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검색결과 (전체 1건)


A theoretical conception for analyzing workplace transformation in incrementalist plants / Byoung-Hoon Lee 인기도
서울 : 한국노사관계학회, 2010.06.15
産業關係硏究. 제20권 제2호 (2010년 6월), pp.63-90
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문



A theoretical conception for analyzing workplace transformation in incrementalist plants / Byoung-Hoon Lee 1

[요약] 1

I. Introduction 2

II. Labor Control Theories and Dualism of Labor-management Relations at the Point of Production 3

III. Economic Theories of Organization and the "Bounded Rationality" of Workplace Stakeholders 9

IV. Strategic Choice Theory and Attenuation between Managerial Initiative and its Implementation 16

V. Conclusion: A conceptual framework for analyzing workplace transformation in incrementalist plants 21

References 25

초록보기 더보기

This study develops a theoretical conception regarding the process and outcomes of workplace transformation at incrementalist plants, which mean plants where management tries to transform existing work systems with the existing workforce in a piecemeal manner. Drawing upon a critical review of three theoretical perspectives―labor control theories, economic theories of organization, and the strategy choice thesis―, strategic management’s policies and directives for workplace transformation are not always implemented as intended, and the actual outcomes of workplace transformation typically are limited in the social and operational context of incrementalist plants. The loosely-coupled implementation process of workplace innovation can be explained by incoherent management and a complicate reaction of shopfloor stakeholders (shopfloor managers, workers, and union representatives) intervening in the implementation process with their “bounded rationality” to defend their own self-interests in the given context of workplace transformation. In contrast to other industrial relations studies which chiefly focus on the external and institutional constraints on workplace innovation, this conceptual framework sheds light on the internal constraints and politics that operate inside the incrementalist workplace.

참고문헌 (52건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

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번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
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14 The Strength of Difference: Contemporary Conceptions of Control 네이버 미소장
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22 Numerically Controlled Machine Tools and Worker Skills 네이버 미소장
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25 Kochan, Thomas A., Harry C. Katz, and Robert B. McKersie(1994), Transformation of American Industrial Relations, Ithaca : ILR Press. 미소장
26 Strategic Choice and Industrial Relations Theory 네이버 미소장
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31 What Do Bosses Do? 네이버 미소장
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35 Noble, David F.(1984), Forces of Production, New York: Oxford University Press. 미소장
36 The Decline of Labour Process Analysis and the Future Sociology of Work 네이버 미소장
37 Organizational Decision Making as a Political Process: The Case of a University Budget 네이버 미소장
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