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검색결과 (전체 1건)


금융감독시스템과 금융소비자 보호 : 해외 금융감독시스템 개편동향과 시사점 / 안수현 인기도
서울 : 韓國商事判例學會, 2011.06.30
商事判例硏究 = Commercial cases reviews. 제24집 제2권 (2011년 6월), pp.449-502
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문



금융감독시스템과 금융소비자 보호 : 해외 금융감독시스템 개편동향과 시사점 / 안수현 1

《목차》 1

I. 서론 2

II. 최적의 금융감독시스템 구축:고려사항과 기본요소 5

1. 최적의 금융감독시스템 설계시 고려사항 6

2. 최적의 금융감독시스템의 기본 요소 10

III. 금융감독시스템 개편논의의 부상배경과 금융감독시스템의 유형 13

1. 최근 금융감독시스템 개편 논의의 부상 배경 13

2. 금융감독시스템의 유형 16

IV. 최근 각국의 금융감독시스템 개편 동향 23

1. 북미권역 23

2. EU권역 29

3. 아시아권역 42

V. 결론에 갈음하여: 금융감독시스템 개선을 위한 정책적 고려 및 검토과제 45

1. "목적중심의 규제" 검토와 전략적 접근 45

2. 규제감독 실효성의 전제 요소 충족과 과제 46

3. 규제감독기관간 견제와 균형 확보 및 제도화 47

참고문헌 48

〈Abstract〉 52

초록보기 더보기

Recently, the debate over fixing the fragmented financial services regulatory structures abroad is raising questions about merits of having singular regulator in Korea. Regulatory structure is important to promote robust financial consumer protection and the problem has become more acute in recent days. There are many factors that influence the financial consumer regulatory performance, which are interlinked such as independency, accountability, transparency, effectiveness, expertness, competency etc. However, issues as like what gets regulated in the financial industry, how it gets regulated, when it gets regulated and by whom are primarily regulatory turf issues and seem to be very controversial. This paper argues that although regulatory agency structure is very important and a key to have the competitiveness of a financial market, concerning the current situations faced in Korea, the most important thing is to balance and resolve the conflicting regulatory purposes within the single financial regulator. Our current financial regulatory organization has multiple goals that sometimes have conflicting policy implications to the regulatory agency. Alternatively, the goals may be assigned to more competing agency. That is said to take twin peaks models. To evaluate the effectiveness and performance of current financial regulatory system in Korea, considering and recognizing new movements of international regulatory structures reforms is necessary and of importance. This paper tries to find optimal financial regulatory structures and how to accomplish those system. To this purpose, the first section explains what is optimal financial regulatory structure and how to establish it. The second section analyzes the background and reasons of recent reforming regulatory structures in foreign countries. This section also compares the types of financial regulatory system models in details. The third section describes briefly the foreign countries' experience and each government's plan to fix fragmented financial regulatory systems. To summarize, this paper intends to analyzes the recent international regulatory reforms and aims to evaluate the debate over regulatory agency structures and performance.


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참고문헌 (37건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

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번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
1 원칙중심 감독 도입 방안 소장
2 금융규제체계상 자율규제의 지위와 역할 소장
3 “법/제도/집행/분쟁 측면에서 본 금융소비자 보호체제와 평가”, 금융소비자학회 창립기념 금융소비자보호 정책 세미나 발표자료, 2010. 미소장
4 "금융소비자보호와 금융감독 체계", 한국금융소비자학회 춘계정책심포지엄- 2011 금융소비자 보호 및 G20의 과제, 한국금융소비자학회 (2011.6.9) 미소장
5 Financial Regulatory Reform after the Global Financial Crisis : Overseas Case and their Implication 소장
6 Principles-based Regulation in Financial Markets 소장
7 금융규제개혁과 금융소비자 보호 소장
8 「규제감독체계의 개선방향」,한국금융학회 창립20주년기념 정책심포지엄 발표자료,2009.5.29. 미소장
9 Issues in the Unification of Financial Sector Supervision 네이버 미소장
10 What does international Experience tell Us about regulatory Consolidation?, PEW, Briefing Paper 미소장
11 Institutional Structure of Financial Regulation: A Trend towards 'Megaregulaors'?, 5 Y. B. Int's Fin. & Econ. L. 127 (2000-2001). 미소장
12 Integrated Financial Supervision in the United Kingdom and Lessons for Others, in Aligning Financial Supervision with Country Need, J.... 미소장
13 Structural Reform of Financial Regulation: The Case of Canada, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Jacob Bums Institute for... 미소장
14 Financial Regulation and Supervision in the Euro Area: A Four-Peak Proposal, preliminary version, Wharton Financial Institutions... 미소장
15 The Institutional Structure of Financial Regulation in Financial Regulation, Why, How and Where Now?, Routledge Publication, London... 미소장
16 Institutional Seperation between Supervisory and Monetary Agencies, LSE Financial Markets Group Special Paper No. 52. 미소장
17 FSA admits Failings over Northern Rock, Fin. Times, (Mar. 26, 2008). 미소장
18 Making a success of Principles-based regulation 네이버 미소장
19 Regulation by Objective- The Australian Approach to Regulation, Statement to the US Senate Committee on State Homeland Security... 미소장
20 Twin Peaks:A Regulatory Structure for the New Century,Center for the Study of Financial Innovation, London, December 1995 미소장
21 "Peak Practice: How to Reform the UK’ s Regulatory System," CSFI Report (October 1996). 미소장
22 Deputy Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, "Managing Capital Flows: the Search for a Framework", Asian Development... 미소장
23 Is there an optimal Way to Structure Supervision?, Speech at the 4th Summit Meeting of the Islamic Financial Services Board, Dubai,... 미소장
24 Finance and the Macro-economy: The Politiecs of Regulatory Reform in Europe, Center for European Sudies Working paper Series 미소장
25 Vertical Integration: UKs noval Approach to financial regulatory Reform, vol. 86, 10. August 2010, Nomura Research Institute. 미소장
26 ECB, Recent Developments in Supervisory Structures in EU and Acceding Countries, (October 2006). 미소장
27 ECB, Recent Developments in Supervisory Structures in the EU Member State (2010.10) 미소장
28 GAO, Bank Regulatory Structure: Canada, GGD-95-223. 미소장
29 U.S. Department of the Treasury. 2008. Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory Structure. 미소장
30 The Canadian Bankers Association's Submission to the Expert Panel on Securities Regulation, Enhancing Canadian Competitiveness by... 미소장
31 Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of England, the Financial Services Authority, and HM Treasury (1997, updated March... 미소장
32 FSA, Principles-based Regulation-Focusing on the outcomes That Matter, April 2007. 미소장
33 Treasury Committee, The Run on the Rock, 2007-08, H.C. 56-1, at 105.... 미소장
34 Financial Services Roundtable, The Blueprint for US Financial Competitiveness, (2008). 미소장
35 HM Tresury, A New Approach to Financial Regulation: Building a stronger... 미소장
36 A new approach to financial regulation: judgement, focus, and stability, July 2010. 미소장
37 US Government Accountability Office, Financial Regulation: Industry Trends Continue to Challenge the Federal Regulatory Structure,... 미소장


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