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검색결과 (전체 1건)


불가사리와 옻나무 비료의 시용이 감자와 토마토 생장에 미치는 영향 / 배정은 인기도
경산 : 영남대학교 대학원, 2012.2
TD 635 -12-44
vi, 87 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 영남대학교 대학원, 원예학과 원예학전공, 2012.2. 지도교수: 서상곤




서언 11

연구사 15

1. 부산물에 관한 연구 15

1) 불가사리에 관한 연구 15

2) 옻에 관한 연구 18

I. 불가사리와 옻나무 비료의 시용이감자 생장에 미치는 영향 20

재료 및 방법 21

1. 식물재료 21

2. 처리구 비료 재료 21

3. 처리내용 22

4. 무게 및 수량 조사 25

5. 실험방법 25

결과 및 고찰 30

가. 불가사리와 옻나무 비료 시용이 감자의 수확량에 미치는 영향 30

II. 불가사리와 옻나무 비료의 시용이토마토 생장에 미치는 영향 38

재료 및 방법 39

1. 식물재료 39

2. 처리구 비료 재료 39

3. 처리내용 40

4. 생육조사 42

5. 실험방법 42

결과 및 고찰 48

가. 불가사리와 옻나무 비료 시용이 토마토 정식 후 활착에 미치는 영향 48

나. 불가사리와 옻나무 비료 시용이 토마토 정식 후 생장 및 개화에 미치는영향 51

다. 불가사리와 옻나무 비료 시용에 따른 광합성 능력에 미치는 영향 56

라. 불사사리와 옻나무 비료 시용에 따른 토마토의 수확량에 미치는 영향 61

마. 불사사리와 옻나무 비료 시용에 따른 토마토의 품질에 미치는 영향 67

바. 불가사리와 옻나무 비료 시용이 토양에 미치는 영향 76

要約 79

참고문헌 81

Summary 96

Table 1. Physico-chemical properties of soil before the experiment 23

Table 2. Chemical properties of composted residues used in experiment 23

Table 3. The total amount of starfish and lacquer tree by-product fertilizer at potato plants 24

Table 4. The effects of different treatments on the quality of potato; number of fruit, weight, total yield and marketable yield 33

Table 5. The division of potato weight on various treatment 34

Table 6. The effects of starch content of potato at the various treatments 35

Table 7. Effect of different treatment on the fresh weight and dry matter rate of potato 36

Table 8. Chemical properties of the soil after potato harvest 37

Table 9. The total amount of starfish and lacquer tree by-product fertilizer attomato plants 41

Table 10. The taking root rate after tomato planting 50

Table 11. Growth characteristics of tomato plant 54

Table 12. The first flowering percent of each treatment tomato plant 30days afterplanting 55

Table 13. Growth characteristics of compound leaf above third fruit truss in tomato plant 58

Table 14. Chlorophyll content in tomato leaves in various treatments 59

Table 15. Effect of different treatment on the fresh weight and dry matter rate oftomato plant 60

Table 16. The number of fruit cluster from 1st and 5th of different treatments 64

Table 17. The effects of different treatments on the quality of tomato fruits; numberof fruit, weight, total yield and marketable yield 65

Table 18. The division of tomato weight percent on each treatment 66

Table 19. The effect of treatments on the blossom end rot and Ca content of soil 70

Table 20. The effects of treatments on the quality of tomato fruits 71

Table 21. The effects of different treatment on the fresh weight and dry matter rateof tomato 72

Table 22. Inorganic components in the tomato plant of leave 74

Table 23. Inorganic components in the tomato after harvesting 75

Table 24. Chemical properties of the soil after tomato harvest 78

Fig. 1. Effect of treatment on tomato storability 73

참고문헌 (76건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

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번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
1 Host-Microbe Interactions 네이버 미소장
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3 Biological activity of saponins and saponin-like compounds from starfish and brittle-stars. Toxicon 27:179-88 1989 미소장
4 The Essential Role of Calcium Ion in Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth 네이버 미소장
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8 Effect of Sucrose, Calcium and Boron Added in the Medium on Pollen Germination of Peach (Prunus persica SIEB.) 소장
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11 Cabbage pollen germination and longevity 네이버 미소장
12 Potassium-Argon Age of Devils Tower, Wyoming 네이버 미소장
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20 Root Growth and Morphology, Nutrient Uptake, and Nutrient Status of Soybeans as Affected by Soil K and Bulk Density 1 네이버 미소장
21 1960. Confirmation of saponin as toxic principle of starfish. Bull Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 26:1132-1138. 미소장
22 Plate count of bacteria in soil on a diluted nutrient broth as a culture medium 네이버 미소장
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25 2003. Technical trend of starfish use. Korea institute of Patent Information. p.2-3. 미소장
26 영양생리 장해의 대책 네이버 미소장
27 영양생리 장해의 발생현황과 발생조건 네이버 미소장
28 Aphicidal Activity of Starfish (Asterina pectinifera) Extracts against Green Peach Aphid (Myzus Persicae) 소장
29 2003. Hoistoricla review of land race potatoes in Korea. J. Kor. Sco. Hort. 44:838-845. 미소장
30 2010. Changes of tomato and soil chemical properties as affected by soil pH and nitrogen fertilizers. Kor. J. Environ. Agri.... 미소장
31 2002. Development Strategy of Sustainable Agriculture. Korea Rural Economic Institute. 미소장
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33 Effects of Different Humic Acids on Growth and Fruit Quality of Tomato Plant 소장
34 2010. The right way to know about green growth. p.53-65. 미소장
35 1999. Effect of the milliequivalent ration of K to Ca in the nutrient solution on the growth, yield and blossom end rot of tomatoes... 미소장
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38 2002. Fabrication of calcium phosphates from starfish. Institute of advanced materials engineering, Kyungnam Uni. 14:71-75. 미소장
39 Effects of NaCl Addition on Physiological Characteristics and Quality of Muskmelon in Hydroponics 네이버 미소장
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42 2002. Synthesize of Liquid Fertilizer using starfish and effect of manufactured fertilizer on growth of lettuce. J. Kor. Of Waste... 미소장
43 2010. Comparison of energy efficiency between organic and conventional cultivation. 123:25-31. 미소장
44 2002. Synthesize of liquid fertilizer using starfish and effect of manufactured fertilizer on growth of lettuce. J. Kor. Soc. of... 미소장
45 2005. Bioavailability of starfish calcium as novel calcium source. Kor. J. Community Living Sciece. 16(1):135-148. 미소장
46 Flavonoid fraction purified from Rhus verniciflua Stokes actively inhibits cell growth via induction of apoptosis in mouse tumorigenic hepatocytes 소장
47 Extract from Rhus verniciflua Stokes is capable of inhibiting the growth of human lymphoma cells. 네이버 미소장
48 Flavonol-rich RVHxR from Rhus verniciflua Stokes and its major compound fisetin inhibits inflammation-related cytokines and angiogenic factor in rheumatoid arthritic fibroblast-like synovial cells and in vivo models 네이버 미소장
49 1972. Tomato and cabbage response to N, P, K fertilization on a clay soil in Guyana. Proc. Of the Tropical Region,Amer. Soc. Hor.... 미소장
50 1941. Absorption of light by chlorophyll solution. 315-322. 미소장
51 Host-Microbe Interactions 네이버 미소장
52 2001. Effect of continuous applicaition of organic farming materials on the soil physicochemistry property and plant growth, yield... 미소장
53 "A short term experimental investigation of resource partitioning in a New Zealand rocky intertidal habitat", Ecol., 52, pp.... 미소장
54 1995. Ptilomycalin A, crambescidin 800 and related new highly cytotoxic quanidine alkaloids from the starfishes Dermasterias... 미소장
55 Membrane Fluidity in Senescing Apples: Effects of Temperature and Calcium,, 네이버 미소장
56 1994. Antitumor effect of Asterin a pectinfera Lectin on ascitic tumor. Yeungnam Univ. 미소장
57 2001. Effects of concentration and treatment time of KCl or NaCl on the growth and fruit quality of 2nd truss-limited tomatoes in... 미소장
58 Development of Industrialization Technology with Starfish 소장
59 1997. A study on the development of the extermination gear for starfish, Aserias amurensis and its efficiency. Bull. Kor. Soc.... 미소장
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62 2001. Effects of concentration and treatment time of KCl or NaCl on the growth and fruit quality of 2nd truss-limited tomatoes in... 미소장
63 Biological activities of steroid glycosides from starfish 네이버 미소장
64 1971. Effects of phosphatic fertilizers at varing levels of nitrogen and phosphate on the quality of tomato fruits. Ind. J. Hort.... 미소장
65 Host-Microbe Interactions 네이버 미소장
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72 1986. Relationship of calcium nutrition to internal brown spot of potato tubers and sub-apical necrosis of sprouts. Amer. Potato.... 미소장
73 The Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium and Lime in Factorial Combination on the Yields of Glasshouse Tomatoes 네이버 미소장
74 1964. Physiological activities of starfish saponin. Bull Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 30:357-364. 미소장
75 2002. Effects of starfish liquid Fertilizer on yield of hot pepper(Capsicum annum L.) Bulletin of the Agriculture College, Chonbuk... 미소장
76 2010. Effect of waste solution and fertigation nutrient solution on the growth and qualities of tomato grown by fertigation. Kor.... 미소장


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