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검색결과 (전체 1건)


무단통치 초기(1910.10-1914.4)의 조선총독부 : 인사·관제개혁·예산을 중심으로 / 이형식 인기도
서울 : 日本史學會, 2011.06.30
日本歷史硏究. 제33집 (2011. 6), pp.173-203
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문



무단통치 초기(1910.10-1914.4)의 조선총독부 : 인사·관제개혁·예산을 중심으로 / 이형식 1

1. 들어가며 1

2. 총독부인사 4

① 통감·부통감인사 4

② 총독부인사 5

3. 야마모토 내각의 식민지 관제개혁 13

4. 재정독립 5개년 계획 20

5. 맺으며 27

【Abstract】 30

초록보기 더보기

The colonial Joseon government general in this period was regarded as ‘the politically independent area by Japanese army.’ Its political subject was Japanese army, especially it was Choshu Clique (長州閥). Amongst the military cliques, it was the military forces that connected directly to Terauchi Masatake, the first Joseon Governor-General. However, he and Yamagata Isaburo, Japanese Administrative Superintendent, who were considered to be Yamagata Clique (山?閥) confronted each other centering around their own organizations, to wit, military police and the Ministry of Home respectively.

Affiliating with Seiyukai(政友?) led by Hara Takesi, and making the most of energy released during the Taisho Political Crisis(大正政?) that opposed the dominance of military clique(軍閥) and of domain clique(藩閥), Prime Minister Yamamoto had pushed through such reforms as streamlining of administrative and financial system; revision of minister of active military attache system; revision of civil service appointment ordinance; revision of an order of precedence(demotion of Joseon Governor-General’s order of precedence); replacement of the top-level managers of the Oriental Development Company; cuts in additional salary of the officials of Japanese colony; and reform of the system for colonial control and administration. Among these measures, at first the reform of system for colonial control and administration was proceeded under the lead of PM Yamamoto, however, after 10 months, the Ministry of Home headed by Hara Takesi had materialized this reform plan. The main items included in this reform plan were: revoke of minister of active military attache system; depriving the Governor-General of his command authority over armed forces; abolition of military police; deleting of the clause of Joseon Governor-General’s privilege to bear direct responsibility for the Emperor, deprivation of the right to make recommendation direct to the emperor; appointment of the Secretary of State for Home Affairs to have supervisory authority over the Joseon Governor-General. By means of these reformative measures, Yamamoto had attempted to modify the power of Joseon Governor-General fundamentally. Even though Yamamoto Cabinet was collapsed, and the reform of the colonial control and administrative system was turned out to be a failure due to Siemens Scandal, Hara Takesi who had deeply involved in revision of the system for colonial control and administration, and the officials of Ministry of Home had come to lead the reforms of colony governance after the March First Independence Movement of 1919.

Meanwhile, Yamamoto Cabinet followed by Saionji Cabinet had adopted a policy to cut the government subsidies for the colonial Joseon government general having promised streamlining of administrative and financial system as well as financial retrenchment. The colonial Joseon government general initially had planned for collection of additional taxes after completion of land survey project, however, according to the policy of the cabinet, the government general in Joseon announced a five-year independent budget plan in 1914. Included in the plan were collection of additional land tax(a 40% increase); development of new sources of tax revenue (urban land tax, tobacco excise tax, consumption tax); and opium monopoly. As for collection of additional land tax, Japanese people residing in Joseon started a campaign against tax increase having organized the Fellowship of Survey of Increased Taxation in Joseon and the Fellowship of Landowners in Jeonbuk, and, as to opium monopoly, Joseon aristocracy and men of high repute from illustrious families had taken a pivotal role in opposing such measure.

Likewise, Yamamoto Cabinet had forced the colonial Joseon government general to implement the cabinet’s policy and guidelines such as, streamlining of administrative and financial system; revision of an order of precedence; replacements of the top-level managers of the Oriental Development Company; financial independence(cut in subsidies); revision of the command and control system of the Government General of Joseon under Japanese rule in a completely top-down manner. The colonial Joseon government general reacted against the cabinet with respect to the revision of the colonial control and administrative system insisting on the authority of the emperor, but stood on a defensive ground on the reformative issues in general. After establishment of Okuma Cabinet which was supported by Yamagata Arimoto, upon sudden collapse of Yamamoto Cabinet due to Siemens Scandal, the relationship between the colonial Joseon government general and the cabinet became comparatively smooth at last.

참고문헌 (59건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

참고문헌 목록에 대한 테이블로 번호, 참고문헌, 국회도서관 소장유무로 구성되어 있습니다.
번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
1 山辺健太郎, 『日本統治下の朝鮮』, 岩波書店, 1971. 미소장
2 朴慶植, 『日本帝国主義の朝鮮支配』, 青木書店, 1973. 미소장
3 森山茂徳, 「日本の朝鮮統治政策(1910~1945年)の政治史的研究」, 新潟大学法学会 『法政理論』 23-3・4, 1991.3. 미소장
4 北岡伸一, 『日本陸軍と大陸政策』, 東京大学出版会, 1978. 미소장
5 小林道彦, 『日本の大陸政策 : 1895-1914 桂太郎と後藤新平』, 南窓社, 1996. 미소장
6 松田利彦, 『日本の朝鮮植民地支配と警察 : 一九〇五~一九四五年』, 校倉書房, 2009. 미소장
7 小林英夫, 『植民地への企業進出―朝鮮会社令の分析―』, 柏書房, 1994. 미소장
8 서울대학교 한국 문화연구소, 『한국 근대사회와 문화 2 : 1910년대 식민지정책과 한국사회의 변화』, 서울대학교출판부, 2005. 미소장
9 山本四郎編, 『寺内正毅日記』, 京都女子大学, 1980. 미소장
10 岡本真希子, 『植民地官僚の政治史 : 朝鮮・台湾総督府と帝国日本』, 三元社, 2008. 미소장
11 徳富猪一郎, 『素空山県公伝』, 山県公爵伝記編纂会, 1928. 미소장
12 水沢後藤新平記念館所蔵 『後藤新平関係文書』. 미소장
13 横浜開港記念館所蔵 『有吉忠一関係文書』. 미소장
14 千葉功編, 『桂太郎関係文書』, 東京大学出版会, 2010. 미소장
15 田保橋潔, 『朝鮮統治史論稿』, 成進文化社, 1972, 65쪽. 미소장
16 黒田甲子郎編纂, 『元帥寺内伯爵伝』, 元帥寺内伯爵伝編纂所, 1920, 90쪽. 미소장
17 有馬純吉, 『人物評論眞物?贋物?』, 朝鮮公論社, 1917, 239쪽. 미소장
18 『(在朝鮮內地人) 紳士名鑑』, 朝鮮公論社, 1917, 578쪽. 미소장
19 小橋一太, 「朝鮮行政視察報告」, 原敬文書研究会 『原敬関係文書』 第10巻, 日本放送出版協会, 1989. 미소장
20 藤田嗣雄, 『寺内総督時代の回顧』, 友邦協会所蔵 청취 테이프 217, 1965년 12월 녹음. 미소장
21 秋山雅之介伝記編纂会編, 『秋山雅之介伝』, 秋山雅之介伝記編纂会, 1941, 120쪽. 미소장
22 『施政三十年史』, 朝鮮総督府, 1940, 13쪽. 미소장
23 「副総督の称ある児玉秀雄を論ず」, 『朝鮮及満州』 108, 1916.7, 13∼14쪽. 미소장
24 萩原彦三, 『私の朝鮮記録』, 自家版, 1960, 23쪽. 미소장
25 国立国会図書館憲政資料室所蔵 『寺内正毅関係文書』. 미소장
26 『東京朝日新聞』 1911년 2월 27일자. 미소장
27 故宇佐美勝夫氏記念会編, 『宇佐美勝夫氏追悼録』, 1942. 미소장
28 「寺内総督と其属僚」, 『朝鮮及満州』 106, 1916.5, 13쪽. 미소장
29 이형랑(「第1次憲政擁護運動と朝鮮の官制改革論」, 『日本植民地研究』3,1990). 미소장
30 나가이 카즈가 홈페이지(「倉富勇三郎日記と植民地朝鮮」(http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/∼knagai/kuratomi/kuratomiandKorea.htm#sec3_1) 미소장
31 国立国会図書館憲政資料室所蔵 『小橋一太関係文書』255-23 미소장
32 波多野勝, 「山本内閣と陸軍官制改正問題―山本首相のイニシアチブと陸軍」, 『軍事史学』 30-4, 1995.3, 14쪽. 미소장
33 西川誠, 「大正期の宮中席次」, 『日本歴史』 648, 2005.5. 미소장
34 尚友倶楽部児玉秀雄関係文書編集委員会, 『児玉秀雄関係文書1』, 社団法人尚友倶楽部, 2010. 미소장
35 『読売新聞』 1913년. 미소장
36 『東京日日新聞』 1913년 9월 1일자. 미소장
37 『大阪朝日新聞』 1913년 9월 2일자. 미소장
38 尚友倶楽部山県有朋関係文書編集委員会. 『山県有朋関係文書2』, 社団法人尚友倶楽部, 2006, 404쪽. 미소장
39 国立国会図書館憲政資料室所蔵 『立花小一郎関係文書』. 미소장
40 原奎一郎編, 『原敬日記』 第3巻,福原出版社, 1965. 미소장
41 「内務省官制中改正」(1913년 勅令 第142号). 미소장
42 「内務省分課規定中改正」(『官報』 1913년 6월 16일). 미소장
43 『小橋一太日記』 1913년. 미소장
44 外務省条約局法規課編, 『日本統治時代の朝鮮』, 外務省条約局法規課, 1971, 161쪽. 미소장
45 国立国会図書館憲政資料室所蔵 『斎藤実関係文書』78-41. 미소장
46 永井和 「倉富勇三郎日記と植民地朝鮮」(http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/∼knagai/kuratomi/kuratomiandKorea.htm#sec3_1). 미소장
47 小田忠夫, 「併合初期に於ける朝鮮総督府財政の発達」, 京城帝大 『朝鮮経済の研究』3,1938, 6〜24쪽. 미소장
48 대만·조선총독부의 초기 재정 비교연구 : '식민제국' 일본의 식민지 통치역량과 관련하여 소장
49 『第二十八回帝国議会貴族院予算委員第一分科会議事速記録第四号』. 미소장
50 山本四郎編, 『寺内正毅関係文書 : 首相以前』, 京都女子大学, 1984, 77쪽. 미소장
51 『毎日申報』 1914년. 미소장
52 堀和生, 「朝鮮における植民地財政の展開―1910ー30年代初頭にかけて―」, 飯沼二郎・姜在彦, 『植民地朝鮮の社會と抵抗』 未来社, 1992. 미소장
53 鄭泰憲, 『일제의 경제정책과 조선사회 :조세정책을 중심으로』, 역사비평사, 1996. 미소장
54 「朝鮮増税防止運動の経過」, 『朝鮮公論』2-3, 1914.3. 미소장
55 櫻井良樹編, 『田健治郎日記2』, 社団法人尚友倶楽部, 2009. 미소장
56 『第三十一回帝国議会衆議院予算委員第二分科(内務省所管)会議録(速記)第三回』. 미소장
57 『第三十一回帝国議会貴族院予算委員速記録第四号』. 미소장
58 『朝鮮新聞』 1914년 3월 1일자. 미소장
59 広瀬貞三, 「1910年代の道路建設と朝鮮社会」, 『朝鮮学報』 164, 1997.7. 미소장


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