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고령화시대의 노년층 음악교육 활성화 방안 연구 : 노래교실과 민요교실 중심으로 / 조윤정 인기도
서울 : 국민대학교 교육대학원, 2013.2
TM 780.7 -13-58
iii, 76 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 국민대학교 교육대학원, 음악교육전공, 2013.2. 지도교수: 김희선




I. 서론 7

1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 7

2. 연구의 범위 및 방법 8

3. 선행연구 9

II. 이론적 배경 11

1. 고령화시대의 노년층교육 11

가. 한국고령화사회의 문제점과 노년층의 특성 13

나. 노년층 교육의 필요성과 교육방법의 특징 19

2. 노년층 음악교육의 중요성 24

가. 평생교육으로써의 음악 25

나. 음악교육이 노년층에게 미치는 영향 27

III. 노년층 음악교육의 현황과 제안점 30

1. 노래교실의 노년층 음악교육 38

가. 노래교실역사 39

나. 서울지역 노래교실에 (사)코시아 강사들의 수업현황 39

다. 강사자격 및 강사교육방법 39

라. 수강생 연령과 노년층 음악교육 40

마. 교재 및 곡목선정의 기준 40

2. 민요교실의 노년층 음악교육 48

가. 관악노인종합복지관의 민요교실 수업현황 49

나. 사당종합노인복지관의 민요교실 수업현황 51

3. 노래교실과 민요교실의 학습지도안 58

가. 노래교실 학습지도안 59

나. 민요교실 학습지도안 64

IV. 결론 71

참고문헌 73

Abstract 76

부록 79

〈부록 1〉 사단법인 한국가요강사협회정관 79

〈부록 2〉 (사)한국가요강사협회 박상훈 회장과 인터뷰한 내용 81

〈표 1〉 고령화 사회 진입 시기에 대한 국제비교 13

〈표 2〉 보건복지부(2005) 노인보건복지사업안내 14

〈표 3〉 에릭슨의 8가지 발달단계 모형 21

〈표 4〉 2008 노인복지 우수프로그램사례 28

〈표 5-1〉 노인복지 시설현황과 음악활동 강좌명 30

〈표 5-2〉 노인교육기관에 개설된 음악교육 프로그램 32

〈표 5-3〉 노래교실과 민요교실 강좌명 34

〈표 6-1〉 학력에 대한 빈도 분석표 36

〈표 6-2〉 전공에 대한 빈도 분석표 37

〈표 6-3〉 소지자격증 및 담당강의 현황 37

〈표 7〉 (사) 코시아 강사 교육프로그램 40

〈표 8〉 노인장기요양보험 건강개선프로그램 -음악활동- 46

〈표 9-1〉 관악노인종합복지관 민요교실 수업현황 50

〈표 9-2〉 사당노인종합복지관 민요교실 수업현황 51

〈표 9-3〉 (재)전통공연 예술진흥재단 문화학교 모집사항 53

〈표 9-4〉 (재)전통공연 예술진흥재단 문화학교 맺음반 프로그램 53

〈표 9-5〉 (재)전통공연 예술진흥재단 문화학교 수업내용 54

〈표 9-6〉 (재)전통공연 예술진흥재단 문화학교 강사 프로필 55

〈표 9-7〉 (재)전통공연 예술진흥재단 문화학교 학습지도안 56

〈표 10-1〉 노래교실 학습지도안 59

〈표 10-2〉 민요교실 학습지도안 64

〈그림 1-1〉 교재 겉표지 41

〈그림 1-2〉 곡의 목차 42

〈그림 1-3〉 악보 43

〈그림 1-4〉 부록 44

〈그림 2〉 관악 노인 복지관 '민요교실' 수강생 공연사진 51

〈그림 3〉 (재)전통공연 예술진흥재단 문화학교 수업사진 53

초록보기 더보기

 The purpose of this study is to present a direction for stimulating music education for the elderly as lifelong learning and education in preparation for a graying society. The aim of this study has its origin in the recognition of the problem that, despite the changing social perception of the elderly in an aging society, support for music education for the elderly is inadequate and professional elderly music education programs are lacking.

The elderly expect to have an abundant second life, and are looking for opportunities to access various education programs such as in music, physical education, the fine arts and literature. Among them, musical education is the one in which one can express oneself with ease and a suitable educational activity for the elderly because of the minimum body movements required. The elderly can not only find individual sense of achievement and enjoyment through the activities of musical education, but also interact with others through musical performances, and come out of their isolated world. Among other programs, singing classes and folk song classes are the most acclaimed educational programs among the elderly; they are very popular and are a must for a institution for educating the elderly. Singing is a music activity everyone can take part in, and most people do so throughout their lifetime. Through the singing activity, the elderly can look back on the past through the lyrics, and can be induced to make physical movements such as clapping to the beat of the music, which is beneficial to health. Ultimately, singing lessons help improve the quality of the elderly's life. Thus, in order to investigate the current educational state of affairs, as well as methods to train instructors and teaching materials at singing classes and folk song classes that represent musical education for the elderly, the author interviewed the president of the the Korean Musical Instructors' Association, which is registered as number 499 at the Ministry of Culture & Tourism. And the author also visited Gwanak and Sadan Senior Welfare Centers which are located in Seoul, and checked how their classes were being taught and what programs they were running. As a result, the author found the following problems.

As for singing classes, they had no professional instructor exclusively for the elderly. The contents of the textbooks also revealed that they were simply for pastime or entertainment, not suitable for the musical education for the elderly.

As for folk song classes, there were very few systematic classes being offered. In addition, there was a lack of professionalism - for example, folk songs from different regions were grouped into one during class. Moreover, Welfare Centers did not limit the number of students, leading to a poor learning environment with too many students per instructorThe important thing in the musical education of the elderly is the supply of human resources with professional knowledge regarding the elderly. And the teacher must record daily plans or agenda for each class to systematically prepare for class. Further, a curriculum compatible with long-term education and materials custom-made for the elderly must be provided. These facts must be understood by social education personnel and teachers in music education for the elderly music education programs to be conducted more successfully.

The issue of educating the elderly in a graying society is being propeled forward as a national policy project. Therefore, active support must be present in order to allow a range of activities. Through this study, it is hoped that professional human resource development be stimulated and the elderly music education be established systematically.


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