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검색결과 (전체 1건)


SF영화 <스타트랙> 시리즈와 시간여행의 모티프 = SF movie Star Trek series and the motif of time travel / 노시훈 인기도
원주 : 대중서사학회, 2019.02.28
대중서사연구 = Journal of popular narrative. 제25권 제1호 통권49호 (2019년 2월), p.165-191
[서울관] 정기간행물실(524호)  도서위치안내(서울관)
외부기관 원문
외부기관 원문
한국연구재단에서 제공한 KCI 등재학술(후보)지임
한국어, 영어 요약 있음

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본고의 의의는 위와 같은 시간여행의 기능으로 볼 때 SF서사에서 시간여행의 모티프가 앞으로도 계속해서 반복되면서 진화할 것이라는 예상을 가능하게 한 데 있다.

The purpose of this article is to elucidate why the motif of time travel is repeated in the science fiction narrative by examining the functions of this motif in the SF movie series of Star Trek in its narrative and non-narrative aspects. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) aims to attract the audience’s interest in the story through the use of plausible time travel in the form of the slingshot effect which causes the spacecraft to fly at very fast speeds around an astronomical object. The movie also touches upon the predestination paradox that arises from a change of history in which it describes a formula of transparent aluminum that did not exist at the time. The film also serves as an evocation of the ideology of ecology by including humpback whales in the central narrative and responding to the real issue of the whale protection movement of the times. Star Track VIII: First Contact (1996) intends to interest the audience in the narrative with the warp drive, a virtual device that enables travel at speeds faster than that of light and a signature visual of Star Trek, at the time of its birth through time travel. The film emphasizes the continuation of peaceful efforts by warning the destruction of humanity that nuclear war can bring. It tackles with the view of pacifism and idealism by stressing the importance of cooperation between countries in the real world by making the audience anticipate the creation of the United Federation of Planets through encounters with the extraterrestrial. Star Trek: The Beginning (2009) improves interest through the idea of time travel to the past, this time using a black hole and the parallel universe created thereby. The parallel universe functions as a reboot, allowing a new story to be created on an alternate timeline while maintaining the original storyline. In addition, this film repeats the themes pacifism and idealism shown in the 1996 film through the confrontation between Spock (and the Starfleet) and Nero, the destruction of the Vulcan and the Romulus, and the cooperation of humans and Vulcans. Eventually, time travel in three Star Trek films has the function of maximizing the audience’s interest in the story and allowing it to develop freely as a narrative tool. It also functions as an ideal solution for commenting on current problems in the non-narrative aspect. The significance of this paper is to stress the possibility that the motif of time travel in SF narrative will evolve as it continues to repeat in different forms as mentioned above.


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