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검색결과 (전체 1건)


동아시아 문화교류의 근대성과 탈근대성 : 탈아입구와 "탈구입아"의 잡탕(또는 비빔밥)과 문화공동체 형성의 방향 / 이창현 인기도
서울 : 국민대학교출판부, 2006.02.28
社會科學硏究. 제18집 (2005), pp.365-376
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)



I. 동아세아 문화교류의 근대성=366,370,2

II. 근대적문화교류와 탈근대적문화교류=367,371,1

1. 이론적 논의=367,371,3

2. 근대적문화교류와 탈근대적문화교류의 실제=369,373,3

3. 동아시아 문화흐름, 무엇을 해야 할 것인가?=371,375,4


초록보기 더보기

People in East Asia have experienced one-way cultural flow from the early modernization period. Under the slogan of modernization, the modern states carried out a wide range of reform policies that originated from the west. Cultural elites also tried to modernize their countries by replacing their 'backward' Asian traditions with 'advanced' Euro-American (western) cultures. The notion of backward Asia and advanced West was so deeply rooted in the idea of modernization that it was almost synonymous with Westernization, especially during the high tide of modernization in Meiji restoration and (Post-War) Japan, Republican and Post-Mao China, and Post-War South Korea. A Consumption of western cultural products is a way of becoming a modern citizen. There was only one-way flow from the western countries to the East Asia. Compare to the other parts of the world, East Asia is imitated the western modern development. However, there was only a cultural dependency upon the western culture without the cultural autonomy in this area. I believe this is the sample case of the 'the modern cultural flow(근대적문화교류)'in last Asia.

After the Cold War and openness of the socialist China, there has been a new cultural flow within this area. In 1980's, Japanese cultural products such as Japanese animations, arcade games, and music gained wide popularity in East Asia. In China, this phenomenon was called "Japanese Wave" (일조) . Around the end of the 1990's, the Korean Wave(한류) began to get popularity in the same way in this area. There has been a critical change in the flow of cultural consumption. People no longer see the one-way flow of dominant western culture. Today, Asian people consume not only the western cultural products but also widely consume the Asian cultures produced by neighboring countries. I believe this may be called as 'the post modern cultural flow' (탈근대적문화교류). It will make a new subjective construction of the cultural identity in this area. I will analyze the cultural flow in East Asia with the concept of the 'Modern' and the 'Post-modern' not as dichotomized concepts but hybridized multi-layered concept.


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