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검색결과 (전체 1건)


성폭력피해아동의 인지행동치료 / 이승재 ; 김혜정 ; 강민아 ; 정성훈 ; 박용진 인기도
서울 : 대한소아·청소년정신의학회, 2008.02.28
소아·청소년정신의학. 제19권 제1호 (2008. 2), pp.3-12
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문

초록보기 더보기

Objectives:Child sexual abuse is a highly prevalent societal problem that cuts across all ethnic, racial, educational, and socioeconomic groups. There has been mounting empirical evidence for the efficacy of manual-based, cognitive behavioral treatment(CBT) for sexually abused children. Therefore, the aim of this review was to address the rationale and efficacy of CBT for sexually abused children, and to introduce a broad outline of a typical CBT program for young people suffering the emotional and behavioral consequences of sexual abuse.

Methods:A selective literature review was undertaken.

Results:To date, trauma-focused CBT is the most effective treatment for the sexually abused child. The rationale and efficacy of CBT was reviewed and a typical CBT program was outlined session by session.

Conclusion:Based on trauma-focused CBT for sexually abused children, the results demonstrate the need for future development of a standard CBT program for the Korean population.


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기사명 저자명 페이지 원문 기사목차
성폭력피해아동의 인지행동치료 이승재 ;김혜정 ;강민아 ;정성훈 ;박용진 pp.3-12 원문보기 (음성지원, 국회도서관 방문 후 이용 가능 )
Brain neuroadaptative changes in adolescents with internet addiction :an FDG-PET study with statistical parametric mapping analysis Young Jin Koo ;Jin Chul Paeng ;Eun Jeong Joo ;Hyejin Kang ;Youn Seok Im ;Ju Won Seok ;Ung Gu Kang pp.13-18 원문보기 (음성지원, 국회도서관 방문 후 이용 가능 )
주의력결핍 과잉행동장애에서 도파민 전달체 및 도파민 D2, D3, D4 수용체 유전자 다형성 박필상 ;김대광 ;정철호 pp.19-27 원문보기 (음성지원, 국회도서관 방문 후 이용 가능 )
아동 색 선로 검사의 표준화 연구 구훈정 ;신민섭 pp.28-37 원문보기 (음성지원, 국회도서관 방문 후 이용 가능 )
의과대학 교육 과정에서 아동학대 교육의 요구도 양수진 ;김선영 ;김웅장 ;김향화 ;김재민 ;김성완 ;신일선 ;윤진상 pp.38-42 원문보기 (음성지원, 국회도서관 방문 후 이용 가능 )

참고문헌 (40건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

참고문헌 목록에 대한 테이블로 번호, 참고문헌, 국회도서관 소장유무로 구성되어 있습니다.
번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
1 Sexual exploitation. In: Heifer RE, Kempe DK, editors. Child Abuse and Neglect- The Family and the Community. Cambridge- Ballinger;... 미소장
2 World report on violence and health. Geneva: World Health 0rganization;2002. p.63-64, 147-174. 미소장
3 Ministry of Health and Welfare, National Child Protection Agency. National report on child maltreatment;2007. p.29-30. 미소장
4 Cognitive behavioral treatment of the emotional and behavioral consequences of sexual abuse. In: Graham P, editor. Cognitive... 미소장
5 Impact of child sexual abuse: a review of the research. 네이버 미소장
6 The effect of child sexual abuse on social, interpersonal and sexual function in adult life. 네이버 미소장
8 Sexually Abused Children Suffering From Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Assessment and Treatment Strategies 네이버 미소장
9 A comparison of CBT and EMDR for sexually‐abused Iranian girls 네이버 미소장
10 Psychotherapy of sexually abused children and their families. New York: Norton; 1990. 미소장
11 Treating psychological symptoms in sexually abused children. From research findings to service provision 네이버 미소장
12 Child Physical and Sexual Abuse- Guidelines for Treatment Charleston: National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center;2004.... 미소장
13 Cognitive behavioral interventions for sexually abused children exhibiting PTSD symptomatology 네이버 미소장
14 Treating Sexually Abused Children With Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Trial 네이버 미소장
15 A Treatment Outcome Study for Sexually Abused Preschool Children: Initial Findings 네이버 미소장
16 A treatment study for sexually abused preschool children: outcome during a one-year follow-up. 네이버 미소장
17 Factors That Mediate Treatment Outcome of Sexually Abused Preschool Children: Six- and 12-Month Follow-up 네이버 미소장
18 Treatment of traumagenic beliefs among sexually abused girls and their mothersan evaluation study. J Abnorm Child Psychol... 미소장
19 Sexually Abused Children Suffering Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms: Initial Treatment Outcome Findings 네이버 미소장
20 Effects of individual client-centered play therapy on sexually abused children's mood, self-concept, and social competence. 네이버 미소장
21 Empirically supported treatments for children and adolescents. In- Kendall PC, editor. Child and adolescent therapy.... 미소장
22 Prevalence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Other Psychiatric Diagnoses in Three Groups of Abused Children (Sexual, Physical, and Both) 네이버 미소장
23 Psychiatric Diagnoses of Maltreated Children: Preliminary Findings 네이버 미소장
24 Sexually Abused Children at High Risk for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 네이버 미소장
25 Evaluation of Risk Factors in Childhood Sexual Abuse 네이버 미소장
26 Treatment of a sexually abused adoles-cent with posttraumatic stress disorder. In: Reinecke MA,Freeman DA,editors. Cognitive... 미소장
27 Examining Sex-Related Thoughts and Feelings of Sexually Abused and Nonabused Children. 네이버 미소장
28 Abuse-Related Attributions and Perceptions, General Attributions, and Locus of Control in Sexually Abused Girls 네이버 미소장
29 Stress, Coping, and Adjustment in Female Adolescent Incest Victims. 네이버 미소장
30 A retrospective study of long-term methods of coping with having been sexually abused during childhood 네이버 미소장
31 Two-year follow-up study of cognitive behavioral therapy for sexually abused children suffering post-traumatic stress symptoms - Preliminary findings 네이버 미소장
32 A Multisite, Randomized Controlled Trial for Children With Sexual Abuse–Related PTSD Symptoms 네이버 미소장
33 Treating Fear and Anxiety in Sexually Abused Children: Results of a Controlled 2-Year Follow-Up Study 네이버 미소장
34 A meta-analytic investigation of therapy modality outcomes for sexually abused children and adolescents: An exploratory study 네이버 미소장
35 Trauma-focused cognitive- behavioral therapy for sexually abused children. In: Hibbs ED, Jensen PS,editors. Psychosocial treatment... 미소장
36 (1996). Treating Sexually Abused Children and Their Nonoffending Parents (pp.49-112). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 미소장
37 Factors associated with an increased impact of child sexual abuse. 네이버 미소장
38 Maternal support following disclosure of incest. 네이버 미소장
39 Adjustment following sexual abuse discovery: the role of shame and attributional style. 네이버 미소장
40 Evaluation of Risk Factors in Childhood Sexual Abuse 네이버 미소장


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