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검색결과 (전체 1건)


좌굴과 파손을 고려한 탄소섬유 열경화성 복합재 원통쉘의 최적하중설계에 관한 연구 / 정해영 인기도
부산 : 부산대학교 대학원, 2012.8
TD 621.8 -12-831
ix, 153 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 부산대학교 대학원, 기계공학부, 2012.8. 지도교수: 배원병




Nomenclatures 5

제1장서론 12

1.1. 연구 배경 12

1.2. 연구 목적 및 내용 15

제2장 이론적 배경 18

2.1. 복합재 원통형 셸의 좌굴 이론 18

2.1.1. 기본 이론 18

2.2. 복합재 원통 셸의 점진적 파손이론 24

2.2.1. 선형해석을 위한 파손 및 좌굴 이론 24

2.2.2. 비선형 점진적 파손을 고려한 물성 모델 26

2.2.3. 수정된 릭스(Riks) 방법 28

2.3. 유전자 알고리즘 31

2.3.1. 유전자 알고리즘의 기본개념 31

2.3.2. 유전자 알고리즘의 동작 추적 32

2.3.3. 유전자 조작 33

2.3.4. 마이크로 유전자 알고리즘(μGA, micro-genetic algorithm) 35

2.4. 보강재가 포함된 원통 셸의 좌굴설계식 36

2.4.1. 비보강 복합재 원통의 좌굴압력 설계식 36

2.4.2. 등방성 원환보강 원통의 전체붕괴 기존 설계식 39

2.5. 복합재 적층판의 면내 강성 42

2.5.1. 고전 적층판 이론 42

2.5.2. 복합 적층판의 면강성 43

2.5.3. 복합 적층판의 공학적 상수 44

제3장 외부 수압을 받는 필라멘트 와인딩 복합재 원통의 최적화 54

3.1. 유한요소해석의 개요 54

3.2. 유한요소 모델링 55

3.2.1. 원통쉘의 유한요소 모델링 55

3.2.2. 보강된 원통쉘의 유한요소 모델링 55

3.3. 설계 하중(design load) 56

3.4. 최적화 결과 58

3.4.1. 원통쉘의 최적화 결과 58

3.4.2. 보강된 원통쉘의 최적화 결과 59

3.5. 최적화 결과 고찰 60

제4장 복합재 원통의 좌굴 검증 실험 91

4.1. 시편 제작 91

4.1.1. 필라멘트 와인딩 공정 91

4.1.2. 제작된 시편의 물성치 92

4.1.3. 원통 제작 및 조립 93

4.2. 복합재 원통의 수압 검증시험 94

4.2.1. 실험 장치 및 방법 94

4.4. 수압 검증 시험 결과 95

4.4.1. 최적화된 필라멘트 와인딩 복합재 원통 95

4.5. 수압 실험의 좌굴 해석 95

4.5.1. 비선형 좌굴 유한요소해석 96

4.6. 좌굴 해석 결과 97

제5장 보강재를 포함한 복합재 원통셸의 좌굴 설계식 122

5.1. 내압 구조물 설계식의 개요 122

5.2. 유한요소 좌굴해석의 타당성 검증 123

5.2.1. 검증 모델 123

5.2.2. 유한요소모델링 123

5.2.3. 경계조건 124

5.2.4. 해석 방법 124

5.2.5. 결론 124

5.3. 보강된 복합재 원통쉘의 좌굴압력 이론식 유도 및 검증 125

5.3.1. T형 보강링 복합재 원통쉘의 좌굴압력식 유도 126

5.3.2. T형 보강링 복합재 원통쉘의 유한요소 해석 128

5.3.3. T형 보강재 해석 결과 129

5.3.4. Hat형 보강링 복합재 원통쉘의 좌굴압력식 유도 130

5.3.5. Hat형 보강링 복합재 원통쉘의 유한요소 해석 131

5.3.6. Hat형 보강재 해석 결과 132

제6장 결론 153

Appendix 11

A. Subroutine Program 155

참고문헌 157

Abstract 162

Table 2-1. Initial population 47

Table 2-2. Second generation 47

Table 2-3. Third and fourth generation 47

Table 3-1. Main factors for genetic algorithm 62

Table 3-2. Dimensions for a cylindrical shell 62

Table 3-3. Material properties of T700 63

Table 3-4. Dimensions for a cylindrical shell with hat type stiffeners 63

Table 3-5. Results of optimization analysis for a cylindrical shell 64

Table 3-6. Results of optimization analysis for a cylindrical shell with stiffener 64

Table 4-1. Comparison with calculated properties(E1_1) and measured preterites(E1_2) 100

Table 4-2. Material properties of T700 101

Table 4-3. Dimensions of optimized composite specimens 102

Table 4-4. Dimensions of specimens used hydrostatic experiment 102

Table 4-5. Results of buckling analysis 103

Table 5-1. Geometry and material properties for excremental cylinder 134

Table 5-2. Comparison buckling pressure for FEM and Bryant formula 134

Table 5-3. Material properties for T700 135

Table 5-4. Buckling pressure for t-shape stiffener 135

Table 5-5. Hat-shape stiffener dimension 136

Table 5-6. Stiffener length(Le)=50㎜(이미지참조) 136

Table 5-7. Stiffener length(Le)=75㎜(이미지참조) 137

Table 5-8. Stiffener length(Le)=100㎜(이미지참조) 137

Fig. 2-1. Cylindrical shell model 49

Fig. 2-2. An unstable load-displacement curve 49

Fig. 2-3. Modified Riks method 50

Fig. 2-4. Conceptual diagram of genetic algorithm 50

Fig. 2-5. Fitness map of function 1 51

Fig. 2-6. Example of simple crossover 51

Fig. 2-7. Example of multi-point crossover 51

Fig. 2-8. Example of uniform crossover 52

Fig. 2-9. Flow chart of micro-genetic algorithm 52

Fig. 2-10. Dimensions of a pressure hull 53

Fig. 2-11. Coordinate system of a pressure hull 53

Fig. 3-1. Variable parameters for a genetic algorithm 65

Fig. 3-2. Coordinate system definition of CQUAD4 65

Fig. 3-3. FE Model for a cylindrical Shell 66

Fig. 3-4. Boundary conditions for a cylindrical shell 66

Fig. 3-5. Definition of a shell section for winding angle 45° 67

Fig. 3-6. FE Model for a cylindrical shell with hat type stiffener 67

Fig. 3-7. Dimensions of a hat type stiffener 68

Fig. 3-8. Decision of design load among according to buckling and failure loads 68

Fig. 3-9. Maximum failure indices for helical winding angle 39 & 43 degree 69

Fig. 3-10. Max shear stress & failure at node No 336 for helical angle 39 & 43 70

Fig. 3-11. Pressure surfaces for Cyl_Model 71

Fig. 3-12. Load contours for Cyl_Model 1 72

Fig. 3-13. Pressure load results for Cyl_Model 2 73

Fig. 3-14. Load contours for Cyl_Model 2 74

Fig. 3-15. Pressure load results for Cyl_Model 3 75

Fig. 3-16. Contour results for Cyl_Model 3 76

Fig. 3-17. Pressure load results for Stiff_Model 1 77

Fig. 3-18. Load contours for Stiff_Model 1 78

Fig. 3-19. Load surfaces for Stiff_Model 2 79

Fig. 3-20. Load contours for Stiff_Model 2 80

Fig. 3-21. Load surfaces for Stiff_Model 3 81

Fig. 3-22. Load contours for Stiff_Model 3 82

Fig. 3-23. Load surfaces for Stiff_Model 4 83

Fig. 3-24. Load contours for Stiff_Model 4 84

Fig. 3-25. Maximum suitability for generation 85

Fig. 3-26. Maximum suitability for generation 86

Fig. 3-27. Buckling mode and failure index 87

Fig. 4-1. Cylindrical shell model 104

Fig. 4-2. Concept of filament winding process 104

Fig. 4-3. Filament winding manufacturing process 105

Fig. 4-4. Various patterns of filament winding process 105

Fig. 4-5. Specimens for effective modulus test 106

Fig. 4-6. Specimens for a compressive test for effective modulus 106

Fig. 4-7. Strain-stress curves for effective modulus test specimens 107

Fig. 4-8. Draft of a specimen and flange used in the experiment 107

Fig. 4-9. Detail drawing of the left flange 108

Fig. 4-10. Detail drawing of the right flange 108

Fig. 4-11. Manufactured specimen and flange 108

Fig. 4-12. Helical winding angle 109

Fig. 4-13. Section of filament winding composite(x40) 109

Fig. 4-14. Completed specimens 110

Fig. 4-15. Grid specimens 110

Fig. 4-16. Equipment for a hydrostatic experiment 111

Fig. 4-17. Strain gauge positions attached to a shell 112

Fig. 4-18. High pressure pump 113

Fig. 4-19. Digital pressure measuring equipment 113

Fig. 4-20. Failure shapes for optimized filament winding specimens 114

Fig. 4-21. Laminated shell element 115

Fig. 4-22. Element coordinate system for material properties of composite 115

Fig. 4-23. Flow chart of USDFLD option 116

Fig. 4-24. Material properties of USDFLD option 116

Fig. 4-25. Boundary Conditions for a composite panel 117

Fig. 4-26. Finite element model 117

Fig. 4-27. Buckling mode for the specimen used in the experiment 118

Fig. 4-28. Buckling pressure curve 119

Fig. 4-29. Progressive failure step for Non-linear analysis 120

Fig. 4-30. Failure appearance for a specimen used in the experiment 121

Fig. 5-1. Typical pressure hull structure 138

Fig. 5-2. Pressure hull structure for the experiment 138

Fig. 5-3. Geometry of a pressure hull structure 139

Fig. 5-4. Finite element model for a pressure hull structure 139

Fig. 5-5. Boundary condition for pressure hull structure 140

Fig. 5-6. Effective stress-strain curve for a cold-bent section 140

Fig. 5-7. ISO view for linear buckling analysis 141

Fig. 5-8. Three wave(n=3) shape for buckling analysis 142

Fig. 5-9. Finite element model with t-shape stiffener 143

Fig. 5-10. Composite shell section for T700 [±30/90]30s(이미지참조) 143

Fig. 5-11. Composite stiffener section for T700 [±30/90]18s(이미지참조) 144

Fig. 5-12. Boundary condition with t-shape stiffener 144

Fig. 5-13. Comparison buckling pressure for stiffener thickness 145

Fig. 5-14. Hat type stiffener parameter 145

Fig. 5-15. Finite element model with hat-shape stiffener 146

Fig. 5-16. Composite shell and stiffener section for T700 [±30/90]30s(이미지참조) 147

Fig. 5-17. Comparison pressures with hat-shape stiffener 149

Fig. 5-18. Load contours for cylindrical shell with stiffener 50㎜ 150

Fig. 5-19. Load contours for cylindrical shell with stiffener 75㎜ 151

Fig. 5-20. Load contours for cylindrical shell with stiffener 100㎜ 152

초록보기 더보기

 The main objective of this paper is to investigate the validity of the finite element method (FEM) the buckling and post-buckling behavior of laminated composite cylindrical shell that have been subjected to an external hydrostatic pressure. In addition, the development of an experimental procedure to measure deformation of cylindrical shell and buckling pressure equation that is based on ASME composite shell equation and customized to T700 composite material are also presented.

This paper is aimed at representing an efficient buckling analysis technique by optimized method using genetic algorithm and predicting post-buckling pressure using progressive failure method. Finite element analyses, by using ABAQUS 6.10 code, have been performed, using a linear buckling model, based on the solution of the Eigen value problem, and a nonlinear one, based on Arc-length method for various cases.

Optimal design considering failure and buckling load is preformed for filament-winding cylindrical composite structure under hydrostatic pressure. Design parameters are helical winding angle and hoop/helical thickness ratio. Optimizing technique is Micro-genetic algorithm. In order to analysing the optimizing performance seven cases were performed. In cylindrical shell model, the shorter length of cylinder shell occur failure collapse before occurring buckling collapse because of influence of constraint conditions. In cylindrical model with ring stiffener, the shorter distance between stiffeners occur failure collapse. Because stiffener is a role of constraints. We verified the validity of finite element analysis for the three case hydrostatic tests. And a progressive failure analysis were conducted using commercial software ABAQUS 6.10. Linear buckling analysis results using MSC NASTRAN are consistent with nonlinear analysis resutlts using ABAQUS within 2.5%. Results of hydrostatic test are consistent with nonlinear analysis results using ABAQUS within 6.0%.

The buckling pressure formula which is based on Byrant pressure formula was developed to predict buckling pressure. In T-type ring stiffener, numerical calculated results are consistent with finite element results within 10%. In H-type ring stiffener, numerical calculated results are consistent with finite element results within 50%.


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