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검색결과 (전체 1건)


중앙아시아 자디드 운동과 러시아 혁명 / 손영훈, 추석훈 인기도
서울 : 한국이슬람학회, 2015.02.28
한국이슬람학회논총. 제25-1집 (2015.2), pp.31-59
[서울관] 해당자료 없음
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문
한국연구재단에서 제공한 KCI 등재학술(후보)지임

초록보기 더보기

The primary focus in this article is the intellectual and political trajectory of Central Asian intellectuals, the 'Jadids," from 1917 to 1920. Through a close reading of several key texts by Jadids, we seek to outline the Jadids' shift from reform to revolution in this period. The revolution marked a turning point in the history of Central Asian Jadidism. Three years following 1917 were the period of intense upheaval during which the entire social and political order in the former Russian empire was reconstructed in a multifaceted struggle of various social groups. For the Jadids these period was transformative of both their world view and their strategies. They succeeded in becoming active agents in the contests over the reestablishment of state order in Central Asia, in which the future of Central Asia was defined. When the exclusionary policies of the Tashkent Soviet changed under pressure from the central government, a remarkable concatenation of circumstances allowed the Jadids to first enter, and then briefly take over the new institutions of power being created by the Soviet regime in Turkestan. Although the attempt was unsuccessful, the state had come to play a significant role in Jadid strategies. Although the Jadids continued to blame ignorance for the ills of their society, and struggles in the realm of culture and education remained at the forefront of their agenda, they had realized that new methods were required in the new era. Years of exhortation had produced scanty results. As Soviet attitudes changed, the Jadids came to see the state not as an enemy but as an instrument of change. The new regime was quite different from the old, and presented its own opportunities and constraints. Jadid strategies accordingly shifted in the years after 1917. The revolution provided the chance for a politicized and radicalized cultural elite to win control of the destiny of the nation. Since autumn 1917, earlier Jadid exhortations to seek admonition from the "civilized" nations of Europe gave a way to a bitter anti-imperialism. This anti-imperialism had its own revolutionary logic, one in which class was replaced by nation and which shared fully in the iconoclastic mood of the moment. The Jadids found much to admire in the Bolsheviks and their methods.

참고문헌 (18건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

참고문헌 목록에 대한 테이블로 번호, 참고문헌, 국회도서관 소장유무로 구성되어 있습니다.
번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
1 고마츠 히시오 외 지음, 이평래 옮김(2005), 『중앙유라시아의 역사』, 서울:소나무 미소장
2 손영훈(2013). “우즈베키스탄 근대적 무슬림 지식인의 형성과 정치 활동”, 『한국이슬람하고히논총』, 23(2), pp.89-113. 미소장
3 중앙아시아의 자디드운동(Jadidism)에 대한 재고(再考) 소장
4 Bartold V.(1929). Istoriia kulturnoi zhizni Turkestana, Leningrad, 1929. 미소장
5 Study of the economic crisis and depopulation in Turkestan, 1917–1920 네이버 미소장
6 Fitrat Abdurauf(1919). Sharq siyosati, Tashkent. 미소장
7 Genis V. L.(2001). “Bor’ba vokrug reform v Bukhare: 1917 god”, Voprosy istorii, 11–12, pp. 18–37. 미소장
8 Khalid Adeeb(1998). The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform: Jadidism in Central Asia, Berkeley: University of California Press. 미소장
9 Society and politics in Bukhara, 1868–1920 네이버 미소장
10 Khalid Adeeb(2001). “Nationalizing the Revolution in Central Asia:The Transformation of jadidism 1917-1920”, in Ronald Grigor Suny & Terry Martin, eds., A State of Nations: Empire and Nation-Making in the Age of Lenin and Stalin, New York:Oxford University Press. 미소장
11 Khalid Adeeb(2005). “Turkestan v 1917–1922 godakh: bor’ba za vlast’ na okraine Rossii,” in Tragediia velikoi derzhavy:natsional’nyi vopros i raspad Sovetskogo Soiuza, Moscow, pp. 189–226. 미소장
12 Khalid Adeeb(2007). “The Fascination of Revolution: Central Asian Intellectuals, 1917–1927”, in Uyama Tomohiko, eds., Empire, Islam, and Politics in Central Eurasia, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, pp.137-152. 미소장
13 Fierman William(1991). Language Plan-rang and National Development: The Uzbek Experience, Berlin. 미소장
14 Rezoliutsn i postanovleonua s"ezdov Kommunisticheskoi partii Turkestana (1918-1924 gg.), Tashkent, 1968. 미소장
15 Safarov G.(1985). Kolonial'naia revoliutsiia: opyt Turkestana, Oxford. 미소장
16 Qongyratbaev Ordaly(1994). Turar Rysqulov: qoghamdiq-sayasi jane memlekettik qyzmeti, Almaty. 미소장
17 Kulturkampf in Pre-Revolutionary Central Asia 네이버 미소장
18 Zenkovsky S.(1967). Pan-Turkism and Islam in Russia, Cambridge:Harvard University Press. 미소장


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