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검색결과 (전체 1건)


북방한계선 (NLL)과 관련된 국제법적 문제의 재검토 / 이재민 인기도
서울 : 서울국제법연구원, 2008.06.30
서울국제법연구. 제15권 제1호 통권28호 (2008년 6월), pp.41-71
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문



북방한계선 (NLL)과 관련된 국제법적 문제의 재검토 / 이재민 1

1. 들어가는 말 1

2. 북방한계선 채택 배경 및 운용 상황 3

3. 북방한계선의 법적 성격 4

1) 휴전협정의 법적 성격 5

2) 휴전협정 체결 직후 NLL 선포 행위의 법적 성격 6

3) 휴전협정 관련 조항에 대한 검토 8

4) 관련국의 입장 11

5) 소결 15

4. 유엔 해양법 협약과의 관계 15

1) 국제법 상 "해상 경계선"의 의미 15

2) NLL 관련 해양법 협약 관련 조항 16

3) 유엔 주도 협약으로서의 함의 18

5. 여타 국제법 원칙에 기초한 검토 19

1) 관련 국제법 판례 19

2) 여타 관련 사항에 대한 검토 23

3/2) 소결 25

6. 결론 : NLL관련 정책제언 25

〈Abstract〉 29

초록보기 더보기

As North Korea continues to pledge to stage military provocation along the Northern Limit Line (“NLL”) in an effort to invalidate the maritime demarcation line on the Yellow Sea, the possibility of military conflict between South Korea and North Korea is posing a real threat. Increasing tension over the NLL also requires a thorough analysis on the legal status of the NLL from the perspective of international law. As long as the two Koreas have been recognized sovereign states in the international community, any legal issue concerning the two Koreas needs to be analyzed in accordance with international law, although it is true that each Korea does not recognize the other as a sovereign entity. Legal status of the NLL should, therefore, also be reviewed from relevant principles and jurisprudence of international law.

In 1953, Korean War Armistice Agreement was signed among North Korea, China and the United States (also on behalf of South Korea and 16 U.N. member states who had sent troops to South Korea’s rescue). Unlike the clear demarcation line on land, however, the Armistice Agreement did not provide explicit provisions regarding the maritime demarcation line on the Yellow Sea. In the Armistice Agreement, both sides agreed on other skeletal issues on the Yellow Sea, but not the actual demarcation line. Apparently, having been pressed for an earlier suspension of warfare, the two sides agreed to leave the issue for any future discussion or practice. As a result, right after the Armistice Agreement was signed, the United Nations Command unilaterally promulgated the NLL as the maritime demarcation line, mainly to prevent the South Korea from invading the North Korea. North Korea had also respected the NLL until 1972 when it began to challenge the legal status of the line. Even after 1972, however, North Korea continued to honor the line in various instances of negotiations between the two Koreas. It has only become a hot issue between the two Koreas since 1999.

In analyzing the legal status of the NLL, the starting point should be the text of the 1953 Korean War Armistice Agreement. Although there does not exist explicit provision on maritime demarcation on the Yellow Sea, the agreement contains various provisions which may shed light on resolving the issue. First of all, the other provisions in the agreement, such as the DMZ establishment provision, shows that one of the underlying purposes of the Armistice Agreement was to completely separate the armed forces of the two sides. As such, unless otherwise proven, it is reasonable to interpret relevant provisions in the agreement in a way that a demarcation line was presumed. As a matter of fact, there are many provisions in the Armistice Agreement which do provide implicit guidelines for a maritime demarcation line. For instance, reference to the five islands in the Yellow Sea and adjacent sea surface indeed indicate that the negotiators may have had in mind the lines connecting the islands. The NLL is the line connecting these islands and thus one could argue that it was presumed from the text of the Armistice Agreement. All these interpretations are also supported by the basic rules of international law as codified in 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

Furthermore, the practice of North Korea since 1953 to 1999 evidence that it had accepted the line as a valid maritime demarcation line between the two Koreas. It may have done so reluctantly, but such silence for a long period of time does seem to militate for the South Korea’s argument that the NLL is a de facto maritime demarcation line. Relevant precedents of the ICJ also support this line of proposition.

It may be true that the NLL issue cannot be simply reviewed from the legal perspective only and that a more proper way to solve the problem is to try to reach a political settlement between the two Koreas. Nonetheless, it is critical to be aware of the current legal status of the line and what rights and obligations each side has over the line under the current Armistice Agreement regime. Understanding the current legal status would provide the first step for any meaningful political discussions and negotiations.


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남북경제협력의 국제법적 측면 :법과 정치 주진열 pp.23-40 원문보기 (음성지원) 보기
북방한계선 (NLL)과 관련된 국제법적 문제의 재검토 이재민 pp.41-71 원문보기 (음성지원) 보기
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번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
1 한겨레 신문, 미소장
2 서울신문, 미소장
3 John Barry Kotch ; Michael Abbey, (2003) Ending Naval Clashes on the Northern Limit Line and the Quest for a West Sea Peace Regime, Asian Perspective 미소장
4 엄영보, (2008) 잊혀진 해전, 월간 해군 미소장
5 Korea Herald, 미소장
6 Narushige Michishita, (2007) North Korea's Military-Diplomatic Campaigns: History and Analysis, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies 미소장
7 , 미소장
8 Dick K. Nanto, (2003) North Korea: Chronology of Provocation, 1950-2003, Report for Congress 미소장
9 Sanghee Lee, (2007) Toward a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula: A Way Forward for the ROK-US Alliance, Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies, The Brookings Institution 미소장
10 Julius Stone, (1954) Legal Controls of International Conflict, New York : Holt 미소장
11 김정균, (1985) 남북한간의 협정 형태에 관한 연구: 휴전협정과 평화조약 체결의 특성에 관한 고찰, 국제법학회논총 미소장
12 김명기, (1986) 한국 평화조약의 체결에 관한 연구, 국제법학회논총 미소장
13 제성호, (1995) 남북한 특수관계론, 한울아카데미 미소장
14 인민일보, 미소장
15 조선일보, 미소장
16 Hans-Joachim Schmidt, (2006) Peace on the Korean Peninsula: What Can the EU Contribute to the Six-Party Talks?, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt PRIF Reports 미소장


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