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검색결과 (전체 1건)


『천일야화』, 비단길, 그리고 처용의 문화 / 허혜정 인기도
포천 : 한국동서비교문학학회, 2006.06.30
동서비교문학저널. 제14호 (2006. 봄/여름), pp.147-178
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문



『천일야화』, 비단길, 그리고 처용의 문화 / 허혜정 1

1. 서론 1

2. 비단길의 가인, 처용 4

3. 『처용가』의 에로틱한 모티프의 모상(模像) 10

4. 처용 문화와 수피즘 19

5. 결론 26

인용 문헌 28

Abstract 31

초록보기 더보기

The Arabian Nights, the Silk Road, and the Culture of ‘Cheoyongga’

Huh, Hye-jung

(Dongguk University)

This paper compares the culture represented in ‘Cheoyongga’ and the tradition of Sufism and love affairs described in the Arabian Nights. These two literary works seem to have the same motif, that is, a love affair between three persons. Both works have a same geographical background, Asia. The Silk Road, I think, was used to convey literary trends, I think.

This thought has basis on the fact that the same motif is dealt in lots of literary works found along the Silk Road. The tradition of Sufism is closely related with the motif of the works too. In ‘Cheoyongga,’ the adulterous love affair is described as an act of evil spirit and the protagonist dances when he sees the sight. This seems to be affected by the Arabic culture. In the Arabian Nights, we see almost the same love affairs, in which the sexual betrayal is uses as a means to show the human nature.

Though it is very hard to find evidences to prove the close relationship between the two works, we can safely say that the culture of ‘Cheoyongga’ holds the Sufic factor, and that the worship of the earth (the body of woman) in the region of Near East holds the same Sufic factor.

In some respects, Cheoyong can be thought as a Sufic monk who emphasizes the ascetic practice of ‘dancing’ to reach divinity. As Cheoyong was welcomed by the Dongee race as an attractive son of the sea long time ago, so he is adored as an imaginative idol at present. This is why we can see the culture in ‘Cheoyongga’ as a reproduction of profound cosmic awareness and an equivalent of diversified personality. As no other works which have similar motif are found in Korean literature and culture, we can surmise this unique structure is closely related with the Arabian Nights by way of the Silk Road.

참고문헌 (42건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

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번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
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