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검색결과 (전체 1건)


Institutional isomorphism and decoupling among Korean firms : adoption of performance compensation system / Joon Han ; Jasook Koo 인기도
서울 : 한국사회학회, 2010.06.30
한국사회학. 제44집 제3호 (2010년 6월), pp.27-44
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문



Institutional isomorphism and decoupling among Korean firms : adoption of performance compensation system / Joon Han ; Jasook Koo 1

[요약] 1

Introduction 1

Theoretical review 3

Institutional Isomorphism and its mechanisms 3

Decoupling and Its Antecedents 4

Data and method 6

Data 6

Variables and Methods 7

Results 10

Concluding remarks 14

References 16

초록보기 더보기

This study draws on the idea of isomorphism and decoupling to explain the rapid diffusion of

performance compensation system among Korean firms in its compromised rather than pure

form. Empirical analysis of data on Korean firms confirms that three mechanisms of

isomorphism?coercive, normative, and mimetic?operate in the process toward isomorphism

among Korean firms in their adoption of performance compensation system, but only its

compromised form between seniority and performance pay. While labor union as a potential

source of resistance promotes decupling, the role of professionals such as consultants or HRM

experts suppresses the possibility of decoupling.

참고문헌 (39건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

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5 (2001), "The Impact of globalization on HRM: The case of South Korea", Journal of World Business, 36(4). 미소장
6 Evasion, Reinterpretation and Decoupling: European Commission Responses to the ‘External Dimension’ of Immigration and Asylum 네이버 미소장
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12 1996. Translating Organizational Change. New York: Walter de Gruyter. 미소장
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14 1998. Exporting the American Model: The Postwar Transformation of European Business. New York: Oxford University Press. 미소장
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23 2007. “Hankuk kiop ui sawoi isa sonim: jojik iron jok jopkun” (Appointment of external board members among Korean firms:... 미소장
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36 The Ministry of Labor, 2005. Survey of Situation of Pay-for-performance and Profit Sharing among Korean Enterprises (2005. 12). 미소장
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