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검색결과 (전체 1건)


SF 문학 장의 형성과 팬덤의 문화실천 / 한상헌 인기도
대전 : 충남대학교 대학원, 2012.2
TD 070.4 -12-20
v, 221 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 충남대학교 대학원, 언론정보학과 언론정보학전공, 2012.2. 지도교수: 손병우




제1장 서론 9

제1절 문제제기 9

제2절 선행 연구 검토 14

1. 하위문화 연구 14

2. 국내의 SF 문학 연구 18

3. SF 팬덤에 관한 연구 22

제3절 연구의 목적과 의의 25

제2장 이론적 배경과 연구 설계 28

제1절 이론적 배경 28

1. 자발적 '즐거움'과 팬덤의 능동성 28

2. 문학 생산의 장과 구별짓기 32

제2절 연구의 설계 36

1. 연구문제와 연구대상 36

1) 연구의 분석틀 37

2) 연구문제 38

3) 연구 대상 39

2. 연구 방법 44

1) 심층인터뷰 44

2) 참여관찰 47

3) 온라인 게시판 담론분석 48

제3장 SF 문학의 문화사적 고찰 49

제1절 SF 문학의 일반적 역사 49

1. SF 문학의 기원과 발전 49

1) SF 문학의 태동에 관한 고고학적 논의들 50

2) 현대적 SF 문학 양식의 정립 52

3) 대중 잡지의 시대 - 팬덤 집단의 형성 54

4) SF 문학의 황금시대 56

5) 뉴웨이브(New Wave)와 하위 장르의 등장 56

6) 장르 혼종의 심화와 하드 SF의 귀환 59

2. SF 문학 발전 과정의 특징과 팬덤의 역할 61

제2절 한국 SF 문학의 전개 62

1. 한국 SF 문학의 전개(1990년대까지) 62

1) SF 문학의 여명기; 1900~1940년대 62

2) 대중적 저변 확대; 1950~1960년대 66

3) 급속한 침체; 1970~1980년대 67

4) SF의 복원을 위한 훈고적 논의; 1990년대 69

2. 한국 SF 문학 전개 과정의 특징 71

1) 한국 SF 문학의 역사적 특수성 71

2) 한국 SF 문학 장의 변화 요인 74

제3절 SF 팬덤의 탄생과 전개 78

1. 해외 SF 팬덤의 역사 79

2. 국내 SF 팬덤의 역사 81

제4장 SF 문학 장의 형성 과정 86

제1절 생산 영역 86

1. SF 문학 생산물 86

1) SF 문학 작품의 증가 87

2) SF 문학 관련 잡지의 발간 91

3) SF 문학에 관한 이론서 출간 92

4) SF 문학 생산의 증가와 팬의 역할 93

2. SF 문학의 생산 제도 97

1) SF 문학 전문 시상제도 97

2) SF 전문 기획 출판 101

3) 온라인 공간의 생산 제도화 108

제2절 비평 영역 110

1. 문학 장 안에서 SF 문학의 지위 변화 110

1) 비하에서 관심으로; 활발한 논의 110

2) 주류 문학 장으로 진출 시도 115

2. 비평 담론; 괴리와 충돌 118

1) SF 문학 장르에 대한 이해의 괴리 118

2) 문학 비평 담론의 한계 122

제3절 소결 124

제5장 SF 문학 팬덤의 문화 실천 126

제1절 SF 문학에 대한 팬들의 인식 126

1. SF 문학의 유용성 126

1) 경이로움을 바탕으로 상상력을 자극 127

2) 과학적 지식과 논리적 사고 능력 배양 128

3) 사회적 모순에 대한 비판과 성찰 130

4) 사회의 진보를 견인 131

2. SF 문학의 위상과 스타일 자체에 관한 논쟁 132

1) SF 문학의 정의와 범위에 관한 견해 132

2) SF의 성립 조건에 관한 견해 136

제2절 팬덤 내부의 위계화와 상징투쟁 137

1. 문화자본의 획득 138

1) 주류 인정 욕구 138

2) 내적 구획화 141

2. SF 팬덤 문화에 대한 반성 145

제3절 외적 자율성의 확보 전략 148

1. 내부적 결속 148

1) 온·오프라인 동호회 활동 149

2) 회지 발간, 상영회 150

2. 외부로의 확장 151

1) 소통의 공간적 거점 마련 151

2) 대외 홍보 행사 개최 153

3) 기존 매체의 활용 154

4) '빅네임'과의 교섭 156

3. 공인을 위한 적극적 교섭 157

1) 교섭의 좌표 마련 158

2) 교섭의 본격화 159

3) 권력과의 부딪힘 165

제4절 소결 171

제6장 결론 174

1) 문화자본의 획득을 위한 투쟁의 장 175

2) 문학 장의 형성에 전략적으로 개입하는 적극성 176

3) 문화실천의 성찰성 177

부록 181

부록 1. 개념 정리 181

부록 2. 4대 PC 통신망 논쟁(2000년 5월) 187

참고문헌 218


〈표 1〉 문화생산 장의 이원구조와 그 특징 34

〈표 2〉 SF 문학 장의 형성 과정 분석 41

〈표 3〉 SF 문학 팬덤의 문화 실천 분석 44

〈표 4〉 개별심층면접 조사대상 45

〈표 5〉 포커스그룹인터뷰 조사대상 46

〈표 6〉 오프라인 SF 모임 '에퀴녹스' 회원 47

〈표 7〉 서구 SF 문학의 시기구분 73

〈표 8〉 국내 SF 문학의 시기구분 73

〈표 9〉 1990년대 이후 자연과학 전공자에 의해 창작된 주요 SF 문학 87

〈표 10〉 국내 SF 문학 창작자의 등장 기반 88

〈표 11〉 과학기술 창작문예 심사위원 명단 99

〈표 12〉 2000년대의 장르문학 전문 시상제도 100

〈표 13〉 주류문단 잡지의 장르문학에 대한 주요 특집 기획 113

〈표 14〉 주요 일간신문의 장르문학 관련 주요 보도 115

〈표 15〉 장르문학을 차용한 순수문학상 수상작(2000년대 신춘문예) 117

〈표 16〉 장르문학을 차용한 순수문학상 수상작(2000년대 신인상) 117

〈표 17〉 장르문학을 차용한 순수문학상 수상작(2000년대 기성작가) 118

〈그림 1〉 연구의 분석틀 37

〈그림 2〉 '행복한 책읽기' 보도 자료에 대한 독자반응 106

〈그림 3〉 문학내의 하위영역 114

〈그림 4〉 『나무2』 서평에 대한 SF 팬덤의 반응 119

〈그림 5〉 창(T. Chiang)의 작품을 평가한 블로그에 대한 SF 팬덤의 반응 143

〈그림 6〉 대중소설과 통속소설, 장르문학의 범주구분 183

초록보기 더보기

Previous cultural studies defining the characteristics of the sub-culture as 'an initiative based on voluntary pleasure' have been an important basis in finding the possibility of resistance against the ruling culture, which is dominated by capital, while more positively understanding the possibility of the popular culture and the audience. However, the theoretical possibility of 'pleasure' from the perspective of the sub-culture studies faces the phenomenal results of succumbing to challenges of capital that incessantly supplies instant pleasures. This study started from the critical mind questioning what would be the solution for the possibility of resistance in the popular culture that faces this predicament.

In order to have complex understanding of cultural practices that the members of a cultural group have and to comprehend the influences of such practices on the spatial structure that the members belong or want to belong, we accepted the theoretical concept of 'attainment of cultural capital'. Also, we accepted the concept of 'sub-cultural capital' of Fiske in the belief that the basic element of 'voluntary pleasure' that the sub-culture has is still effective.

In this theoretical frame, this study focuses on science fiction literature, a field among genre novels that well-represent the public sentiments in contrast to the mainstream culture and are considered to be exposed constantly to commercial attempts.

The science fiction literature has consistently been developed in English and American culture. The science fiction literature, constantly communicating with the professional science technology field, has functioned as a unique popular culture genre that inspired each other. As in other popular culture genres, the science fiction literature underwent internal genre specialization over time, and the unique quality of the science fiction literature lies in that during this specialization process, it expressed the fundamental self-contemplation on 'what science fiction literature is', which led to another genre change. The science fiction literature in English-American culture has firmly established the field's freedom as magazines that become the basis of science fiction literature's acceptance were founded, serious science fiction theories were published, and awards were established.

However, the science fiction literature in Korea, despite its relatively early adoption, has experienced varying speed in development over time. After the extremely slow the 1970's and 80's, the science fiction literature field in Korea experiences vast changes from the 1990's, the major reasons being 'changes in medial forms and emergence of new media', 'growth of people who spent their adolescence in the 1970's', 'the end of the cold war and the coming of post-modernism', and 'thirst for scientific knowledge'. The true history of the Korean science fiction fandom started as the online media came into being after 1990's, and the shape of the fandom changed after the online media form's detailed changes.

This study focuses the internal tensions and struggle of the autonomous fan group of science fiction literature and analyzes the production, criticism and acceptance of the process of the literature being kindled by recipients, receiving cultural justification, and forming the sub-culture.

The overall analysis consists of 'formation of science fiction literature field' and 'cultural practice'. The process of science fiction literature's formation consists of production part, which is directly related to creation and translation of science fiction literature, and criticism part, which is related to various systems that offer criticisms on creation and translation and facilitate production. The analysis also finds specific examples in which mutual influence between production and criticism parts take place.

The field of science fiction literature is a place of endless struggle to attain freedom from the pure literature, which dominates the mainstream culture. In order for science fiction literature to obtain certain freedom, it needs to have symbolic capital, and the process of justification via social endorsement is an essential element for this. The efforts to obtain symbolic capital lead to formation of various sub-cultures of science fiction literature.

The important characteristic in the formation of science fiction literature field is that the fandom tries to involve deeply in formation and development of science fiction literature such as creation, translation and publication. The reason that science fiction literature can impact the literature production field, which mostly consists of conventional mainstream literature part, is that the science fiction literature fandom's cultural practice has heavy influence.

In order to understand how the cultural practices of the fandom, which is an important element of science fiction literature field's formation, take place, this study conducted in-depth interviews and participant observation on active recipients of science fiction literature as well as discussion analysis on the online forum.

With focus on the cultural practices of science fiction literature fandom as the active gainers of the 'culture' as well as recipients of the 'literature', it can be seen that the cultural practice field in which the specific actions of members of the fandom occur has an intersection of outside centrifugal force and inside centripetal force. The science fiction literature fandom makes active efforts to obtain independent freedom in the field of literature and culture. Such efforts are very strategic, and they are conducted step by step with specific purposes. For outside freedom, it is important to acquire familiarity first by the fandom's internal bonding. With the bonding at its basis, the fandom tries to inform the outside world about the activities of science fiction literature fandom and the values of science fiction literature, and in this process, it establishes a spatial basis for communication, utilizes the mass media, and consistently makes contact with 'big names' related to the science fiction for halo effect. The efforts to obtain outside freedom of science fiction fandom expand as more active steps are taken. By expanding from just outside communication into directly involving in the systems and bases of production and delivery of science fiction literature, the fandom tries to elevate the value of science fiction literature and the role of science fiction fandom into one that is more specific and lasting.

While the efforts to increase outside freedom in the power struggle against major literary circle/major culture are in progress, endless ranking and conflicts occur inside science fiction literature fandom. This process involves various complex symbolic conflicts such as the status of science fiction literature, desire for social ascension as science fiction fandom, controversy on science fiction literature style, which lead to maintenance and expansion of fandom community's self-reflective quality. Especially, the self-reflectivity on science fiction literature and science fiction fandom themselves are unique phenomena seldom seen in other popular culture fandom, and they act as a foothold by which science fiction literature field can have certain distance from commercialism or influence of bureaucracy. Also, this self-reflectivity leads to the issue of what science fiction literature and science fiction fandom can do in real world and culture and helps maintain the belief on science fiction literature's progressive quality.

With the above analysis, this study concludes the following characteristics of cultural practices in science fiction literature field's formation and working.

①science fiction literature field is a place of struggle to obtain cultural capital.

②science fiction fandom expresses sophistication and initiative in strategically involving in the formation of literature field based on 'voluntary pleasure' and 'symbolic struggle to obtain cultural capital'.

③The cultural practices of science fiction fandom is not only active but also shows fundamental self-reflective quality about 'what is science fiction' and 'which direction should science fiction fandom culture take'.

The science fiction fandom in Korea goes beyond resistance against creation and criticisms of major literary circle and toward contemplation of the identity of science fiction itself that they enjoy. Such quality, along with hot discussions on the definitions, range and status of science fiction, is a double self-reflectivity that again shows the perspectives and culture itself. Cultural practices of science fiction fandom, from questioning 'what is science fiction' to self-reflectivity on recipient culture of science fiction and science fiction fandom itself, maintains and expands self-reflective quality of fandom community, going beyond individual symbolic conflict to possibility of communal resistance. Such self-reflectivity that is rarely shown in other popular culture fandom becomes the basis by which science fiction literature field can maintain minimal distance from endless attraction toward commercialism or bureaucracy. Also, this self-reflective attitude, in conjunction with the issue of what science fiction literature and fandom can do in the real world and culture, helps maintain the belief of science fiction literature's progressive quality.


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