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검색결과 (전체 1건)


산욕기 산모의 유방간호에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰 / 송지아 인기도
대전 : 을지대학교 대학원, 2015.8
TD 610.73 -15-714
viii, 91 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 을지대학교 대학원, 간호학과, 2015.8. 지도교수: 허명행





I. 서론 12

1. 연구의 필요성 12

2. 연구목적 17

3. 용어의 정의 18

II. 문헌고찰 20

1. 산모의 유방 변화 및 유방간호 중재 20

1) 산모의 유방 변화와 유방울혈 20

2) 산욕기 산모의 비 약물적 유방간호 중재 24

2. 체계적 문헌고찰 27

3. 유방울혈 치료의 체계적 문헌고찰 32

III. 연구방법 34

1. 연구설계 34

2. 핵심질문 34

1) 연구대상(Patient) 34

2) 중재(Intervention) 34

3) 비교중재(Comparison) 35

4) 중재결과(Outcome) 35

3. 문헌검색 35

4. 문헌선택 37

5. 문헌의 질 평가 39

6. 자료분석 41

1) 자료추출 41

2) 분석모형 선택 41

3) 효과크기 산출 42

4) 이질성 검증 43

5) 출판 편향 검증 43

IV. 연구결과 45

1. 체계적 문헌고찰 대상 문헌의 특성 45

2. 문헌의 질 평가 54

3. 유방간호가 유방통증에 미치는 효과 57

1) 유방 마사지 중재와 일반간호의 통증 효과비교 57

2) 양배추 요법과 일반간호의 통증 효과비교 59

3) 양배추요법과 냉온 찜질의 통증효과 비교 60

4. 유방간호가 유방울혈 정도에 미치는 영향 61

1) 양배추 요법과 일반간호의 유방울혈 정도 비교 61

5. 출판편향 62

V. 논의 63

1. 유방마사지가 산욕기 산모의 유방통증과 유방울혈에 미치는 효과 65

2. 양배추요법이 산욕기 산모의 유방통증과 유방울혈에 미치는 효과 68

3. 간호학적 적용과 의의 72

VI. 결론 및 제언 75

References 78

부록 11

〈부록 1〉 PRISMA(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) 85

〈부록 2〉 Characteristics of studies 86

Abstract 98

Table 1. Searching Strategy 37

Table 2. Summary of RCTs and CCTs examining breast care and breast engorgement in postpartum mothers 50

Figure 1. Flow chart of study selection process 47

Figure 2. Risk of bias graph: review authors' judgements about each risk of bias... 54

Figure 2-1. Risk of bias summary: review authors' judgements about each risk of... 55

Figure 3. Forest plot of the effects of breast massage for breast pain 58

Figure 4. Forest plot of the effects of cabbage for breast pain 59

Figure 5. Forest plot of the effects of cold cabbage leaves and cold compress for... 60

Figure 6. Forest plot of the effects of cabbage for breast engorgement level 62

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참고문헌 목록에 대한 테이블로 번호, 참고문헌, 국회도서관 소장유무로 구성되어 있습니다.
번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
1 Postpartum care and breast-feeding. 네이버 미소장
2 Research society of women's health nursing textbook. Women's health nursing. Paju: soomoonsa; 2012. 미소장
3 Breastfeeding. St. Louis: Mosby; 1999. 미소장
4 Chronic Perinatal Pain as a Risk Factor for Postpartum Depression Symptoms in Canadian Women 네이버 미소장
5 Provider Management and Support for Breastfeeding Pain 네이버 미소장
6 A population-based survey on infant feeding practice (0-2 years) in Hong Kong: breastfeeding rate and patterns among 3,161 infants below 6 months old. 네이버 미소장
7 Lactation Mastitis: Occurrence and Medical Management among 946 Breastfeeding Women in the United States 네이버 미소장
8 Treating Postpartum Breast Edema With Areolar Compression 네이버 미소장
9 Reverse Pressure Softening: A Simple Tool to Prepare Areola for Easier Latching During Engorgement 네이버 미소장
10 Lactation mastitis. 네이버 미소장
11 Wikipedia. Breast engorgement 2014. Available from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breast_engorgement. 미소장
12 Comparative effectiveness of early breast care and cabbage compress on breast engorgement in primiparous women after cesarean... 미소장
13 Recognizing and Treating Delayed or Failed Lactogenesis II 네이버 미소장
14 Knowledge, attitudes and practices of health professionals and women towards medication use in breastfeeding: A review 네이버 미소장
15 Drug excretion into breast milk—Overview 네이버 미소장
16 Why mothers stop breastfeeding: mothers' self-reported reasons for stopping during the first year. 네이버 미소장
17 Treatments for breast engorgement during lactation. 네이버 미소장
18 Treatments for breast engorgement during lactation 네이버 미소장
19 Hot fomentation versus cold compress for reducing intravenous infiltration. 네이버 미소장
20 A Cochrane review of superficial heat or cold for low back pain. 네이버 미소장
21 Value of massage therapy for patients in a breast clinic. 네이버 미소장
22 Engorgement : The cabbage cure 1999. Available from: http://www.lactationconsultant.info/cabbagecure.html. 미소장
23 A Comparison of Cabbage Leaves vs. Hot and Cold Compresses in the Treatment of Breast Engorgement. 네이버 미소장
24 Do cabbage leaves prevent breast engorgement? A randomized, controlled study. 네이버 미소장
25 A Comparison of Chilled Cabbage Leaves and Chilled Gelpaks in Reducing Breast Engorgement 네이버 미소장
26 A Comparison of Chilled and Room Temperature Cabbage Leaves in Treating Breast Engorgement 네이버 미소장
27 Effects of Cabbage Leaf Extract on Breast Engorgement 네이버 미소장
28 Canadian breastfeeding foundation. Engorgement 2009. Available from:... 미소장
29 Australian breastfeeding association. Engorgement 2011. Available from:... 미소장
30 An introduction to systematic review 소장
31 Meta-analysis in medical research. 네이버 미소장
32 Role of systematic reviews and meta-analysis in evidence-based medicine. 네이버 미소장
33 Effects of Breast Massage on Breast Pain, Breast-milk Sodium, and Newborn Suckling in Early Postpartum Mothers 소장
34 Effects of Oketani Breast Massage on Breast Pain, the Breast Milk pH of Mothers, and the Sucking Speed of Neonates 소장
35 Efficacy of Cabbage Leaves in Relief of Breast Engorgement among Postnatal Mothers 네이버 미소장
36 The Study for the Effect of Breast Massage and Manual Expression of the Breast before Engorgement after Delivery 네이버 미소장
37 Efectiveness of cabbage leaves application on breast engorgement. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2014;4(12). 미소장
38 Physiology and endocrine changes underlying human lactogenesis II. 네이버 미소장
39 Studies in human lactation: milk volume and nutrient composition during weaning and lactogenesis. 네이버 미소장
40 Neonatal nurses 네이버 미소장
41 Risk factors for suboptimal infant breastfeeding behavior, delayed onset of lactation, and excess neonatal weight loss. 네이버 미소장
42 Identification of Risk Factors for Delayed Onset of Lactation 네이버 미소장
43 Wikipedia. Cold compression therapy 2014. Available from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_compression_therapy. 미소장
44 Breast engorgement in breastfeeding mothers [Ph.D.]. Ann Arbor: Case Western Reserve University (Health Sciences); 1990. 미소장
45 Composition of milk obtained from unmassaged versus massaged breasts of lactating mothers. 네이버 미소장
46 Prevention of Nipple Tenderness and Breast Engorgement in the Postpartal Period 네이버 미소장
47 Effects of Gua-Sha therapy on breast engorgement: a randomized controlled trial. 네이버 미소장
48 Acupuncture, the limbic system, and the anticorrelated networks of the brain 네이버 미소장
49 The role of sinigrin in host plant recognition by aphids during initial plant penetration 네이버 미소장
50 The Use of Alternative Therapies in the Support of Breastfeeding 네이버 미소장
51 The change of breast engorgement for non-breast feeding mother after cold cabbage compress [master’s thesis] 2004. 미소장
52 The practice of nursing research. St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Saunders; 2013. 미소장
53 Simple pooling versus combining in meta-analysis. 네이버 미소장
54 Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions Version 5.1. 0 [updated March 2011]. The Cochrane Collaboration, 2011... 미소장
55 Searching Medical Literature Effectively 소장
56 New healthy technology acessment, systematic review guideline. Seoul: National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency; 2011. 미소장
57 Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. 네이버 미소장
58 UK: Distrupol & Matrix - plastics masterbatch 네이버 미소장
59 Quantifying heterogeneity in a meta‐analysis 네이버 미소장
60 Effects of Breast Massage on Breast Pain, Breast-milk Sodium, and Newborn Suckling in Early Postpartum Mothers 소장
61 Development and Evaluation of Breastfeeding Promotion Program for Mothers with Breast Engorgement following Cesarean Birth 네이버 미소장
62 Essentials of maternity, newborn, and women's health nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012. 미소장


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