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검색결과 (전체 1건)


經濟活動人口年報. 1989 / 經濟企劃院 調査統計局 인기도
서울 : 經濟企劃院 調査統計局, 1990
R 312.058 ㄱ284ㄱ
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층)), [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실)
冊 ; 26 cm







이용자를 위하여=0,7,1


I. 조사개요=1,14,1

1. 조사연혁=1,14,1

2. 조사목적=1,14,1

3. 조사범위=1,14,1

4. 조사항목=1,14,2

5. 조사대상 기간=2,15,1

6. 조사방법=2,15,1

7. 용어해설=2,15,2

8. 표본설계 개요=3,16,7

II. 1989년 경제활동인구 동향=10,23,9

통계표(I) 1983~1989년(월별자료)=19,32,1

1. 경제활동인구 총괄=20,33,18

2. 연령계층별 경제활동인구=38,51,18

3. 연령계층별 비경제활동인구=56,69,18

4. 상태별 비경제활동인구=74,87,6

5. 연령계층별 취업자=80,93,18

6. 교육정도별 취업자=98,111,18

7. 산업별 취업자=116,129,6

8. 산업 및 연령계층별 취업자=122,135,6

9. 직업별 취업자=128,141,6

10. 종사상 지위별 취업자=134,147,12

11. 산업 및 종사상 지위별 취업자=146,159,6

12. 산업 및 취업시간별 취업자=152,165,10

13. 연령계층별 실업자=162,175,6

14. 교육정도별 실업자=168,181,18

15. 계절조정 실업률=186,199,1

통계표(II) 1988년도(연평균자료)=187,200,1

1. 경제활동인구 총괄=188,201,1

2. 가구주와의 관계, 배우관계 및 성별 15세이상 인구=189,202,1

3. 연령계층, 산업 및 성별 취업자=190,203,1

4. 연령계층, 직업 및 성별 취업자=191,204,1

5. 연령계층, 종사상 지위 및 성별 취업자=192,205,1

6. 취업시간, 산업 및 성별 취업자=193,206,1

7. 취업시간, 직업 및 성별 취업자=194,207,1

8. 교육정도, 종사상 지위, 산업 및 성별 취업자=195,208,1

9. 교육정도, 종사상 지위, 직업 및 성별 취업자=196,209,1

10. 직업, 산업 및 성별 취업자=197,210,1

11. 가구주와의 관계, 교육정도, 전산업 및 성별 실업자=198,211,1

12. 연령계층, 배우관계 및 성별 실업자=199,212,1

13. 전직업, 전산업 및 성별 실업자=200,213,1

14. 교육정도, 전종사상의 지위, 전직업 및 성별 전직 실업자=201,214,1

15. 구직기간별 실업자=202,215,1

통계표(III) 1989년도(연평균자료)=203,216,1

1. 경제활동인구 총괄=204,217,1

2. 가구주와의 관계, 배우관계 및 성별 15세이상 인구=205,218,1

3. 연령계층, 산업 및 성별 취업자=206,219,1

4. 연령계층, 직업 및 성별 취업자=207,220,1

5. 연령계층, 종사상 지위 및 성별 취업자=208,221,1

6. 취업시간, 산업 및 성별 취업자=209,222,1

7. 취업시간, 직업 및 성별 취업자=210,223,1

8. 교육정도, 종사상 지위, 산업 및 성별 취업자=211,224,1

9. 교육정도, 종사상 지위, 직업 및 성별 취업자=212,225,1

10. 직업, 산업 및 성별 취업자=213,226,1

11. 가구주와의 관계, 교육정도, 전산업 및 성별 실업자=214,227,1

12. 연령계층, 배우관계 및 성별 실업자=215,228,1

13. 전직업, 전산업 및 성별 실업자=216,229,1

14. 교육정도, 전종사상 지위, 전직업 및 성별 전직 실업자=217,230,1

15. 구직기간별 실업자=218,231,1


1. 월별('89. 11)결과 주요항목별 표본오차=220,233,2

2. 연평균 결과 주요항목별 표본오차=222,235,3

3. 경제활동인구 조사표=225,238,4




title page=0,2,4


Explanatory Notes=0,7,4



1. History of the Survey=6,19,1

2. Purpose of the Survey=6,19,1

3. Scope of the Survey=6,19,1

4. Survey Items=6,19,2

5. Date and Period of the Survey=7,20,1

6. Method of the Survey=7,20,1

7. Concepts and Definitions=7,20,1

8. Sample Design=7,20,12

Statistical Tables(I) 1983~1989(Monthly Data)=19,32,1

1. Summary Table of Economically Active Population=20,33,18

2. Economically Active Population by Age Group=38,51,18

3. Not Economically Active Population by Age Group=56,69,18

4. Not Economically Active Population by Activity Type=74,87,6

5. Employed Persons by Age Group=80,93,18

6. Employed Persons by Educational Attainment=98,111,18

7. Employed Persons by Industry=116,129,6

8. Employed Persons by Industry and Age Group=122,135,6

9. Employed Persons by Occupation=128,141,6

10. Employed Persons by Status of Workers=134,147,12

11. Employed Persons by Industry and Status of Workers=146,159,6

12. Employed Persons by Industry and Hours Worked=152,165,10

13. Unemployed Persons by Age Group=162,175,6

14. Unemployed Persons by Educational Attainment=168,181,18

15. Unemployment rates, seasonally adjusted=186,199,1

Statistical Tables(II) 1988(Yearly Data)=187,200,1

1. Summary Table of Economically Active Population=188,201,1

2. Population 15 Years Old and Over by Relationship to Household Head, Marital Status and Sex=189,202,1

3. Employed Persons by Age Group, Industry(Major Division) and Sex=190,203,1

4. Employed Persons by Age Group, Occupation (Major Group) and Sex=191,204,1

5. Employed Persons by Age Group, Status of Workers and Sex=192,205,1

6. Employed Persons by Hours Worked, Industry (Major Division) and Sex=193,206,1

7. Employed Persons by Hours Worked, Occupation (Major Group) and Sex=194,207,1

8. Employed Persons by Educational Attainment, Status of Workers, Industry (Major Division) and Sex=195,208,1

9. Employed Persons by Educational Attainment, Status of Workers, Occupation (Major Group) and Sex=196,209,1

10. Employed Persons by Occupation (Major Group), Industry (Major Division) and Sex=197,210,1

11. Unemployed Persons by Relationship to Household Head, Educational Attainment, Former Industry (Major Division) and Sex=198,211,1

12. Unemployed Persons by Age Group, Marital Status and Sex=199,212,1

13. Unemployed Persons by Former Occupation (Major Group), Former Industry (Major Division) and sex=200,213,1

14. Unemployed Persons Worked Before by Educational Attainment, Former Working Status, Former Occupation (Major Group) and Sex=201,214,1

15. Unemployed Persons by Duration of Seeking Work=202,215,1

Statistical Tables(III) 1989 (Yearly Data)=203,216,1

1. Summary Table of Economically Active Population=204,217,1

2. Population 15 Years Old and Over by Relationship to Household Head, Marital Status and Sex=205,218,1

3. Employed Persons by Age Group, Industry (Major Division) and Sex=206,219,1

4. Employed Persons by Age Group, Occupation (Major Group) and Sex=207,220,1

5. Employed Persons by Age Group, Status of Workers and Sex=208,221,1

6. Employed Persons by Hours Worked, Industry (Major Division) and Sex=209,222,1

7. Employed Persons by Hours Worked, Occupation (Major Group) and Sex=210,223,1

8. Employed Persons by Educational Attainment, Status of Workers, Industry (Major Division) and Sex=211,224,1

9. Employed Persons by Educational Attainment, Status of Workers, Occupation (Major Group) and Sex=212,225,1

10. Employed Persons by Occupation (Major Group), Industry (Major Division) and Sex=213,226,1

11. Unemployed Persons by Relationship to Household Head, Educational Attainment, Former Industry (Major Division) and Sex=214,227,1

12. Unemployed Persons by Age Group, Marital Status and Sex=215,228,1

13. Unemployed Persons by Former Occupation (Major Group), Former Industry(Major Division) and Sex=216,229,1

14. Unemployed Persons Worked Before by Educational Attainment, Former Working Status, Former Occupation (Major Group) and Sex=217,230,1

15. Unemployed Persons by Duration of Seeking Work=218,231,1


1. Sampling Error by Major Items(Monthly Data)=220,233,2

2. Sampling Error by Major Items(Yearly Data)=222,235,5

3. Economically Active Population Survey=227,240,3


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0000491782 R 312.058 ㄱ284ㄱ 89 [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실) 이용가능


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