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검색결과 (전체 1건)


영국의 한 부모 정책 / 신용주 인기도
한국여성학. 제17권 2호 (2001. 12) pp.129-156
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)



영국의 한 부모 정책 / 신용주 1

[요약] 1

I. 서론 1

II. 영국 가족의 변화와 한 부모 가족 4

1. 영국 가족의 변화 4

2. 한 부모 가족 6

III. 한 부모 정책의 딜레마-이념과 현실의 갈등 9

1. 한 부모 지원 정책 9

2. 한 부모 정책의 딜레마 15

IV. 결론 21

참고문헌 24

〈Abstract〉 27

참고문헌 (42건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

참고문헌 목록에 대한 테이블로 번호, 참고문헌, 국회도서관 소장유무로 구성되어 있습니다.
번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
1 Study on the Child and Family-Friendly Policies of the New Labour Government in Britain 소장
2 2000. 《영국의 복지정책》. 서울: 나남출판. 미소장
3 Feminism and the Third Way 네이버 미소장
4 (1999) . Women, Policy & Politics. Sage 미소장
5 BBC News(Thursday, 25 February, 1999), Lone Parent: Working Makes Us Worse Off. 미소장
6 BBC News(Thursday, 3 June, 1999), UK Single Mothers Slam CSA Reforms. 미소장
7 BBC News(Wednesday, 14 March, 2001), Blair Unveils Jobless Milestone. 미소장
8 BBC News(Wednesday, 7 March, 2001), Brown's Families First Budget 2001. 미소장
9 (1997), The Third Way, Fabian Society Pamphlet, London. 미소장
10 Centre for Europe (1999), Centre for Europe's Children - United Kingdom. 미소장
11 (1996), "Social Policy: Continuities and Change", Hallett, Christine(ed.), Women & Social Policy: An Introduction, London: Prentice... 미소장
12 (1996), "Women and Employment",Hallett, Christine(ed.),Women & Social Policy: An Introduction, London: Prentice hall, Harvester... 미소장
13 Department of Social Security(1998), Children First, The Green Paper. 미소장
14 Department of Social Security(1999), A New Contract for Welfare: Children's Rights and Parents Responsibilities, White Paper. 미소장
15 Department of Social Security(2000a), Publications - Opportunity for all - one year on : Making a difference. 미소장
16 Department of Social Security(2000b), The Changing Welfare State: Social Security Spending. 미소장
17 Department of Social Security(2000c), Publications 2000, Fact Sheets on Social Security- Lone Parents. 미소장
18 Department of Social Security(4 Jan, 2001), Press Releases Archive, Two Years of Achievement with NDLP. 미소장
19 Exclusive Visions? Representations of Family, Work and Gender in the Work of the British Social Exclusion Unit 네이버 미소장
20 The Third Way, Polity Press, 1998. 미소장
21 Guardian(Monday, 27 March, 2000), Are We Turning Into a Nation of Loners? 미소장
22 Guardian(Monday, 9 October, 2000), Brown Reforms Lone Parent Aid. 미소장
23 Guardian(Thursday, 30 January, 2001), Thwarted Ambitions. 미소장
24 Guardian(Sunday, 18 February, 2001), Poorest Children are Getting Poorer. 미소장
25 Who Cares for the Family? 네이버 미소장
26 Work 네이버 미소장
27 Stage-specific cell-cycling of hematopoietic progenitor cells 네이버 미소장
28 Into the Mainstream Why gender audit is an essential tool for policymakers 네이버 미소장
29 Office for National Statistics(1999), Labor Force Survey. 미소장
30 Office for National Statistics(2000), General Household Survey. 미소장
31 Family-Level Clustering of Childhood Mortality Risk in Northeast Brazil 네이버 미소장
32 (1997b), "Poverty and Social Security", Social Policy: A New Feminist Analysis, London: Routledge. 미소장
33 Women and the Family in the British Welfare State: The Thatcher/Major Legacy 네이버 미소장
34 'Reforming welfare around the work ethic': new gendered and ethical perspectives on work and care 네이버 미소장
35 Social Exclusion Unit (1997), Social Exclusion Unit: Purpose, Work Priorities and Working methods, London: Cabinet Office 미소장
36 SEU (1998) Bringing Britain Together: A National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal (London, Cabinet Office). 미소장
37 The Women's Unit(2000), Women & Men in the UK, Facts & Figures 2000. http;//www.womens-unit.gov.uk 미소장
38 (ed.)(1990), Gender and Caring: Work and Welfare in Britain and Scandinabia, New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf. 미소장
39 (eds.)(1997), Women and Social Policy: A Reader, London: MacMillan. 미소장
40 (2000), A Raw Deal for Lone Parents: Evaluating the Evidence, London: Centre for Policy Studies (http://www.cps.org.uk) 미소장
41 Young Jock, "The exclusive society :social exclusion, crime and difference in late modernity", Sage 미소장
42 Her Majesty's Government(2000), The Government's Annual Report, 1999-2000, London: Sage. 미소장


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