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검색결과 (전체 1건)


전라북도 3·1운동에 대한 기억과 기념물 / 김혜진 인기도
전주 : 전주대학교 교육대학원, 2014.2
TM 907 -14-98
62 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(석사) -- 전주대학교 교육대학원, 역사교육전공, 2014.2. 지도교수: 홍성덕




제1장 서론 5

제1절 연구목적 5

제2절 연구 내용 및 방법 8

1. 연구 내용 8

2. 연구 방법 9

제2장 역사적 사건의 기념과 상징 11

제1절 기억과 역사 11

제2절 기념물과 집단 정체성 14

제3절 역사적 장소와 기억의 장소 17

제3장 전라북도 3.1운동의 전개와 기념물 19

제1절 지역별 3.1운동의 전개 19

1. 군산지역 22

2. 전주·완주지역 22

3. 임실지역 23

4. 정읍지역 24

5. 익산지역 25

6. 김제·부안·고창지역 26

7. 순창·남원지역 27

8. 장수·진안·무주지역 28

제2절 전북지역 3.1운동 기념물 현황 29

1. 군산3.1독립운동기념비 30

2. 군산3.1운동기념관 31

3. 군산삼일운동기념비/3.1운동만세상 32

4. 남원3.1운동만세운동발상지 기념탑 33

5. 남원3.1운동기념비 34

6. 계명당고개 대한독립만세 탑 35

7. 여산 독립만세운동기념비 36

8. 익산3.1운동기념비 37

9. 오수3.1독립운동기념탑 38

10. 기미3.1운동기념비 40

11. 임실 이도리 3.1운동기념비 40

12. 장수 산서 3.1운동기념비 42

13. 전주 3.1운동발상지비 43

14. 전주3.1운동기념비(신흥고) 43

15. 태인 3.1운동기념탑 44

제3절 3.1운동 장소와 기념물 조성지 46

1.전라북도 3.1운동의 역사적 장소 46

2. 3.1운동 기념물 조성지 49

제4절 전라북도 3.1운동의 기념방법 52

1. 건립주체와 시기 52

2. 3.1운동 기념방법 55

제4장 결론 57

참고문헌 59

Abstract 61

초록보기 더보기

 In the modern history, related to the national identity, 3·1 movement occurred contemporary in various parts of Jeollabuk-do region which was the largest independence movement of the Japanese occupation. Thus, as commtinity memory of the nation, the representative symbols of 3·1 movement such as memorial and tower are celebrated directly or indirectly in various forms.

Excluding monuments for participations of 3·1 movement which were privately erected by individual or particular religious body, find some facts based on statistics and analysis of fifteen memorials of 3·1 movement which are designated managed by the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs

First, according to the atmosphere of a re-evaluation of 3·1 movement starting at 50th anniversary of 3·1 movement in 1969, the Dong-A Ilbo established three memorials in 1970's. Following that 50 percents of 3·1 memorials are established in the late 15 years such as three memorials in 1980's, two in 1990's, and eight in 2000's. Since 2000's, construction of memorials began in ernest and 50 percents are established. This is because autonomous local government system was launched in 1995, finding regional identity was being magnified as a important issue, people tried to find the region's history and cultural characteristics.

Second, there is correspondence problem between commemorative space and historical space. Memorials which are located where 3·1 movement occurred are only five places include a monument memorial at Guam church in Gunsan. The 5 memorials are located relevant places. The rest of the 5 memorials are located irrelevant places. Commemorations of 3·1 movement are consistently observed only at the places where have correlation with 3·1 movement. Overall, in Jeollabuk-do, locations of memorials of 3·1 movement are unrelated to historical places.

Third, the way of celebration had a definite form not varied. All local governments proceeded celebration in consistent formalities, reporting an outline of 3·1 movement, reading a declaration of independence, singing 3·1 movement song and giving three cheers. After the celebration, a head of an organization and men of merit laid flowers and burned incense. At places of 3·1 movement, local residents and students participate in performance, march, exorcism, this fresh trend can be seen recently.

In history education and study, it is very important that see within eyes and remember historical knowledge learned by literature. If commemorative space is located far away from historical space, it results in low sense of realism and accuracy. A purpose of establishing memorial is what to memory from the historical space and how to commemorate it. To achieve the purpose efficiently we need to pay close attention to select a site of commemorative space.


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