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검색결과 (전체 1건)


외식산업종사원의 성격특성과 자기효능감, 경영성과와의 관계 / 한승호 인기도
경산 : 대구가톨릭대학교 대학원, 2017.8
TD 664 -17-275
viii, 96 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 대구가톨릭대학교 대학원, 식품가공학과 외식산업학전공, 2017.8. 지도교수: 임현철




Abstract 8

제1장 서론 12

제1절 연구배경 및 목적 12

제2절 연구의 방법 및 구성 15

제3절 연구의 흐름도 17

제2장 이론적 배경 18

제1절 성격특성 18

1. 성격특성의 개념 18

2. 성격특성의 구성요소 23

3. 성격특성의 선행연구 30

제2절 자기효능감 33

1. 자기효능감의 개념 33

2. 자기효능감의 구성요소 39

3. 자기효능감의 선행연구 41

제3절 경영성과 43

1. 경영성과의 개념 43

2. 경영성과의 선행연구 46

제3장 연구설계 48

제1절 연구모형과 가설설정 48

1. 연구모형 48

2. 가설설정 49

3. 변수의 조작적 정의 53

제2절 측정도구 및 조사방법 56

1. 설문지 구성 56

2. 조사방법 57

제4장 실증분석 59

제1절 표본의 일반적 특성 59

제2절 측정척도의 평가 62

제3절 연구모형 검증 68

1. 근무연수에 따른 성격특성 68

2. 자기효능감과 성격특성의 관계 70

3. 자기효능감과 경영성과의 관계 71

4. 경영성과의 매개효과 검증 72

제5장 결론 76

제1절 연구의 결론 76

제2절 연구의 시사점 및 한계점 79

참고문헌 83

설문지 104

〈표 2-1〉 Hans Jürgen Eysenk의 성격분류 20

〈표 2-2〉 성격특성 성격구조 23

〈표 2-3〉 신경성에 대한 직업선호도 검사 24

〈표 2-4〉 외향성에 대한 직업선호도 검사 25

〈표 2-5〉 개방성에 대한 직업선호도 검사 27

〈표 2-6〉 친화성에 대한 직업선호도 검사 28

〈표 2-7〉 성실성에 대한 직업선호도 검사 30

〈표 2-8〉 자기효능감의 개념 38

〈표 3-1〉 설문지의 구성 56

〈표 3-2〉 모집단의 규정 및 조사표본 57

〈표 4-1〉 조사대상자들의 인구 통계적 특성 61

〈표 4-2〉 성격특성의 신뢰도 및 타당도 65

〈표 4-3〉 자기효능감의 신뢰도 및 타당도 66

〈표 4-4〉 경영성과의 신뢰도 및 타당도 66

〈표 4-5〉 변수들의 신뢰도 및 타당도 67

〈표 4-6〉 근무연수에 따른 유형별 평균 및 표준편차 69

〈표 4-7〉 근무연수에 따른 성격특성 유형별 분산분석 결과 69

〈표 4-8〉 자기효능감과 성격특성의 상관관계 71

〈표 4-9〉 자기효능감과 경영성과의 상관관계 72

〈표 4-10〉 모형의 전반적인 부합도 지수 73

〈표 4-11〉 모형 검증에서 나타난 직접효과와 간접효과 74

[그림 1-1] 연구 흐름도 17

[그림 2-1] Eysenck, H.J(1967)의 성격분류 19

[그림 2-2] Bandura(1986)의 삼자 관계의 상호보완적 모델 35

[그림 2-3] Bandura 효능기대와 결과기대 차이를 설명. 36

[그림 3-1]성격특성과 자기효능감, 경영성과와의 관계모형 48

[그림 4-1] 경로분석과 회귀계수 75

초록보기 더보기

 The modern food service industry has become difficult to survive and develop as a permanent enterprise without adapting to changes in the functions of the food service industry due to the high economic growth and the advent of the popular era and to the changing needs of customers. The food service industry is the industry that occupies the largest portion of the tourism industry, and the importance of its role continues to grow. This food service industry is a labor-intensive industry with a high level of human dependence compared to other industries.

It has a high dependence on employees and it is a management goal that can be said to be the main purpose of management of restaurants according to how employees are managed and operated. Depending on how the employees are operating, it can affect the profitability of the entire food service industry. In other words, since the customer service of the employees has a great influence on the management performance as one important product, the interest of the employees who provide the contact service as much as the interest to the customer is increasing.

The food service industry, like the past, is not a simple manager, but a more sensible management, a taste, an atmosphere and a service. In other words, today's restaurant management is a creative management that has to create appropriate job, taste and fashion appropriate to the characteristics of employees and satisfy customers with this. Also, it is necessary to be able to provide the total service with customer-oriented Q (Quality), S (Service), C (Cleanliness).

In the present study, it is very important to study the effects of personality factors on the attitudes and behaviors of the members in terms of the individual characteristics of the organization members affecting attitudes and behaviors. The psychological aspect of the individual is regarded as an important variable in personnel management, while the concept of self-efficacy is also an important variable in the study. Self-efficacy is a part of social cognition theory and can be regarded as a psychological concept. A person's psychological state can have a certain influence on his perception of self-power.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of self - efficacy according to individual personality characteristics on the management performance in the restaurant industry which has not been studied much in Korea. The results of this study are as follows: First, the relationship between the personality traits, self-efficacy and management performance of the food service industry is examined and the implications of effective human resource management are discussed.

In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the relationship between the theories of the prior researchers and the related variables on the mediating role of the managerial performance through the self - efficacy of the personality traits of the restaurant industry workers was derived, And the relationship between performance - related variables and self - efficacy. The results of this study are as follows.

First, in Hypothesis 1, we looked at the characteristics of the employees of the restaurant industry, focusing on the service years. Among the five personality traits, the most extrovert, followed by affinity and sincerity. This tendency was shown to maintain the highest type of extroversion regardless of the number of years of service. This result shows that we have continuously managed the problem of the personality effectiveness of the employees in the food service industry and have been conducting various performance analysis and investigation of the nature of the food service industry employees. In conclusion, the factors influencing the personality of the food service industry are the anxiety, anger, depression, the monotony of thought, the artistic and the beauty, It can be judged that attentiveness, appearance, affinity, and sincerity lead to positive results in customer satisfaction.

Second, Hypothesis 2 examined the relationship between personality traits and self-efficacy of the food service industry workers. Among the five personality traits, neuroticism, extroversion, and sincerity had significant positive effects, but openness and affinity were significant . The highest influences were affinity and sincerity. This tendency was shown to maintain the highest type of extroversion regardless of the number of years of service.

Third, the correlation of the processing of all the tasks of the sub-factors of self-efficacy was r = .76 (p <.001), the correlation of knowledge required for self-efficacy task was r = .67 (p <.001) The correlation of the plans that can achieve efficacy was r = .06 (p <.05). Therefore, it is shown that the higher the self-efficacy of Hypothesis 3, the more the difference in management performance will be accepted.

Finally, the relationship between personality traits, self-efficacy and management performance of Hypothesis 4 is summarized as follows: Self-efficacy has a negative effect on neuroticism and openness, which are sub-types of personality traits, but positive (+) on other types of extroversion, affinity, Respectively. It has been confirmed that the management performance for this type is partially mediated by the static effect. The results of this study suggest that the results of management performance can be completely different according to the condition of self-efficacy of the food service industry employees. Therefore, managers who operate food service companies should keep a constant interest in their employees and monitor the system. And it can be seen that it can lead to business performance according to the job performance level of the employees. Therefore, the management of the food service industry requires continuous and systematic education and management of the employees.


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