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검색결과 (전체 1건)


대기로부터 시화호로 침착된 질소량과 유역에서 질소 유입 및 유출량 산정 / 최정길 인기도
서울 : 한국외국어대학교 대학원, 2012.8
TM 363.7 -12-37
102 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 한국외국어대학교 대학원, 환경학과, 2012.8. 지도교수: 이강웅




I. 서론 10

1.1. 이론적 배경 10

1.2. 질소성분의 배출원 11

1.2.1. 자연적 배출원 11

1.2.2. 인위적 배출원 11

1.3. 국내의 대기오염 배출량 현황 12

1.4. 침착 19

1.4.1. 습식 침착(Wet Deposition) 19

1.4.2. 건식 침착(Dry Deposition) 20

1.5. 시화호 21

1.6. 연구 목적 23

II. 연구 대상 지역 24

2.1. 시화호 유역 25

2.2. 시화인공습지 26

III. 연구 방법 28

3.1. 대기질 수치모형 29

3.1.1. 기상장 수치모델 모델 29

3.1.2. 대기질 수치모형 모델 30

3.1.3. Input date 32

3.1.4. 모델링의 수행 35

3.2. 물질수지 분석 방법 36

3.2.1. 질소 유입 산출 37

3.2.2. 질소 유출 산출 38

3.3. 비점오염량 산정 39

IV. 결과 40

4.1. 주요 통계 자료 및 문헌 40

4.1.1. 안산시 40

4.1.2. 시흥시 41

4.1.3. 화성시 41

4.1.4. 전체 연구대상지역 개요 42

4.2. 기상 수치 모형 결과 45

4.3. 질소 침착량 48

4.3.1. 대기질 수치모형 결과 48

4.3.2. 국외 기존 연구 결과와 비교 51

4.4. 질소 물질수지 결과 55

4.4.1. 질소 유입량 55

4.4.2. 질소 유출량 64

4.4.3. 질소 평형 74

4.5. 갯벌에 의한 질소 제거량 79

4.6. 해수교환을 통한 질소 제거량 83

V. 결론 85

VI. 참고문헌 89

Abstract (Korean) 105

Abstract (English) 107

Table 1. Air pollution emissions(1999~2009 year). 13

Table 2. Added annual car(2002~2011 yrea). 13

Table 3. Banwol-stream, Donghwa-stream, Samhwa-stream Watershed Information. 27

Table 4. Species of input emission in this study. 33

Table 5. Main characteristics of the state of the science photochemical mechanism. 35

Table 6. Survey of study area(2009). 43

Table 7. Changes in rainfall from 2005 year to 2010 year. 46

Table 8. Seoul, Incheon, Suwon comparison rainfall(2010 yrea). 47

Table 9. Nitrogen Deposition flux results(2010 yrea). 49

Table 10. Deposition flux of nitrogen, followed by results from other countries. 53

Table 11. Changes in Farm Households Change in OECD countries. 58

Table 12. Agricultural and stock raising in the area of nitrogen flow rate 60

Table 13. Number and livestock in the study area ration (2009). 61

Table 14. Nitrogen flow rate in forest area. 62

Table 15. Nitrogen flow rate in urban areas. 63

Table 16. The nitrogen included with livestock manure outflow(2009년). 68

Table 17. Nitrogen outflow from agricultural and stock raising region 69

Table 18. Nitrogen outflow from forest areas 71

Table 19. The study area is kind of forest habitat in the forest. 71

Table 20. Nitrogen outflow from urban areas. 73

Table 21. Nitrogen of mass balance. 78

Figure 1. Trend in domestic emissions of Nitrogen Oxides, VOC, Carbon Dioxide, Sulfer Oxide, PM10, 1999∼2009 year. (National Institute of Environmental Research) 14

Figure 2. The composition of air pollution emissions(1999~2009 yrea). 15

Figure 3. Ansan, Siheung and Hwaseong City, the major sources of NOx emission. 17

Figure 4. Domestic major source of nitrogen oxide materials (National Institute of Environmental Research) 18

Figure 5. The study area. 24

Figure 6. Air Quality Model Diagram. 28

Figure 7. Modeling area. 34

Figure 8. Changes in the population of the study area (2004~2009 year). 44

Figure 9. Land use in the study area(2009year). 44

Figure 10. Wet and Dry deposition data in the study area. 50

Figure 11. Wet and Dry deposition flux correlation with rain-fall data. 50

Figure 12. Evolution of the emissions of CO (top), NOx (mid) and SO2 (bottom), for the EU-27 countries, the USA and East Asia for the 1990-2000 period(Cofala, J., et. al., 2007; Ohara, T., et, al., 2007). 54

Figure 13. Changes in Farm Households Change in Korea(농림수산식품부, 2011). 58

Figure 14. Changes of nitrogen and phosphorus balances of OECD countries(김필주 등, 2008). 59

Figure 15. Plant uptake of nitrogen fertilizer application rate according to the correlation(임태준 등, 2007). 67

Figure 16. Inflow and outflow of nitrogen from agricultural and stock raising areas. 76

Figure 17. Inflow and outflow of nitrogen in forest areas. 77

Figure 18. Inflow and outflow of nitrogen in urban areas. 77

Figure 19. Sihwa-Wetland location. 81

Figure 20. Nitrogen mass flow 82

Figure 21. Nitrogen mass balance in Sihwa-ho. 84


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