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검색결과 (전체 1건)


Mining Intellectual History Using Unstructured Data Analytics to Classify Thoughts for Digital Humanities = 디지털 인문학에서 비정형 데이터 분석을 이용한 사조 분류 방법 / Hansol Seo, Ohbyung Kwon 인기도
서울 : 한국지능정보시스템학회, 2018.03.31
지능정보연구 = Journal of intelligence and information systems. 제24권 1호 (2018. 3), pp.141-166
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문
한국연구재단에서 제공한 KCI 등재학술(후보)지임


권호기사 목록 테이블로 기사명, 저자명, 페이지, 원문, 기사목차 순으로 되어있습니다.
기사명 저자명 페이지 원문 기사목차
온라인 쇼핑몰에서 상품 설명 이미지 내의 키워드 인식을 위한 딥러닝 훈련 데이터 자동 생성 방안 = The way to make training data for deep learning model to recognize keywords in product catalog image at E-commerce 김기태, 오원석, 임근원, 차은우, 신민영, 김종우 pp.1-23
Smart Store in Smart City = Smart Store in Smart City : The Development of Smart Trade Area Analysis System Based on Consumer Sentiments : 소비자 감성기반 상권분석 시스템 개발 유인진, 서봉군, 박도형 pp.25-52
해외 출국에 영향을 미치는 온라인 미디어 효과 분석 = Analyzing the Effect of Online media on Overseas Travels : A Case study of Asian 5 countries : 아시아 5개국을 중심으로 이혜인, 문현실, 김재경 pp.53-74
지능형 온라인 뉴스 추천시스템 개발을 위한 체계적 속성간 상대적 중요성 분석 = An Analysis of the Comparative Importance of Systematic Attributes for Developing an Intelligent Online News Recommendation System : Focusing on the PWYW Payment Model : PWYW 지불모델을 중심으로 이형주, 정누리, 양성병 pp.75-100 원문보기 (음성지원, 국회도서관 방문 후 이용 가능 )
기술 성숙도 및 의존도의 네트워크 분석을 통한 유망 융합 기술 발굴 방법론 = Discovering Promising Convergence Technologies Using Network Analysis of Maturity and Dependency of Technology 최호창, 곽기영, 김남규 pp.101-124
Building an Analytical Platform of Big Data for Quality Inspection in the Dairy Industry = 유제품 산업의 품질검사를 위한 빅데이터 플랫폼 개발 : 머신러닝 접근법 : A Machine Learning Approach Hyunseok Hwang, Sangil Lee, Sunghyun Kim, Sangwon Lee pp.125-140
Mining Intellectual History Using Unstructured Data Analytics to Classify Thoughts for Digital Humanities = 디지털 인문학에서 비정형 데이터 분석을 이용한 사조 분류 방법 Hansol Seo, Ohbyung Kwon pp.141-166
효과적인 입력변수 패턴 학습을 위한 시계열 그래프 기반 합성곱 신경망 모형 = A Time Series Graph based Convolutional Neural Network Model for Effective Input Variable Pattern Learning : Application to the Prediction of Stock Market : 주식시장 예측에의 응용 이모세, 안현철 pp.167-181
텍스트 마이닝 기법을 적용한 뉴스 데이터에서의 사건 네트워크 구축 = Construction of Event Networks from Large News Data Using Text Mining Techniques 이민철, 김혜진 pp.183-203 원문보기 (음성지원, 국회도서관 방문 후 이용 가능 )
Transfer Learning using Multiple ConvNet Layers Activation Features with Pr incipal Component Analysis for Image Classification = 전이학습 기반 다중 컨볼류션 신경망 레이어의 활성화 특징과 주성분 분석을 이용한 이미지 분류 방법 Batkhuu Byambajav, Jumabek Alikhanov, Yang Fang, Seunghyun Ko, Geun Sik Jo pp.205-225 원문보기 (음성지원, 국회도서관 방문 후 이용 가능 )
Emoticon by Emotions = Emoticon by Emotions : The Development of an Emoticon Recommendation System Based on Consumer Emotions : 소비자 감성 기반 이모티콘 추천 시스템 개발 김건우, 박도형 pp.227-252 원문보기 (음성지원, 국회도서관 방문 후 이용 가능 )
온톨로지 지식 기반 특성치를 활용한 Bidirectional LSTM-CRF 모델의 시퀀스 태깅 성능 향상에 관한 연구 = Improving Bidirectional LSTM-CRF model Of Sequence Tagging by using Ontology knowledge based feature 진승희, 장희원, 김우주 pp.253-267

참고문헌 (72건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

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번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
1 Akbani, R., S. Kwek, and N. Japkowicz, "Applying Support Vector Machines to Imbalanced Datasets," Machine Learning: ECML, (2004), 39-50. 미소장
2 Alghoson, A. M., "Medical Document Classification Based on MeSH," System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference, IEEE (2014), 2571-2575. 미소장
3 Supporting Systematic Reviews Using Text Mining 네이버 미소장
4 Antonie, M. L. and O. R. Zaiane, "Text Document Categorization by Term Association," Data Mining, 2002. ICDM 2003. Proceedings. 2002 IEEE International Conference, (2002), 19-26. 미소장
5 Bae, J. and B. Watson, "Reinforcing Visual Grouping Cues to Communicate Complex Informational Structure," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol.20, No.12 (2014), 1973-1982. 미소장
6 Bederson, B. B, "PhotoMesa: A Zoomable Image Browser Using Quantum Treemaps and Bubblemaps." Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, (2001), 71-80. 미소장
7 Berry, D., "The Computational Turn: Thinking about the Digital Humanities," Culture Machine, Vol.12 (2011). 미소장
8 The Data Sprint Approach: Exploring the field of Digital Humanities through Amazon's Application Programming Interface 네이버 미소장
9 Blei, D. M., A. Y. Ng and M. I. Jordan, "Latent Dirichlet Allocation," Journal of machine Learning research, Vol.3 (2003), 993-1022. 미소장
10 Bouras, C., and V. Tsogkas, "Improving Text Summarization using Noun Retrieval Techniques," International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (2008), 593-600. 미소장
11 Carr, O. and D. Estival, "Document Classification in Structured Military Messages," Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2003, (2003), 134-142. 미소장
12 Automatic document classification of biological literature 네이버 미소장
13 Improving Classification of Protein Interaction Articles Using Context Similarity-Based Feature Selection. 네이버 미소장
14 An Efficient Estimation of Place Brand Image Power Based on Text Mining Technology 소장
15 Utilitarianism in Media Ethics and Its Discontents 네이버 미소장
16 Hegel's Rationalism 네이버 미소장
17 Cross, W. R., The Burned-over District: The Social and Intellectual History of Enthusiastic Religion in Western New York, 1800-1850, Cornell University Press, New York, 2015. 미소장
18 Dasgupta, A., P. Drineas, B. Harb, V. Josifovski, and M. W. Mahoney, "Feature Selection Methods for Text Classification," Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (2007), 230-239. 미소장
19 Concept Decompositions for Large Sparse Text Data Using Clustering 네이버 미소장
20 Plato and the Irrational 네이버 미소장
22 Fung, G. P. C., J. X. Yu, H. Wang, D. W. Cheung, and H. Liu, "A Balanced Ensemble Approach to Weighting Classifiers for Text Classification," Data Mining, 2006. ICDM'06. Sixth International Conference, (2006), 869-873. 미소장
24 Gold, M. K., Debates in the Digital Humanities, U of Minnesota Press, London, 2012. 미소장
25 Value orientations and consumer expectations of Corporate Social Responsibility 네이버 미소장
26 The Universality of American Management Philosophy. 네이버 미소장
27 Hall, P., Cities of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design Since 1880, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 2014. 미소장
28 Substring selection for biomedical document classification 네이버 미소장
29 Intellectual History and Its Neighbors 네이버 미소장
30 A Critical Analysis of Empiricism 네이버 미소장
31 Hotho, A., A. Nurnberger, and G. PaaB., "A Brief Survey of Text Mining," In Ldv Forum, Vol.20, No.1, (2005), 19-62. 미소장
32 Huang, A. "Similarity Measures for Text Document Clustering," Proceedings of the Sixth New Zealand Computer Science Research Student Conference (NZCSRSC2008), Christchurch, New Zealand, (2008), 49-56. 미소장
33 Points of View: Pathways. 네이버 미소장
34 Digital visualization as a scholarly activity 네이버 미소장
35 The Inhibition of Geographical Information in Digital Humanities Scholarship 네이버 미소장
36 Techniques for text classification: Literature review and current trends 네이버 미소장
37 Kerber, L. K., Toward an Intellectual History of Women: Essays by Linda K. Kerber, UNC Press Books, North Carolina, 2014. 미소장
38 A Method of Predicting Service Time Based on Voice of Customer Data 소장
39 Text Classification and Classifiers:A Survey 네이버 미소장
40 Hegel and Schopenhauer as Partisans of Goethe's Theory of Color 네이버 미소장
41 Smarter Classification for Imbalanced Data Set and Its Application to Patent Evaluation 소장
42 Investigating the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm's Short- and Long-Term Performance with Online Text Analytics 소장
43 Lin, Y. W., "Transdisciplinarity and Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned from Developing Text-Mining Tools for Textual Analysis," Understanding Digital Humanities, (2012), 295-314. 미소장
44 Lord, G., M. N. Smith, M. G. Kirschenbaum, T. Clement, Auvil, L. Auvil, J. Rose, B. Yu, and C. Plaisant., "Exploring Erotics in Emily Dickinson's Correspondence with Text Mining and Visual Interfaces," Digital Libraries, 2006. JCDL'06. Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference, (2006), 141-150. 미소장
45 Martin, M. Proposal for a Digital Humanities, Center at Princeton University, 2013. Available at https://digitalhumanities.princeton.edu/files/2013/08/Proposal-for-a-Digital-Humanities-Center-at-Princeton-University3.11.pdf. (Downloaded 21 January, 2017). 미소장
46 Michura, Piotr, S. Ruecker, M. Radzikowska, and C. Fiorentino, "The Novel as a List of Words." The Potential and Limitations of a List: An International Transdisciplinary Workshop. Center for Theoretical Study, Charles U and Philosophical Inst. of the Acad. of the Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2007. 미소장
47 Moniz, A., and F Jong, "Sentiment Analysis and the Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Firm Earnings," In European Conference on Information Retrieval (2014), 519-527. 미소장
48 Business intelligence in banking: A literature analysis from 2002 to 2013 using text mining and latent Dirichlet allocation 네이버 미소장
49 Digital Humanities as Appendix 네이버 미소장
50 The Will of the Sovereign: Some Reflections on Bentham's Concept of "A Law" 네이버 미소장
51 Powell, R. J., An Experimental Examination of Visual Grouping Techniques in Skip Patterns on Respondent Navigation Errors, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2016, Available at http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=sramdiss (Downloaded 21 January, 2017). 미소장
52 Visualizing Theatrical Text: From Watching the Script to the Simulated Environment for Theatre (SET). 네이버 미소장
53 Rosa, K. D., J. Ellen, "Text Classification Methodologies Applied to Micro-text in Military Chat," Machine Learning and Applications, 2009. ICMLA'09. International Conference, (2009), 710-714. 미소장
54 Modernism Meets Digital Humanities 네이버 미소장
55 Sattelmeyer, R. Thoreau's Reading: A Study in Intellectual History with Bibliographical Catalogue, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2014. 미소장
56 Schreibman, S., R. Siemens, and J. Unsworth. Introduction, in Schreibman et al. (eds.) A Companion to Digital Humanities. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. 미소장
57 Meaning and mining: the impact of implicit assumptions in data mining for the humanities 네이버 미소장
58 Machine learning in automated text categorization 네이버 미소장
59 Sinclair, S., S. Ruecker, and M. Radzikowska, "Information Visualization for Humanities Scholars," Literary Studies in the Digital Age-An Evolving Anthology, (2013) 미소장
60 Sinclair, S., D. Sondheim, C. Warwick, and J. Windsor, "Introduction to Designing Interactive Reading Environments for the Online Scholarly Edition," Digital Humanities 2012, (2012), 36. 미소장
61 Skorupski, J., The Place of Utilitarianism in Mill's Philosophy. Utilitarianism, Wiley-Blackwell, New Jersey, 2008. 미소장
62 Cited Documents as Concept Symbols 네이버 미소장
63 Who can Understand Abraham? The Relation of God and Morality in Kierkegaard and Aquinas 네이버 미소장
64 Applications of text mining within systematic reviews. 네이버 미소장
66 Solving multi-label text categorization problem using support vector machine approach with membership function 네이버 미소장
67 Digital Humanities and Its Application in the Study of Literature and Culture 네이버 미소장
68 Ensemble of feature sets and classification algorithms for sentiment classification 네이버 미소장
69 Automated Outcome Classification of Emergency Department Computed Tomography Imaging Reports 네이버 미소장
70 Yano, H., Y. Nakajima, K. Ueda, and G. B. Remijn, "The Effect of Sound on Visual Grouping in a Multi-Stable Stimulus," International Journal of Psychology, Vol.51, (2016), 1027. 미소장
71 What Motivates Consumers to Write Online Travel Reviews? 네이버 미소장
72 An evaluation of text classification methods for literary study 네이버 미소장


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