7. The pre-processed EEG signals that were band-passed. 108

Fig. 5.8. Evolutions of PI(Ni) for six different runs of the ANPCA algorithm using 350 ms ISI. 109

Fig. 5.9. Comparison of separation performance indices: the proposed method (ANPCA) vs. other algorithms (NPCA, NSS-JD, JADE, and SOBI). 110

Fig. 5.10. Extracted P300 components in real time (325 ms ISI). 110

Fig. 5.11. Extracted P300 components in real time (350 ms ISI). 111

Fig. 5.12. Extracted P300 components in real time (375 ms ISI). 111

Fig. 5.13. Extracted P300 components in real time (400 ms ISI). 111

Fig. 5.14. Comparison of P300 amplitudes for four different ISIs (Fz channel) 112

Fig. 5.15. The averages of eight-electrode data in Figure 11 (350 ms ISI): P300s are not detected in some periods. 112

Fig. 5.16. Comparison of classification accuracies along seven stimuli (four ISIs, seven subjects): ISI 350 ms was the best out of four. 113

Fig. 6.1. The proposed scheme for online feature extraction and classification (the seven traffic signals flash one at a time to evoke P300). 123

Fig. 6.2. Experimental setup for BCI application: EEG-P300 signals for driving toy-car. 131

Fig. 6.3. Extracted P300 components in online 133

Fig. 6.4. Comparison of classification accuracies and transfer rate along seven stimuli (four ISIs, seven subjects): ISI 350 ms was the best out of four. 135

Fig. 6.5. Comparison of average classification accuracies and transfer rate of seven subjects along seven stimuli 136

Fig. 6.6. Comparison of average classification accuracies and transfer rate along seven stimuli (four ISIs, seven subjects): ISI 350 ms was the best out of four. 136

초록보기 더보기

본 논문에서는 EEG-P300으로부터 뇌 신호들을 해석하기 위한 4가지 방법이 제시된다. 앞의 네 가지 방법이 EEG-P300 파장들의 특성을 오프라인, 온라인, 실시간에서 각각 추출하고 분류하는 방법(예를 들면, 다층 신경 네트워크 알고리즘과 통합된 다양한 추출과 분류기술의 사용)을 다루는 반면, 마지막 한가지 방법은 결합피질원주의 수학적 모델에서의 EEG-P300 일반화를 다룬다.

첫 번째 방법으로, 잘못된 분류는 부정확성과 느린 전송속도의 문제를 가져올 수 있기 때문에 여기에 다른 정신 활동에 새로운 적응 신경 네트워크 분류기(ANNC)가 제안된다. 소음과 비고정 자료에 의해 과도하게 훈련된 분류기의 단점을 극복하기 위해서 먼저 자기회귀모델(AR)을 이용하여 EEG-P300 신호들의 특성들이 추출되었다. 결과들은 ANNC의 정확도와 전송속도의 향상정도를 검사하기 위해 비교되었다.

두 번째 방법에서는, 적응 autoregressive 모델과 적응순환필터를 결합한 특징 추출방법이 제안된다. 그 다음,다층 신종네트워크(MNN)가 P300 시각 유발 잠재력을 위해 추출된 신호들을 분류하기 위해 적용된다.추출된 신호들을 적합하게 사용함으로써, MNN 분류기는 모든 대상들에서 100%의 분류정확도를 달성할 수 있었고, 따라서 그것의 전송속도 또한 현격하게 강화되었다 .제안된 방법은 뇌 컴퓨터 인터페이스 응용에 실시간 해결을 제공할 것이다.

세번째 방법은 특성 추출의 보다 효율적인 수단으로 표본을 줄이거나 평균하는 등의 편의 방법의 결점을 보완하기 위해 개발되었다. 게다가 그러한 기술들은 보통 오프라인에서 수행되어 오고 있다. 따라서, MNN을 통합하는 적응비선형 주요성분 분석(ANPCA)을 사용하여 P300 구성요소들의 실시간 특성추출방법이 제안된다. 배경소음에 대한 ANPCA 견고성은 네 가지 알고리즘(NPCA, NSS-JD, JADE, SOBI) ANPCA분리성능지수를 비교함으로써 평가되어 왔는데, 이 비교에서 ANPCA 알고리즘이 성능지수가 가장 짧은 반복 시간을 증명하였다.

네번째 방법은 ANPCA를 이용한 온라인 P300 특성 추출과 기준 알고리즘을 이용하여 표본을 줄이거나 평균화하지 않는 분류방법이 제안된다. 변수들 간의 관계들이 비선형인 상황을 피하기 위하여, 5층 신경네트워크가 특성추출에 적용되었다. 이 작업에서 얻어진 실험적인 결과들은 제안된 방법이 수행된 후 P300 구성요소들을 추출하고 분류하는데 통계적으로 매우 현격한 향상을 이루었음을 보여준다.


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