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검색결과 (전체 1건)


한국 성인의 백미와 김치 총 섭취량에 따른 영양상태와 대사증후군 위험도에 관한 연구 : 2013-2015년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여 = Risk of metabolic syndrome according to intake of white rice and Kimchi in Korean adults : based on the 6th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013-2015 / 김진수, 안소현, 손숙미 인기도
서울 : 대한지역사회영양학회, 2018.12.31
대한지역사회영양학회지 = Korean journal of community nutrition. 제23권 제6호 (2018년 12월), p.525-537
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문
한국연구재단에서 제공한 KCI 등재학술(후보)지임


권호기사 목록 테이블로 기사명, 저자명, 페이지, 원문, 기사목차 순으로 되어있습니다.
기사명 저자명 페이지 원문 기사목차
필리핀 결혼이민여성의 한식 섭취실태 및 한식 섭취율에 따른 사회경제학적 요인 = Consumption of Han-sik and its association with socioeconomic status among Filipino immigrant women : the Filipino women's diet and health study (FiLWHEL) 김나연, 강민지, 그레이스 아브리스, 쉘린 메이 프로비도, 정효지, 홍상모, 유성훈, 이창범, 이정은 p.475-487 원문보기 (음성지원) 다운로드
한국 성인의 백미와 김치 총 섭취량에 따른 영양상태와 대사증후군 위험도에 관한 연구 = Risk of metabolic syndrome according to intake of white rice and Kimchi in Korean adults : based on the 6th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013-2015 : 2013-2015년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여 김진수, 안소현, 손숙미 p.525-537 원문보기 (음성지원) 다운로드
유당 및 유지방을 중심으로 한 한국 성인 남성의 우유 섭취 행태 = Milk intake patterns with lactose and milk fat in Korean male adults 김정현, 경민숙, 민성희, 이명희 p.488-495 원문보기 (음성지원) 다운로드
남자 노인에서 에너지 섭취 조사를 위한 24시간 회상법의 정확도 평가 = Accuracy of 24-hour diet recalls for estimating energy intake in elderly men using the doubly labeled water method : 이중표식수법을 사용하여 전지혜, 고나영, 이모란, Didace Ndahimana, 김은경 p.516-524 원문보기 (음성지원) 다운로드
충남 영양(교)사의 학교급식지원센터 운영 필요성에 대한 인식 분석 = Analysis of nutrition teachers' awareness of necessity for an operating school meal support center in Chungnam 김종화 p.506-515 원문보기 (음성지원) 다운로드
어린이급식관리지원센터 직원의 성격유형과 직무수행도가 감정고갈 및 직무만족도에 미치는 영향 = The effect of personality type and job performance on emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction : staff of the center for children's foodservice management 이경민, 전민선 p.496-505 원문보기 (음성지원) 다운로드

참고문헌 (40건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

참고문헌 목록에 대한 테이블로 번호, 참고문헌, 국회도서관 소장유무로 구성되어 있습니다.
번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
1 Diagnosis and Management of the Metabolic Syndrome: An American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Scientific Statement 네이버 미소장
2 Dietary patterns based on carbohydrate nutrition are associated with the risk for diabetes and dyslipidemia 소장
3 Carbohydrate Intake and Refined-Grain Consumption Are Associated with Metabolic Syndrome in the Korean Adult Population 네이버 미소장
4 Korean Diet and Obesity 소장
5 Grains, Vegetables, and Fish Dietary Pattern Is Inversely Associated with the Risk of Metabolic Syndrome in South Korean Adults 네이버 미소장
6 Preservation of a traditional Korean dietary pattern and emergence of a fruit and dairy dietary pattern among adults in South Korea: secular transitions in dietary patterns of a prospective study from 1998 to 2010 네이버 미소장
7 Dietary patterns and metabolic syndrome risk factors among adolescents 소장
8 Relationship between Kimchi and Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults: Data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (KNHANES) 2007∼2012 소장
9 FASEB J. Vol. 31. pp. 789-7.15 미소장
10 Sodium Intakes of Korean Adults with 24-hour Urine Analysis and Dish Frequency Questionnaire and Comparison of Sodium Intakes According to the Regional Area and Dish Group 소장
11 Major Sources of Sodium Intake of the Korean Population at Prepared Dish Level - Based on the KNHANES 2008 & 2009 - 네이버 미소장
12 Role of Insulin Resistance in Human Disease 네이버 미소장
13 한국인의 나트륨 섭취에 기여하는 주요 음식군 및 식품군의 추이 분석 소장
14 Risk of Metabolic Syndrome according to Intakes of Vegetables and Kimchi in Korean Adults: Using the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2010-2011 소장
15 The relationship of dietary sodium, potassium, fruits, and vegetables intake with blood pressure among Korean adults aged 40 and older 소장
16 Secular Trend in Dietary Patterns in a Korean Adult Population, Using the 1998, 2001, and 2005 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 네이버 미소장
17 Carbohydrate-induced hypertriacylglycerolemia: historical perspective and review of biological mechanisms. 네이버 미소장
18 Dietary reference intakes for Koreans. 미소장
19 Prospective study of dietary carbohydrates, glycemic index, glycemic load, and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in middle-aged Chinese women. 네이버 미소장
20 Dietary glycemic index and load in relation to metabolic risk factors in Japanese female farmers with traditional dietary habits. 네이버 미소장
21 Refined grain consumption and the metabolic syndrome in urban Asian Indians (Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study 57) 네이버 미소장
22 Cross-sectional relationship between dietary carbohydrate, glycaemic index, glycaemic load and risk of the metabolic syndrome in a Korean population. 네이버 미소장
23 Insulin resistance. A multifaceted syndrome responsible for NIDDM, obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. 네이버 미소장
24 High carbohydrate intake was inversely associated with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol among Korean adults 네이버 미소장
25 Dietary carbohydrate intake is associated with cardiovascular disease risk in Korean: Analysis of the third Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES III) 네이버 미소장
26 Moderate alcohol intake, increased levels of high-density lipoprotein and its subfractions, and decreased risk of myocardial infarction. 네이버 미소장
27 Alcohol Consumption and the Coronary Heart Disease-Related Risk Factors in Korean Adults;the Third Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES III), 2005 소장
28 Dietary Risk Factors Associated with Hypertension in Patients 소장
29 Dietary Approaches to Prevent and Treat Hypertension: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association 네이버 미소장
30 Normotensive Salt Sensitivity 네이버 미소장
31 Dietary Strategies Implicated in the Prevention and Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome. 네이버 미소장
32 Dietary Fiber and Metabolic Syndrome: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Related Mechanisms. 네이버 미소장
33 Gender difference on the association between dietary patterns and metabolic syndrome in Korean population 네이버 미소장
34 Definition of Metabolic Syndrome 네이버 미소장
35 Rice intake and type 2 diabetes in Japanese men and women: the Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study. 네이버 미소장
36 Increasing Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Korea: The Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for 1998-2007 네이버 미소장
37 The prevalence trend of metabolic syndrome and its components and risk factors in Korean adults: results from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2008-2013. 네이버 미소장
38 Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in the United States, 2003-2012. 네이버 미소장
39 A traditional Korean dietary pattern and metabolic syndrome abnormalities 네이버 미소장
40 Rice-eating pattern and the risk of metabolic syndrome especially waist circumference in Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES). 네이버 미소장


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