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검색결과 (전체 1건)


비점오염 저감을 위한 LID 기법 적용과 저감효과 분석 / 조선주 인기도
부산 : 부경대학교 대학원, 2013.2
TM 628 -13-269
viii, 101 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 부경대학교 대학원, 환경공학과, 2013.2. 지도교수: 김상단




요지 10

I. 서론 12

1. 연구배경 및 목적 12

2. 연구동향 14

3. 연구내용 17

II. 연구 방법 21

1. 대상유역 21

2. LID 기법 최적 위치 선정 23

가. 위치 결정을 위한 표준강우사상 선정 23

나. 분포형 강우-유출 모델을 통한 저감부하량 산정 37

다. LID 기법 최적 위치 선정 48

3. SWMM 모델을 이용한 저감효과 모의 55

가. EPA SWMM 55

나. SWMM 모델의 LID 기능 58

다. SWMM 모델을 이용한 저류시설 설계 75

III. 결과 및 고찰 85

1. 연별 저감효과 분석 86

가. LID 기법 저감효과 분석 86

나. 저류시설 저감효과 분석 89

2. 강우사상에 따른 저감효과 분석 91

가. LID 기법 적용 전 유출 특성 92

나. LID 기법의 저감효과 94

IV. 결론 105

참고문헌 107

Table 1. Name and introductory information for the selected models 18

Table 2. Flow chart of model for LID 20

Table 3. Statistics of rainfall at Busan 28

Table 4. estimated parameters 29

Table 5. Represented rainfall 36

Table 6. Annual mean basic unit of non-point pollutant loads 44

Table 7. parameters for build up and wash off 45

Table 8. Optimal installation location and quantifying efficiency. 52

Table 9. Layers used to model different types of LID units(EPA, 2011) 64

Table 10. Recommended parameter values for Bio-Retention Cell 68

Table 11. Recommended parameter values for Infiltration Trench 69

Table 12. Recommended parameter values for Porous Pavement 69

Table 13. Recommended parameter values for Rain Barrel 70

Table 14. Recommended parameter values for Vegetative Swale 70

Table 15. Designed area values of Unit LID facility 74

Table 16. LID facilities information applied for study area 74

Table 17. Design of the WQv outlet (Orifice) 84

Table 18. Scenario of placing the LID for analysis of removal 85

Table 19. Removal effect of annual stormwater depth 87

Table 20. Removal effect of annual BOD loads 82

Table 21. Removal effect of annual TP loads 82

Table 22. Removal effect of annual TP loads (Detention) 91

Table 23. rainfall-runoff characteristics by year 92

Table 24. Removal effect of annual 103

Fig. 1. LID devices and measures included in the selected models. Grey shading indicates that the model does not explicitily address the divice, but could be used to model the device. Models with an asterisk do not aaddress water quality. 17

Fig. 2. Discharged pollution load per unit area. 21

Fig. 3. Study area. 22

Fig. 4. Hourly precipitation data of study area. 22

Fig. 5. Rainfall Frequency Distribution at Busan (2002 to 2011). 24

Fig. 6. Definition of IETD. 26

Fig. 7. Poisson rectangular pulse point rainfall model. 27

Fig. 8. DEM of study area. 30

Fig. 9. Soil map of study area. 31

Fig. 10. Land use map of study area. 32

Fig. 11. Study area made of grid. 38

Fig. 12. 8 flow direction algorithm. 39

Fig. 13. Set 8 flow direction. 41

Fig. 14. Assignment of stream flow cells. 41

Fig. 15. Build up and Wash off for non-point pollutant. 43

Fig. 16. Non-point pollutant build up and wash off by rainfall. 46

Fig. 17. Runoff results. 47

Fig. 18. Flow chart of determining optimal installation location. 48

Fig. 19. Installable LID grid. 49

Fig. 20. Optimal installation location. 53

Fig. 21. Determined optimal installation location of study area. 54

Fig. 22. Water quality characteristics of urban runoff. 58

Fig. 23. Control editor of Bio-Retention Cell. 59

Fig. 24. Control editor of Infiltration Trench. 60

Fig. 25. Control editor of Porous Pavement. 61

Fig. 26. Control editor of Rain Barrel. 62

Fig. 27. Control editor of Vegetative Swale. 63

Fig. 28. Conceptual diagram of a bio-retention cell LID. 64

Fig. 29. LID usage editor for LID. 71

Fig. 30. Optimal installation location. 73

Fig. 31. Example of detention. 76

Fig. 32. Set conduit for detention using SWMM. 77

Fig. 33. The 2-yr design storm hyetograph. 78

Fig. 34. Geometry of the detention's WQv. 80

Fig. 35. Properties of storage unit. 81

Fig. 36. Removal effect of runoff. 86

Fig. 37. Removal effect of BOD loads. 88

Fig. 38. Removal effect of TP loads. 88

Fig. 39. Removal effect of BOD loads. 90

Fig. 40. Removal effect of TP loads. 90

Fig. 41. Runoff and loads by rainfall. 93

Fig. 42. Runoff and loads (before LID after LID) - CASE I. 95

Fig. 43. Runoff and loads (before LID after LID) - CASE II. 96

Fig. 44. Runoff and loads (before LID after LID) - CASE III. 97

Fig. 45. Annual runoff and loads of scenarios. 98

Fig. 46. Removal efficiency - CASE I. 100

Fig. 47. Removal efficiency - CASE II. 101

Fig. 48. Removal efficiency - CASE III. 102

Fig. 49. Removal efficiency by rainfall. 104


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