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검색결과 (전체 1건)


실재감, 공간능력, 및 심미감이 증강현실과 가상현실의 지속사용의도에 미치는 영향 비교 연구 = Impact of Presence, Spatial Ability, and Esthetics on the Continuance Intention of Use of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality / 배수진, 권오병 인기도
대구 : 한국경영교육학회, 2018.08.30
經營敎育硏究. 제33권 제4호 통권 제110호 (2018년 8월), p.355-386
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문
한국연구재단에서 제공한 KCI 등재학술(후보)지임

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[연구목적] 본 논문의 목적은 증강현실과 가상현실의 사용 반응을 효용 및 쾌락 가치에 집중하여, 개념이해와 몰입체험 관점에서 실재감, 공간능력, 및 심미감과 같은 사용 특징이 지속사용의도에 미치는 영향에 대해 실증적으로 분석하는 것이다. 또한 본 연구의 결과를 통해 증강현실과 가상현실의 기술 개발 방향과 체험 설계에 대한 시사점을 제시하고자 한다.

[연구방법] 본 연구의 자료 수집은 참가자들이 증강현실과 가상현실 유형별 시연 동영상을 시청한 후에 설문을 실시했으며 유형별로 불성실 응답을 제외한 300명씩, 총 600명을 대상으로 분석했다. 인구통계학분석 및 요인분석은 SPSS 23.0으로 했고, 구조방정식 연구모형은 SmartPLS 2.0 소프트웨어를 활용해 분석했다. 그 후 가설 검증을 실시했다.

[연구결과] 구조모형을 통한 가설 검증 결과, 증강현실과 가상현실의 실재감과 심미감은 몰입체험에, 공간능력이 개념이해에 모두 긍정적 영향의 가설이 채택되었다. 그러나 실재감이 개념이해에, 공간능력이 몰입체험에 있어서는 증강현실은 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으나, 가상현실은 가설이 기각되었다. 그리고 심미감이 개념이해에는 가상현실은 가설이 채택되었으나, 증강현실은 기각되었다. 또한 대체적으로 영상 기반 증강현실이 가상현실 기술보다 지속사용의도를 형성하는 데 더 효과적인 것으로 나타났다.

[연구의 시사점] 증강현실과 가상현실 기술 기반 서비스의 특징이 사용자 지속사용의도에 이르는 과정을 효용 쾌락 속성인 개념이해와 몰입체험으로 확장해 사용 반응으로 상세히 실증하여 이해했다. 이에 증강현실과 가상현실의 차이점을 확인한 첫 연구이며, 이를 통해 지속사용의도의 영향 요인을 살펴본 것에 학문적 시사점이 있다. 증강현실과 가상현실의 기술을 개발하고 체험을 설계할 때 실재감과 공간능력, 및 심미감의 특징을 고려해야 한다는 실무적 시사점이 있다.

[Purpose] The commercialization and distribution of augmented reality and virtual reality technology are drawing attention to methods for improving continuance intention. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to focus on the effects of the use of augmented reality and virtual reality based on utility and hedonic values and to empirically examine the effect of the characteristics of the technologies: presence, spatial ability, and esthetics on continuance intention, The results suggest some implications for the development direction and experience design of the content applying augmented reality and virtual reality.

[Methodology] The data collection of this study was conducted after participants watched the demonstration videos by augmented reality and virtual reality type, In total, 600 persons, 300 persons for each, participated in the experiment. Demographics and factor analysis were performed with SPSS 23.0 and analyzed using SmartPLS 2.0 software as a structural equation model. Then hypothesis tests were also conducted.

[Findings] As a result, the hypothesis on both the impact of the presence and esthetics on immersive reality and virtual reality were supported. Moreover, effect of spatial ability on conceptual understanding was also adopted. In the multi-group structural equation difference test, it was confirmed that the real feeling had a significant difference in the immersion experience and all the remaining paths did not show any significant difference. In addition, video-based augmented reality is more effective than virtual reality technology in forming persistent intention to use.

[Implications] It is the first study to confirm the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality in terms of continuance intention. When we develop augmented reality and virtual reality based content, we should consider characteristics of presence, spatial ability and esthetics.


권호기사 목록 테이블로 기사명, 저자명, 페이지, 원문, 기사목차 순으로 되어있습니다.
기사명 저자명 페이지 원문 기사목차
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감정노동이 직무만족에 미치는 영향 = The Effect of Emotional Labor on Job Satisfaction : A Focus on the Mediating Effect of Job Stress : 직무스트레스의 매개효과를 중심으로 곽묘묘, 오현성, 전윤식, 이강수 p.217-237
직장 내 따돌림이 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향 = The Effect of Workplace Ostracism on Organizational Citizenship Behavior : the Mediator Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and the Moderator Effect of Proactive Personality : 조직지원인식의 매개효과와 주도적 성격의 조절효과 장북진, 정수진 p.291-315
연구소기업 설립 적합유형 및 핵심요인에 관한 연구 = Study on the Suitable Types and Key Factors of Establishing the Research Institute Company : 연구소기업 대표자를 대상으로 허필우, 천동필 p.455-473 원문보기 (음성지원, 국회도서관 방문 후 이용 가능 )
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ADIT를 이용한 회계윤리교육의 효과에 관한 연구 = The Effects of Accounting Ethics Education on the Level of Moral Development Using ADIT 김정민, 도상호 p.99-118
명상이 경영교육의 효과성에 미치는 영향에 대한 사례연구 = The Effects of Meditation on the Effectiveness of Business Education : A Case Study 최용준, 하순복, 조원일 p.43-70
기업수명주기에 따라 광고선전비가 기업가치에 미치는 영향 = The Effect of Advertising Expense on Firm Value according to Firm Life Cycle 최혁 p.119-137
기업의 CSV활동 진정성이 비정규직 근로자들의 직무 재창조에 미치는 영향 = The Effect of CSV Authenticity on the Job Crafting of the Part-time Workers : Focused on Organizational Commitment and Emotional Intelligence : 조직몰입의 매개효과와 감성지능의 조절효과를 중심으로 민희경, 이지혜, 오상진 p.239-269
The Influence of Managerial Overconfidence on CSR= 경영자 과신성향이 기업 사회적 책임에 미치는 영향 : 중국 A 주식시장을 중심으로 : Based on A-Share Listed Chinese Companies Gao, Yu, Han, Kil-Seok p.25-41
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권력거리와 관리통제시스템 이용이 창의성에 미치는 영향 = The Effect of Power Distance and Management Control System Usage on Creativity 표춘미 p.139-166
The Impacts of Negative Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Attitudes toward a Company= 부정적 온라인 구전정보가 기업에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향 : 성별차이에 의한 조절효과 : Moderating Effect of Gender Difference Song, Seokwoo, Sun, Jonghak p.495-514
실재감, 공간능력, 및 심미감이 증강현실과 가상현실의 지속사용의도에 미치는 영향 비교 연구 = Impact of Presence, Spatial Ability, and Esthetics on the Continuance Intention of Use of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality 배수진, 권오병 p.355-386 원문보기 (음성지원, 국회도서관 방문 후 이용 가능 )
비인격적 감독이 구성원의 행동에 미치는 영향 = The Effect of Abusive Supervision on Organizational Member's Behavior : Mediating Role of Organizational Identification : 조직동일시의 매개효과 배건, 이규만 p.271-289
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'경영학에서의 지혜(Managerial Wisdom)' 연구에 대한 탐색적 고찰 = Exploratory Study on 'Managerial Wisdom' 김주원, 박용승 p.1-24
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확장된 기술수용모델을 이용한 음식 배달 애플리케이션 재이용의도에 관한 한·중 비교 연구 = A Comparative Study between Korean and Chinese Users of their Intention to Reuse Mobile Food Delivery Application Miao, Jiang Chao, 김아름, 양혜경 p.387-413
CSR활동에 대한 정당성 인식과 종업원의 조직에 대한 태도와 행동 = Effects of Employees' Perception of CSR Legitimacy on their Organizational Attitude and Moderating Role of Ethical Leadership : 윤리적 리더십의 역할 김세평, 최석봉 p.317-338

참고문헌 (87건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

참고문헌 목록에 대한 테이블로 번호, 참고문헌, 국회도서관 소장유무로 구성되어 있습니다.
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2 Influence The Effect of Perceived Values of Game Items and Purchase Intention on Game Loyalty: Focused on the Relationship between Augmenting Products and Core Service 소장
3 A Study on the Effect of Contextual Factors on Entrepreneurial Intention of Korean University Students 소장
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5 Effects of Quality and Personal Factors of Mobile Learning System on the Corporate Employees’ Learning Transfer: Focusing on a Moderating Effect of Usage Period 소장
6 Andersen, D., Popescu, V., Cabrera, M. E., Shanghavi, A., Gomez, G., Marley, S., … & Wachs, J.(2016). Virtual annotations of the surgical field through an augmented reality transparent display. The Visual Computer. 32(11): 1481-1498. 미소장
7 Augmented Reality for the Improvement of Remote Laboratories: An Augmented Remote Laboratory 네이버 미소장
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9 Immersion and emotion: their impact on the sense of presence. 네이버 미소장
10 Barnes, S. J. (2011). Understanding use continuance in virtual worlds: Empirical test of a research model. Information & Management. 48(8): 313-319. 미소장
11 Understanding Information Systems Continuance: An Expectation-Confirmation Model 네이버 미소장
12 A unified model of IT continuance: three complementary perspectives and crossover effects 네이버 미소장
13 Applying flow theory to booking experiences: An integrated model in an online service context 네이버 미소장
14 Bonetti, F., Warnaby, G., & Quinn, L. (2018). Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Physical and Online Retailing: A Review, Synthesis and Research Agenda. In Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (pp.119-132). Springer: Cham. 미소장
15 Bulearca, M., & Tamarjan, D. (2010). Augmented reality: A sustainable marketing tool. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal. 2(2): 237-252. 미소장
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18 Development and behavioral pattern analysis of a mobile guide system with augmented reality for painting appreciation instruction in an art museum 네이버 미소장
19 Affordances of Augmented Reality in Science Learning: Suggestions for Future Research 네이버 미소장
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21 Childers, T. L., Carr, C. L., Peck, J., &Carson, S. (2001). Hedonic and utilitarian motivations for online retail shopping behavior. Journal of Retailing. 77(4): 511-535. 미소장
22 The Concept of Expression in Esthetic Theory. I 네이버 미소장
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25 Concepts and practices of digital virtual consumption 네이버 미소장
26 For fun and profit: Hedonic value from image interactivity and responses toward an online store 네이버 미소장
27 Fonseca, D., Martí, N., Redondo, E., Navarro, I., & Sánchez, A. (2014). Relationship between student profile, tool use, participation, and academic performance with the use of Augmented Reality technology for visualized architecture models. Computers in Human Behavior. 31: 434-445. 미소장
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38 Aims, Concepts, and Methods for the Representation of Individual Differences in Esthetic Responses to Design Features 네이버 미소장
39 Using a “prediction–observation–explanation” inquiry model to enhance student interest and intention to continue science learning predicted by their Internet cognitive failure 네이버 미소장
40 The effect of consumer innovativeness on perceived value and continuance intention to use smartwatch 네이버 미소장
41 Impact of augmented reality lessons on students' STEM interest. 네이버 미소장
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49 Jung, T., tom Dieck, M. C., Lee, H., & Chung, N. (2016). Effects of virtual reality and augmented reality on visitor experiences in museum. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2016 (pp.621-635). Springer, Cham. 미소장
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51 Kolb, D. A. (2014). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. FT press. 미소장
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54 Assessing the Effectiveness of Learning Solid Geometry by Using an Augmented Reality-Assisted Learning System 네이버 미소장
55 Emboldened by Embodiment: Six Precepts for Research on Embodied Learning and Mixed Reality 네이버 미소장
56 Lowry, P. B., Gaskin, J., Twyman, N., Hammer, B., & Roberts, T. (2012). Taking ‘fun and games’seriously: Proposing the hedonic-motivation system adoption model (HMSAM). Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 14(11): 617-671. 미소장
57 Martín-Gutiérrez, J., Contero, M., & Alcañiz, M. (2010). Evaluating the usability of an augmented reality based educational application. In International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 296-306). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 미소장
58 Design and validation of an augmented book for spatial abilities development in engineering students 네이버 미소장
59 Evaluating Display Fidelity and Interaction Fidelity in a Virtual Reality Game 네이버 미소장
60 The effectiveness of virtual and augmented reality in health sciences and medical anatomy 네이버 미소장
61 Mujber, T. S., Szecsi, T., & Hashmi, M. S. (2004). Virtual reality applications in manufacturing process simulation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 155: 1834-1838. 미소장
62 Assessing Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics: Representations, Problem Solutions, Justifications, and Explanations 네이버 미소장
63 Nicholson, D. T., Chalk, C., Funnell, W. R. J., & Daniel, S. J. (2006). Can virtual reality improve anatomy education? A randomised controlled study of a computer-generated threedimensional anatomical ear model. Medical Education. 40(11): 1081-1087. 미소장
64 A Comparative Study of Sense of Presence of Virtual Reality and Immersive Environments 네이버 미소장
65 Measuring Experience Economy Concepts: Tourism Applications 네이버 미소장
66 Justification Effects on Consumer Choice of Hedonic and Utilitarian Goods 네이버 미소장
67 Physical features, coherence and positive outcomes of person–environment interactions: A virtual reality study 네이버 미소장
68 A survey of mobile and wireless technologies for augmented reality systems 네이버 미소장
69 The potential of virtual reality in social skills training for people with autistic spectrum disorders 네이버 미소장
70 Augmented reality in education: a meta-review and cross-media analysis 네이버 미소장
71 Rekimoto, J., Ayatsuka, Y., & Hayashi, K. (1998). Augment-able reality: Situated communication through physical and digital spaces. In Wearable Computers, 1998. Digest of Papers. Second International Symposium On (pp.68-75). IEEE. 미소장
72 Transforming Experience: The Potential of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for Enhancing Personal and Clinical Change 네이버 미소장
73 Rodríguez-Ardura, I., & Meseguer-Artola, A. (2016). E-learning continuance: The impact of interactivity and the mediating role of imagery, presence and flow. Information &Management. 53(4): 504-516. 미소장
74 Presence Equation: An Investigation into Cognitive Factors Underlying Presence 네이버 미소장
75 Gamification in theory and action: A survey 네이버 미소장
76 Shelton, B. E., & Hedley, N. R. (2004). Exploring a cognitive basis for learning spatial relationships with augmented reality. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning. 1(4): 323. 미소장
77 Reducing the Schizophrenia Stigma: A New Approach Based on Augmented Reality. 네이버 미소장
78 Depth of Presence in Virtual Environments 네이버 미소장
79 Stoyanova, J., Brito, P. Q., Georgieva, P., & Milanova, M. (2015, September). Comparison of consumer purchase intention between interactive and Augmented Reality shopping platforms through statistical analyses. In Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA), 2015International Symposium On (pp.1-8). IEEE. 미소장
80 A Virtual Environment Testbed for Training Laparoscopic Surgical Skills 네이버 미소장
81 PLS path modeling 네이버 미소장
82 Measuring the Hedonic and Utilitarian Dimensions of Consumer Attitude 네이버 미소장
83 The Effects of Pictorial Realism, Delay of Visual Feedback, and Observer Interactivity on the Subjective Sense of Presence 네이버 미소장
84 Measuring Presence in Virtual Environments: A Presence Questionnaire 네이버 미소장
85 Is Augmented Reality Technology an Effective Tool for E-commerce? An Interactivity and Vividness Perspective 네이버 미소장
86 Augmented Reality: An Overview and Five Directions for AR in Education 네이버 미소장
87 Moderating role of gender in the relationships between perceived benefits and satisfaction in social virtual world continuance 네이버 미소장


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