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검색결과 (전체 1건)


행동수정기법을 적용한 초등학교 교사의 연구동향과 효과분석 / 정재민 인기도
부산 : 고신대학교 교육대학원, 2013.8
TM 371.9 -13-332
ii, 51 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 고신대학교 교육대학원, 특수교육전공, 2013.8. 지도교수: 김종현




I. 서론 6

1. 연구의 필요성과 목적 6

2. 연구문제 8

3. 용어의 정의 8

1) 행동수정 8

2) 행동처치 9

3) 토큰강화 9

4) 행동계약 9

5) 인지적 행동수정 9

4. 연구의 제한점 9

II. 이론적 배경 11

1. 학생문제행동의 심각성과 교사의 대처 11

1) 문제행동의 사례 11

2) 문제행동의 심각성 11

3) 문제행동에 대한 교사의 대처 13

2. 행동수정기법별 특징과 교육적 시사점 16

1) 행동주의의 개념 16

2) 행동수정이론의 효용성 16

2) 행동수정기법별 특징 17

2) 행동주의이론의 적용사례 18

3. 행동수정기법을 적용한 선행연구 21

III. 연구방법 24

1. 논문선정범위와 분석변인 24

2. 연구대상논문 24

IV. 연구결과 29

1. 행동수정 실천사례의 연구동향 29

2. 행동수정기법을 적용한 연구의 행동개선효과 31

V. 결론 및 제언 44

1. 요약 44

2. 논의 및 결론 45

참고문헌 48


〈표 III-1〉 1990년대 행동처치 관련 논문 25

〈표 III-2〉 2000년대 행동처치 관련 논문 26

〈표 III-3〉 행동수정기법에 따른 연구건수 26

〈표 III-4〉 토큰강화의 적용과 관련된 논문 27

〈표 III-5〉 행동계약의 적용과 관련된 논문 28

〈표 III-6〉 인지적 행동수정의 적용과 관련된 논문 28

〈표 IV-1〉 연구대상 학생 수 및 성별분포, 유지일반화 측정 여부 29

〈표 IV-2〉 학생 표적행동 및 문제행동의 비교 30

〈표 IV-3〉 측정도구, 측정방법, 실험절차의 비교 31

〈표 IV-4〉 비학습행동 관련 문제행동에 대한 토큰강화기법의 적용 32

〈표 IV-5〉 ADHD아동의 문제행동에 대한 토큰강화의 적용 33

〈표 IV-6〉 공격성 관련 문제행동에 대한 토큰강화의 적용 35

〈표 IV-7〉 ADHD아동의 문제행동에 대한 행동계약의 적용 37

〈표 IV-8〉 정신지체아동의 문제행동에 대한 행동계약의 적용 38

〈표 IV-9〉 과잉행동아동에 대한 행동계약의 적용 39

〈표 IV-10〉 ADHD아동의 문제행동에 대한 인지적 행동수정의 적용 40

〈표 IV-11〉 과잉행동, 충동성 문제행동에 대한 인지적 행동수정의 적용 41

〈표 IV-12〉 공격성관련 문제행동에 대한 인지적 행동수정의 적용 42

초록보기 더보기

 The problematic behaviors students show in school have evolved from simple disobedience of teachers to the anti-social problems, such as violence and parents' or students' assault of teachers. Also, there is a new aspect of problematic behaviors students show in school as there as emotional and behavioral problems related to anxiety, depression, and lack of concentration. All researchers agree that school education is the whole-minded process that helps with growth and development, but many studies were limited to identifying the problems or discussing the theoretical resources and could not be helpful for teachers who actually work with students. This study is the literature study that overcame the limitations of these theoretical and quantitative studies and generalized the results of many cases of behavioral corrections shown in qualitative studies.

Limited to the studies by' graduate school of education' on' elementary school' , this study found dominantly more cases on male students than female students in the 1990s. In the 1990s, most studies were individual cases on 3 or fewer students, but in the 2000s, many preventive studies were performed by having a group of 20 or more engage in programs and the findings of the studies were positive. Comparing the findings of the 1990s and the 2000s, many studies in the 90s defined the target behaviors based on the results of behaviors and studied the effectiveness by assigning treatment period and maintaining period, whereas many cases in the 2000s performed behavioral treatments also for normal children for prevention and treatment. The major examples were cognitive behavioral correction and positive behavioral support. Also, problematic behaviors that were not discussed or only had extremely few cases in the 90s, such as anxiety, depression, and violence, became the subjects of behavioral treatments of teachers in the 2000s. Another change was the use of questionnaires, such as CDI, DSM-IV, and ACTeRS, for objective measuring. This was because the target of behavioral treatment was increased from a few subjects to multiple subjects and the types of problematic behaviors were replaced witli terms ttat show tendencies as many researchers performed behavioral treatments on experiment groups and control groups.

The token system related to children's non-learning behaviors takes the biggest part of the cases of behavioral treatments. In particular, the effectiveness of token system against non-leaming behaviors was proven in all cases and the token system was also effective on the non-leaming behaviors of children with ADHD. However, there were no consistent results about the problematic behaviors related to violence. The effectiveness of behavior contracts on the problematic behaviors of children with ADHD has been clearly prven in all studies and found to have positive effects not oily on the external results, but also on the emotional relationships between teachers and students and students' spontaneity. However, group behavior contracts in relation to hyperactivity do have a little effect on arbitration or maintenance, but did not show statistically significant effectiveness. The educational effect of cognitive behavioral correction on the prrblematic behaviors of children with ADHD, but it was effective for the prevention of problematic behaviors of children with violent tendencies. This is significant because it blocks problematic behaviors in advance for cognitive growth rather than correcting behaviors as a result of treatment.


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