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전력계통 건전성 지수 모델 개발 및 시각화 방법에 관한 연구 = (A)study on the power system health index model and visualization / 임진택 인기도
진주 : 경상대학교 대학원, 2016.2
TD 621.3 -16-106
vii, 99 p. ; 30 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 경상대학교 대학원, 전기공학과, 2016.2. 지도교수: 최재석




Abstract 11

I. 서론 12

1. 연구의 배경 및 필요성 12

1) 기술적 측면 13

2) 사회적 측면 13

3) 정책적 측면 14

4) 국가기술개발 측면 14

2. 연구의 동향 15

1) 국내 기술 동향 및 수준 15

2) 국외 기술 동향 및 수 16

3. 연구의 목표 19

II. 건전성 지수의 정식화 방법 20

1. 전력계통 상태영역 및 건전성 지수(PSHI)의 개념 20

1) 기존의 계통운영의 표준 상태공간모형 20

2) 전력계통 상태영역 및 건전성 지수(PSHI) 정의 22

2. PSHI 정식화 24

1) PSHI 정식화 요소 24

2) 주파수 정식화 25

2) 전압 정식화 30

3) 운영예비력 정식화 37

4) 주파수조정예비력 정식화 40

5) 송전선로 과부하 정식화 43

6) 변압기과부하 정식화 46

7) SPS 공급적정도의 정식화 49

3. 건전성 지수 출력함수 55

1) Inverse Proportional 56

2) Piecewise Linear Proportional 56

4. 건전성 지수의 Mapping 방법론 개발 58

5. 종합 PSHI 평가방법 61

1) 평균치 이론 61

2) PSHI 의 평균치 이론 적용 64

III. 전력계통 건전성 감시 프로그램 개발 67

1. 프로그램 입력구성 67

2. 프로그램 실행결과 구성 68

3. 프로그램 전체 구성 69

IV. 전력계통 건전성 지수 시각화 방법 70

1. PSHI의 시각화 70

1) 엑셀을 이용한 PSHI의 시각화 방법 70

2) 맥북을 이용한 PSHI의 시각화 방법 71

V. 사례연구 72

1. 샘플입력 데이터를 이용한 PSHI 시뮬레이션 72

2. 시나리오 구성 및 시뮬레이션 결과 77

1) 시나리오 1의 계통상황 및 시뮬레이션 결과 77

2) 시나리오 2의 계통상황 및 시뮬레이션 결과 79

3) 시나리오 3의 계통상황 및 시뮬레이션 결과 81

4) 시나리오 4의 계통상황 및 시뮬레이션 결과 83

5) 시나리오 5의 계통상황 및 시뮬레이션 결과 85

6) 시나리오 6의 계통상황 및 시뮬레이션 결과 87

VI. 결론 89

참고문헌 91

부록 93

부록 1. 우리나라 예비력 기준(2015년도) 93

부록 2. PSHI 알고리즘 검증 시나리오 입력데이터 자료 94

Table 1. PRA indicators and impact 17

Table 2. Normal, alert, emergency, and extreme emergency status criteria 21

Table 3. Spatial domains of wellbeing analysis system status 21

Table 4. Differences between wellbeing analysis model and PSHI techniques 22

Table 5. Target items for PSHI 24

Table 6. Frequency reliability standard laws and three domain standards based on... 26

Table 7. Variables of three standard domains of frequency 26

Table 8. 345kV voltage reliability standard laws and three domain standards based... 31

Table 9. Variables of three standard domains of 345kV Voltage 31

Table 10. 765kV voltage reliability standard laws and three domain standards based... 32

Table 11. Variables of three standard domains of 765kV voltage 32

Table 12. Based on medium load 154kV voltage reliability standard laws and three... 34

Table 13. Variables of three standard domains of based on medium load 154kV... 34

Table 14. Upon load changes 154kV voltage reliability standard laws and three... 34

Table 15. Variables of three standard domains of upon load changes 154kV voltage 35

Table 16. Based on light load 154kV voltage reliability standard laws and three... 35

Table 17. Variables of three standard domains of based on night load 154kV... 35

Table 18. Operating reserve power reliability standard laws and three domain... 38

Table 19. Variables of three standard domains of operating reserve power 39

Table 20. Frequency regulation reserve power reliability standard laws and three... 41

Table 21. Variables of three standard domains of frequency regulation reserve power 42

Table 22. Overload of lines reliability standard laws and three domain standards... 44

Table 23. Variables of three standard domains of overload of lines 45

Table 24. Overload of transformers reliability standard laws and three domain... 47

Table 25. Variables of three standard domains of overload of transformers 48

Table 26. Special protection scheme reliability standard laws and three domain... 50

Table 27. Variables of three standard domains of special protection scheme 51

Table 28. Reliability standard laws and three domain standards based on expert interview from supply adequacy standpoint 53

Table 29. Reliability standard laws and three domain standards based on expert interview from supply security standpoint 54

Table 30. Domain formula of piecewise linear proportional output function model of... 57

Table 31. Example of frequency sample input data at intervals of 2 seconds from... 73

Table 32. Example of frequency sample input data at intervals of 2 seconds from the... 74

Table 33. PSHI value from the perspective of adequacy 75

Table 34. PSHI value from the perspective of security 76

Table A.1. Reserve power standard of the Korean electricity market operations... 93

Table A.2. Frequency sample input data 94

Table A.3. Voltage sample input data 97

Table A.4. Operating reserve powers ample input data 101

Table A.5. Frequency regulation reserve power ample input data 103

Table A.6. Overload ample input data 105

Table A.7. Low Voltage sample input data 109

Table A.8. Power transfer limits among areas sample input data 110

Fig. 1. Power system wellbeing analysis developed by university of Saskatchewan in... 16

Fig. 2. China's Huazhong operating composite index operation screen 18

Fig. 3. System Operating States to Recognize Local load Interruptions, Controlled... 20

Fig. 4. Concept of PSHI domain and definition 23

Fig. 5. Frequency reliability standard laws and concept map of three domain... 26

Fig. 6. An example: frequency PSHI domain proposed newly in this paper 27

Fig. 7. A directivity model regarding health index variation of frequency 29

Fig. 8. 345kV and 765kV voltage reliability standard laws and concept map of three... 31

Fig. 9. 154kV voltage reliability standard laws and concept map of three domain... 33

Fig. 10. An example: voltage PSHI domain proposed newly in this paper 36

Fig. 11. Operating reserve power reliability standard laws and concept map of three... 38

Fig. 12. An example: operating reserve power PSHI domain proposed newly in this... 39

Fig. 13. Frequency regulation reserve power reliability standard laws and concept... 41

Fig. 14. An example: frequency regulating reserve power PSHI domain proposed... 42

Fig. 15. Overload of lines reliability standard laws and concept map of three domain... 44

Fig. 16. An example: overload of lines PSHI domain proposed newly in this paper 45

Fig. 17. Overload of transformers reliability standard laws and concept map of three... 47

Fig. 18. An example: overload of transformers PSHI domain proposed newly in this... 48

Fig. 19. Special protection system reliability standard laws and concept map of three... 50

Fig. 20. An example: special protection scheme PSHI domain proposed newly in this... 51

Fig. 21. Four kinds of output function models of PSHI proposed newly in this paper 55

Fig. 22. Inverse proportional output function model of PSHI 56

Fig. 23. Piecewise linear proportional output function model of PSHI 56

Fig. 24. Flow chart for mapping PSHI into domain 58

Fig. 25. Equal interval adjustment concept of PSHI mapped into three domains 60

Fig. 26. Average concept from semicircles 63

Fig. 27. Sample input data screen of PSHI 67

Fig. 28. Result Screen of PSHI program 68

Fig. 29. Comprehensive concept scheme of the PSHI proposed in this paper 69

Fig. 30. Screen of PSHI visualization using EXCEL 71

Fig. 31. Screen of PSHI visualization using MacBook 71

Fig. 32. Scenario 1 simulation PSHI visualization screen before failure 78

Fig. 33. Scenario 1 simulation PSHI visualization screen after failure 78

Fig. 34. Scenario 2 simulation PSHI visualization screen before failure 80

Fig. 35. Scenario 2 simulation PSHI visualization screen after failure 80

Fig. 36. Scenario 3 simulation PSHI visualization screen before failure 82

Fig. 37. Scenario 3 simulation PSHI visualization screen after failure 82

Fig. 38. Scenario 4 simulation PSHI visualization screen before failure 84

Fig. 39. Scenario 4 simulation PSHI visualization screen after failure 84

Fig. 40. Scenario 5 simulation PSHI visualization screen before failure 86

Fig. 41. Scenario 5 simulation PSHI visualization screen after failure 86

Fig. 42. Scenario 6 simulation PSHI visualization screen before failure 88

Fig. 43. Scenario 6 simulation PSHI visualization screen after failure 88

초록보기 더보기

 This paper proposes probabilistic Power System Health Index(PSHI). The paper describes several kinds of power system health indices based on two main categories, which are adequacy and security. In adequacy, four kinds of health indices of Frequency, Voltage(154kV, 345kV and 765kV), Reserve(Operating Reserve Power and Frequency Regulation Reserve Power) and Overload of lines and transformers are proposed. In security, four kinds of health indices of Voltage(154kV, 345kV and 765kV), Overload of lines and transformers, Power transfer limits among areas and Special Protection System(SPS) are proposed. All indices are mapped into three domains, which are Health, Margin and Risk, defined with expert interview. While definition of domain of health, margin and risk is similar with the conventional wellbeing analysis of power system, definition of the domain proposed in this paper comes from expert system based on expert interviews. The several kinds of health index functions, which are linear ratio, piecewise linear ratio and reverse ratio function etc, are developed in this paper.

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번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
1 Development of Power System Health Algorithm 소장
2 전력계통 건전성 지수 알고리즘 개발 소장
3 전력계통 건전성 지수 알고리즘 개발 소장
4 Expert Criteria Based Power System Health Index Model and Visualization Considering Differential Value 네이버 미소장
5 2015. Probabilistic New Power System Health Index Model and Visualization. UKC. 2015(7) 미소장
6 2014. Probabilistic Power System Health Index Model and Visualization. CIGRE. 2014(8) 미소장
7 2014. Probabilistic Power System Health Index Model and Visualization. PMAPS. 2014(7) 미소장
8 2013. Power System Health Identification and Diagnosis Algorithm. ISGEPI. 2013(12) 미소장
9 2013. Development of Real Time Radar Visual Style Information System of Power System Integrated Health Index. GLSG. 2013(9) 미소장
10 2013. A Development of Power System Health Index and Domain. ICEE. 2013(7) 미소장
11 2013. A Development of Power System Health Index and Domain. ISGC&E. 2013(7) 미소장
12 전력거래소. 2013. 전력계통 건전성 감시 및 예측진단 기술 알고리즘 개발 타당성 연구. 최종보고서. 전력거래소 계통운영처. 2013(8) 미소장
13 2010. A Calculation of Power Transformers Health Indexes. AUCEE. 2010(34) : 13 - 18 미소장
14 2012. 전력계통 신뢰도공학. 경상대학교출판부. 1 : 1 - 19 미소장
15 電力系統의 健康度 解析에 관한 硏究 소장
16 2007. 계통계획측면에서의 우리나라 전력계통에 대한 PRA활용연구. 대한전기학회 하계학술대회 논문집. 2007(7) : 3 - 4 미소장
17 2007. 우리나라 계통에 대한 PRA 의 활용방안 연구. 대한전기학회 전력기술부문회 전력계통연구회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 2007(5) : 119-121 미소장
18 2006. PRA를 이용한 확률론적 신뢰도 평가에 관한 연구. 대한전기학회 추계계학술대회 논문집, 2006(11) : 27-29 미소장
19 EPRI. 2010. Electricity Energy Storage Technology Options. EPRI Report. 2010 미소장
20 A basic framework for generating system operating health analysis 네이버 미소장
21 Generating system operating health analysis considering stand-by units, interruptible load and postponable outages 네이버 미소장
22 Composite power system health analysis using a security constrained adequacy evaluation procedure 네이버 미소장
23 1997. Operating Reserve Risk Assessment in Composite Power Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 9(3) : 1270 - 1276 미소장
24 지식경제부. 2011. 전력계통 신뢰도 및 전기품질 유지기준. 지식경제부고시 제2011-254호. 2011(12) : 5 - 13 미소장


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