
자료 카테고리

전체 1
도서자료 1
학위논문 0
연속간행물·학술기사 0
멀티미디어 0
동영상 0
국회자료 0
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도서 앰블럼

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도서 앰블럼

전체 1
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검색결과 (전체 1건)


文敎統計年報. 1966 / 文敎部 인기도
서울 : 文敎部, 1966
R 370.951 ㅁ317ㅁ
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층)), [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실)
冊 ; 26 cm





發刊에 즈음하여=3,5,2



Ⅰ. 文敎行政現況=15,17,1

1. 沿革=16,18,3

2. 機構表=19,21,1

3. 定員表=20,22,2

4. 政府豫算 對 文敎部豫算=22,24,1

5. 文敎豫算明細表=23,25,1

6. 地方敎育費歲入歲出豫算表(特別會計)=24,26,2

7. 法人 및 團體現況=26,28,2

8. 全國圖書館現況=26,28,1

9. 博物館現況=27,29,1

10. 宗敎現況=28,30,1

11. 海外留學認定現況=29,31,1

12. 指定文化財現況=30,32,1

13. 遺物保有現況(文化財管理局)=30,32,1

14. 其他行政資料=31,33,1

(1) 公敎育費 分類表(地方財政)=32,34,1

(2) 月別刊行物發刊現況(不定期)=32,34,1

(3) 各級學校納付金限度額表=33,35,1

(4) 敎科用圖書發行狀況=33,35,1

(5) 私學敎育費分類表(1965年度決算分)=34,36,2

(6) 私學敎育費分類表(1966年度豫算分)=36,38,2

(7) 國有財産現況=38,40,2

(8) 經濟開發五個年計劃 및 實績(文敎部門)=38,40,2

(9) 各級學校敎員資格證發給現況=40,42,1

(10) 마을文庫現況=40,42,1

(11) 國展實施狀況(1965年度)=41,43,1

(12) 初中等學生蛔蟲驅除現況=41,43,1

(13) 外國書籍輸入推薦狀況=42,44,1

(14) 初·中等學生寄生蟲保有現況(%)=42,44,1

(15) 文藝賞授與狀況=43,45,1

(16) 初·中等學生體格現況(平均値)=43,45,1

(17) 海外留學生資格銓衡狀況=44,46,1

(18) 初·中等學生體能現況(平均値)=44,46,1

(19) 初·中等學生體質現況=45,47,1

(20) 初·中等敎員身體點檢狀況=46,48,3

Ⅱ. 文敎統計=49,51,2

Ⅱ-1. 總說 및 各級學校槪況=51,53,1

1. 學校設立狀況=52,54,1

2. 敎員需給狀況=53,55,1

3. 就學狀況=54,56,1

4. 就職狀況=55,57,1

5. 敎育財政狀況=56,58,1

6. 施設狀況=57,59,1

7. 學生現況=58,60,2

8. 學校總槪況=60,62,2

9. 施設現況=60,62,2

10. 學校現況=62,64,2

11. 敎員現況=64,66,1

Ⅱ-2. 幼稚園現況=65,67,1

1. 園槪況=66,68,2

2. 園兒數別幼稚園數=66,68,1

3. 年齡別園兒數=67,69,1

4. 學歷別敎員數=68,70,2

5. 職位別敎員數=68,70,1

6. 學校用地=69,71,1

7. 年齡別敎員數=70,72,2

8. 校舍狀況=70,72,1

9. 校具 및 附屬施設=71,73,1

10. 資格別敎員數=72,74,1

11. 構造別建物狀況=72,74,1

Ⅱ-3. 國民學校現況=73,75,1

1. 學校槪況=74,76,2

2. 學級數別學校數=74,76,2

3. 特殊地公立國民學校現況=76,78,2

4. 兒童數別學校數=76,78,2

5. 學級編制方式別學級數=78,80,2

6. 二部制以上授業學級數=78,80,2

7. 兒童數別學級數=80,82,1

8. 適齡兒童就學狀況=80,82,2

9. 學生變動狀況=81,83,1

10. 年齡別兒童數=82,84,2

11. 卒業者의 進學狀況=82,84,2

12. 資格別敎員數=84,86,2

13. 學歷別敎員數=86,88,2

14. 年齡別敎員數=88,90,2

15. 經歷年限別敎員數=90,92,2

16. 敎員動態=92,94,2

17. 職位別敎員數=94,96,2

18. 建物被害面積=94,96,2

19. 學校用地=96,98,2

20. 校舍=98,100,2

21. 構造別建物=100,102,2

22. 老朽建物=102,104,2

23. 普通敎室變動狀況=104,106,2

24. 視聽覺敎具 및 敎材數=104,106,2

25. 附帶施設 및 敎具=106,108,2

26. 用途別特殊敎室=108,110,1

Ⅱ-4. 中學校現況=109,111,1

1. 學校槪況=110,112,3

2. 認可學級數別學校數=113,115,1

3. 保有學級數別學校數=114,116,1

4. 學生數別學校數=115,117,1

5. 年齡別學生數=116,118,2

6. 學生變動狀況=118,120,2

7. 學費減免者數=118,120,2

8. 奬學金給與者數=120,122,2

9. 卒業者의 進學狀況=120,122,2

10. 卒業者의 進路 및 就職狀況=122,124,2

11. 資格別敎員數=124,126,2

12. 學歷別敎員數=126,128,2

13. 年齡別敎員數=128,130,2

14. 經歷年限別敎員數=130,132,2

15. 週擔當授業時間別敎員數=132,134,2

16. 擔當科目別敎員數=134,136,2

17. 敎員動態=136,138,2

18. 職位別敎員數=138,140,2

19. 建物被害面積=138,140,2

20. 學校用地=140,142,2

21. 校舍=142,144,2

22. 構造別建物=144,146,2

23. 其他施設 및 附帶施設=146,148,2

24. 敎室變動狀況=148,150,2

25. 視聽覺敎具 및 敎材數=148,150,2

26. 學生數別學級數=150,152,1

Ⅱ-5. 高等學校現況=151,153,1

1. 學校槪況=152,154,4

2. 認可學級別學校數=156,158,1

3. 保有學級別學校數=157,159,1

4. 學生數別學校數=158,160,1

5. 人文系高等學校現況=159,161,1

(1) 學校槪況=160,162,3

(2) 認可學級別學校數=163,165,1

(3) 保有學級別學校數=164,166,1

(4) 學生數別學校數=165,167,1

(5) 年齡別學生數=166,168,2

(6) 學生變動狀況=168,170,2

(7) 學費減免者數=168,170,2

(8) 奬學金給與者數=170,172,2

(9) 卒業者의 進學狀況=170,172,2

(10) 卒業者의 進路 및 就職狀況=172,174,2

(11) 資格別敎員數=174,176,2

(12) 學歷別敎員數=176,178,2

(13) 年齡別敎員數=178,180,2

(14) 經歷年限別敎員數=180,182,2

(15) 週擔當授業時間別敎員數=182,184,2

(16) 擔當科目別敎員數=184,186,2

(17) 敎員動態=186,188,2

(18) 職位別敎員數=188,190,2

(19) 建物被害面積=188,190,2

(20) 學校用地=190,192,2

(21) 校舍=192,194,2

(22) 構造別建物=194,196,2

(23) 其他施設 및 附帶施設=196,198,2

(24) 敎室變動狀況=198,200,2

(25) 視聽覺敎具 및 敎材數=198,200,2

(26) 學生數別學級數=200,202,1

6. 實業系高等學校現況=201,203,1

(1) 學校總槪況=202,204,4

(2) 農業高等學校現況=206,208,4

(3) 工業高等學校現況=210,212,4

(4) 商業高等學校現況=214,216,4

(5) 實業高等學校現況=218,220,4

(6) 綜合高等學校現況=222,224,2

(7) 藝術高等學校現況=224,226,2

(8) 水産 및 海洋高等學校現況=226,228,3

(9) 認可學級數別學校=229,231,1

(10) 保有學級數別學校數=230,232,1

(11) 學生數別學校數=231,233,1

(12) 年齡別學生數=232,234,2

(13) 科程別學級 및 學生數=234,236,2

(14) 學生變動狀況=236,238,2

(15) 學費減免者數=236,238,2

(16) 奬學金給與者數=238,240,2

(17) 卒業者의 進學狀況=238,240,2

(18) 卒業者의 進路 및 就職狀況=240,242,2

(19) 資格別敎員數=242,244,2

(20) 學歷別敎員數=244,246,2

(21) 年齡別敎員數=246,248,2

(22) 經歷年限別敎員數=248,250,2

(23) 週擔當授業時間別敎員數=250,252,2

(24) 擔當科目別敎員數=252,254,2

(25) 敎員動態=254,256,2

(26) 職位別敎員數=256,258,2

(27) 建物被害面積=256,258,2

(28) 學校用地=258,260,2

(29) 校舍=260,262,2

(30) 構造別建物=262,264,2

(31) 其他施設 및 附帶施設=264,266,2

(32) 敎室變動狀況=266,268,2

(33) 視聽覺敎具 및 敎材數=266,268,2

(34) 實驗實習施設=268,270,4

(35) 實驗實習設備(機械 및 器具)=272,274,4

(36) 學生數別學級數=276,278,1

Ⅱ-6. 高等敎育機關現況=277,279,1

1. 學校總槪況=278,280,14

2. 在籍外國人學生數=292,294,2

3. 卒業者의 進學狀況=292,294,2

4. 奬學金 및 學費減免者數=292,294,2

5. 卒業者의 進路 및 就職狀況=294,296,12

6. 職位別敎員數=306,308,1

7. 圖書保有數=307,309,1

8. 學位別敎員數=308,310,2

9. 專攻系別敎員數=310,312,2

10. 年齡別敎員數=312,314,2

11. 經歷年限別敎員數=314,316,2

12. 週擔當授業時間別敎員數=316,318,2

13. 敎員動態=318,320,2

14. 校舍=320,322,2

15. 構造別建物=322,324,2

16. 學校用地=324,326,1

17. 實業高等專門學校現況=325,327,1

(1) 學校槪況=326,328,2

(2) 年齡別學生數=326,328,2

(3) 學科別學生數=328,330,2

(4) 學生變動現況=330,332,1

(5) 敎員動態=330,332,1

18. 初級大學現況=331,333,1

(1) 學校槪況=332,334,2

(2) 學科別學生數=334,336,8

(3) 年齡別學生數=340,342,2

(4) 學生變動狀況=342,344,1

(5) 敎員動態=342,344,1

19. 敎育大學現況=343,345,1

(1) 學校槪況=344,346,2

(2) 年齡別學生數=344,346,2

(3) 學生變動現況=346,348,1

(4) 敎員動態=346,348,1

20. 大學(校)現況=347,349,1

(1) 學校槪況=348,350,2

(2) 學科別學生數=350,352,12

(3) 年齡別學生數=362,364,2

(4) 學生變動狀況=362,364,2

(5) 敎員動態=364,366,1

21. 大學院現況=365,367,1

(1) 學校槪況=366,368,2

(2) 學科別學生數=368,370,4

(3) 履修者學位授與狀況=372,374,2

(4) 年齡別學生數=374,376,2

(5) 博士 및 名譽博士學位授與狀況=374,376,2

(6) 國籍別外國人敎員數=376,378,1

22. 各種學校現況=377,379,1

(1) 學校槪況=378,380,2

(2) 學科別學生數=380,382,2

(3) 年齡別學生數=382,384,2

(4) 學生變動狀況=382,384,2

(5) 敎員動態=384,386,1

Ⅱ-7. 其他學校現況=385,387,1

1. 學校槪況=386,388,8

2. 檢認定考試狀況=390,392,2

3. 學校用地=394,396,2

4. 校舍=396,398,2

5. 構造別建物=398,400,2

6. 其他施設 및 附帶施設=400,402,3

7. 公民學校現況=403,405,1

(1) 年齡別學生數=404,406,2

(2) 卒業者의 進路 및 就職狀況=406,408,2

(3) 職位別敎員數=406,408,2

(4) 學歷別敎員數=408,410,2

(5) 年齡別敎員數=408,410,2

(6) 經歷年限別敎員數=410,412,1

8. 高等公民學校現況=411,413,1

(1) 年齡別學生數=412,414,2

(2) 卒業者의 進路 및 就職狀況=414,416,2

(3) 職位別敎員數=414,416,2

(4) 學歷別敎員數=416,418,2

(5) 年齡別敎員數=416,418,2

(6) 經歷年限別敎員數=418,420,1

9. 技術學校現況=419,421,1

(1) 年齡別學生數=420,422,2

(2) 分野別學生數=422,424,2

(3) 職位別敎員數=422,424,2

(4) 卒業者의 進路 및 就職狀況=424,426,2

(5) 學歷別敎員數=426,428,2

(6) 年齡別敎員數=426,428,2

(7) 經歷年限別敎員數=428,430,1

10. 高等技術學校現況=429,431,1

(1) 年齡別學生數=430,432,2

(2) 分野別學生數=432,434,2

(3) 職位別敎員數=432,434,2

(4) 卒業者의 進路 및 就職狀況=434,436,2

(5) 學歷別敎員數=436,438,2

(6) 年齡別敎員數=436,438,2

(7) 經歷年限別敎員數=438,440,1

11. 特殊學校現況=439,441,1

(1) 學校槪況=440,442,2

(2) 學級數 및 學生數=442,444,2

(3) 年齡別學生數=442,444,2

(4) 職位別敎員數=444,446,2

(5) 學歷別敎員數=444,446,2

(6) 年齡別敎員數=446,448,2

(7) 經歷年限別敎員數=446,448,2

(8) 學校用地=448,450,2

(9) 構造別建物=448,450,2

(10) 校舍=450,452,2

(11) 其他施設 및 附帶施設=450,452,3

12. 在日僑胞學校現況=453,455,1

(1) 學校現況=454,456,1

13. 私設講習所現況=455,457,1

(1) 講習所槪況=456,458,2

(2) 學歷別受講者=458,460,2



Title Page=0,1,3


Editorial Note=4,6,1


Introductory Remarks=13,15,2

Ⅰ. Educational Administration=15,17,2

1. Brief History=17,19,2

2. Organization Chart=19,21,1

3. Regular Staff=20,22,2

4. Comparison between Governmental Budget of Educational Budget=22,24,1

5. Specifications for Educational Budget=23,25,1

6. Revenues & Expenditures by Local Educational Budget (Special A count)=24,26,2

7. Educational Juridical Persons & Organizations=26,28,2

8. Status of Libraries=26,28,1

9. Status of Museums=27,29,1

10. Status of Religion=28,30,1

11. Status of Students of Study Abroad=29,31,1

12. Status of Cultural Properties=30,32,1

13. Status of Preservation of Antiques(Bureau of Cultural Property Preservation)=30,32,1


(1) Classification of Public Educational Expenditures(Local Educational Finance)=32,34,1

(2) Status of Monthly Publication(Unfixed time)=32,34,1

(3) Limited Amount of Tuition Fee by School Level=33,35,1

(4) Textbook Publication=33,35,1

(5) Classification of Private Education Expenditures(FY'65 Settlement)=34,36,2

(6) Classification of Private Education Expenditures(FY'66 Budget)=36,38,2

(7) Status of State Property=38,40,2

(8) Five-Year Economic Development Plan and Results(Part of Education)=38,40,2

(9) Status of Teachers' Licenese Per School Level=40,42,1

(10) Status of Rural Libraries=40,42,1

(11) National Fine Arts Exhibition=41,43,1

(12) Status of Students' Extirpation of Roundworms=41,43,1

(13) Status of Imported Foreign Books=42,44,1

(14) Status of Students' Retention of Parasites=42,44,1

(15) Status of Conferment Literary and Arts Prize=43,45,1

(16) Status of Students' Physical Examination(Average)=43,45,1

(17) Qualified Selection for the Study Abroad=44,46,1

(18) Status of Students' Physical Ability(Average)=44,46,1

(19) Status of Students' Constitutional Examination=45,47,1

(20) Status of Teachers' Physical Examination=46,48,3


Ⅱ-1. Summary Statistics of Schools by Its Level & General Review=51,53,1

1. Establishment of Schools=52,54,1

2. Demands and Supplies of Teachers=53,55,1

3. Enrollments=54,56,1

4. Employment=55,57,1

5. Educational Finance=56,58,1

6. School Facilities=57,59,1

7. Number of Students=58,60,2

8. Status of Schools by Level=60,62,2

9. School Facilities=60,62,2

10. Number of Schools=62,64,2

11. Number of Teachers=64,66,1


1. Summary=66,68,2

2. Number of Kindergarten by Number of Children=66,68,1

3. Number of Children by Age Group=67,69,1

4. Number of Teachers by Educational Career=68,70,2

5. Number of Teachers by Position=68,70,1

6. Right of Way for Kindergarten=69,71,1

7. Number of Teachers by Age Group=70,72,2

8. School Buildings=70,72,1

9. School Equipment and Auxiliary Facilities=71,73,1

10. Number of Teachers by Grade of Qualification Lincense=72,74,1

11. School Buildings by Structure=72,74,1


1. Summary=74,76,2

2. Number of Schools by Number of Its Classes=74,76,2

3. Public Primary Schools in Remoted Area & Islands=76,78,2

4. Number of Schools by Number of Pupils=76,78,2

5. Number of Classes by Type=78,80,2

6. Number Classes by More than Double Shifts System=78,80,2

7. Number of Classes by Number of Pupils per Class=80,82,1

8. Status of Enrollment of School Age Children=80,82,2

9. Status of Mobility of Pupils=81,83,1

10. Number of Pupils by Age Group=82,84,2

11. Status of Graduates Admitted to Middle School Course=82,84,2

12. Number of Teachers by Teaching License=84,86,2

13. Number of Teachers by Educational Career=86,88,2

14. Number of Teachers by Age Group=88,90,2

15. Number of Teachers by Teaching Career=90,92,2

16. Mobility of Teachers=92,94,2

17. Number of Teachers by Position=94,96,2

18. Floor Area of Buildings Damaged=94,96,2

19. Land Used for School Buildings=96,98,2

20. Status of School Buildings=98,100,2

21. Status of School Buildings by Structure=100,102,2

22. Superannuated Buildings=102,104,2

23. Number of Classrooms Constructed or Abolished=104,106,2

24. Equipments for Audio-visual Education & Teaching Materials=104,106,2

25. Auxiliary Facilities & Equipments=106,108,2

26. Special Rooms by Use=108,110,1

Ⅱ-4. MIDDLE SCHOOL=109,111,1

1. Summary=110,112,3

2. Number of Schools by Number of Approved Classes=113,115,1

3. Number of Schools by Number of Actual Classes=114,116,1

4. Number of Schools by Number of Students Enrolled=115,117,1

5. Number of Students by Age Group=116,118,2

6. Mobility of Students=118,120,2

7. Number of Students Exempted from Tuition Fee=118,120,2

8. Number of Students Awarded Scholarship=120,122,2

9. Status of Graduates Admitted to High School=120,122,2

10. Status of Graduates After Completed School=122,124,2

11. Number of Teachers by License=124,126,2

12. Number of Teachers by Educational Career=126,128,2

13. Number of Teachers by Age Group=128,130,2

14. Number of Teachers by Teaching Career=130,132,2

15. Number of Teachers by Number of Teaching Hours Per Week=132,134,2

16. Number of Teachers by Teaching Subject=134,136,2

17. Mobility of Teachers=136,138,2

18. Number of Teachers by Position=138,140,2

19. Floor Area of Buildings Damaged=138,140,2

20. Land Used for School Buildings=140,142,2

21. Status of School Buildings=142,144,2

22. Status of School Buildings by Structure=144,146,2

23. Auxiliary Buildings & Other Facilities=146,148,2

24. Number of Classrooms Constructed or Abolished=148,150,2

25. Equipments for Audio-visual Education & Other Teaching Materials=148,150,2

26. Number of Classes by Number of Students Per Class=150,152,1

Ⅱ-5. HIGH SCHOOL=151,153,1

1. Summary=152,154,4

2. Number of Schools by Number of Approved Classes=156,158,1

3. Number of Schools by Number of Actual Classes=157,159,1

4. Number of Schools by Number of Students Enrolled=158,160,1


(1) Summary=160,162,3

(2) Number of Schools by Number of Approved Classes=163,165,1

(3) Number of Schools by Number of Actual Classes=164,166,1

(4) Number of Schools by Number of Students Enrolled=165,167,1

(5) Number of Students by Age Group=166,168,2

(6) Mobility of Students=168,170,2

(7) Number of Students Exempted From Tuition Fee=168,170,2

(8) Number of Students Awarded Scholarship=170,172,2

(9) Status of Graduates Admitted to Higher School=170,172,2

(10) General Status of Graduates Completed School=172,174,2

(11) Number of Teachers by License=174,176,2

(12) Number of Teachers by Educational Career=176,178,2

(13) Number of Teachers by Age Group=178,180,2

(14) Number of Teachers by Teaching Career=180,182,2

(15) Number of Teachers by Number of Teaching Hours Per Week=182,184,2

(16) Number of Teachers by Teaching Subject=184,186,2

(17) Mobility of Teachers=186,188,2

(18) Number of Teachers by Position=188,190,2

(19) Floor Area of Buildings Damaged=188,190,2

(20) Land Used for School=190,192,2

(21) Status of School Buildings=192,194,2

(22) Status of Buildings by Structure=194,196,2

(23) Auxiliary Buildings & Other Facilities=196,198,2

(24) Number of Classrooms Constructed or Abolished=198,200,2

(25) Equipments for Audio-visual Education & Others Teaching Materials=198,200,2

(26) Number of Classes by Number of Students per Class=200,202,1


(1) Summary=202,204,4

(2) Agricultural High Schools=206,208,4

(3) Technical High Schools=210,212,4

(4) Commercial High Schools=214,216,4

(5) Other Vocational High Schools=218,220,4

(6) General Vocational High Schools=222,224,2

(7) Arts High Schools=224,226,2

(8) Fishery and Marine High Schools=226,228,3

(9) Number of Schools by Number of Approved Classes=229,231,1

(10) Number of Schools by Number of Actual Classes=230,232,1

(11) Number of Schools by Number of Students Enrolled=231,233,1

(12) Number of Students by Age Group=232,234,2

(13) Number of Students and Classes by Course=234,236,2

(14) Mobility of Students=236,238,2

(15) Number of Students Exempted from Tuition Fee=236,238,2

(16) Number of Students Awarded Scholarship=238,240,2

(17) Status of Graduates Admitted to Higher School=238,240,2

(18) General Status of Graduates=240,242,2

(19) Number of Teachers by License=242,244,2

(20) Number of Teachers by Educational Career=244,246,2

(21) Number of Teachers by Age Group=246,248,2

(22) Number of Teachers by Teaching Career=248,250,2

(23) Number of Teachers by Number of Teaching Hours Per Week=250,252,2

(24) Number of Teachers by Teaching Subject=252,254,2

(25) Mobility of Teachers=254,256,2

(26) Number of Teachers by Position=256,258,2

(27) Floor Area of Buildings Damaged=256,258,2

(28) Land Used for School=258,260,2

(29) Status of School Buildings=260,262,2

(30) Status of Buildings by Structure=262,264,2

(31) Auxiliary Buildings and Other Facilities=264,266,2

(32) Number of Classrooms Constructed or Abolished=266,268,2

(33) Equipments for Audio-Visual Education and Others Teaching Materials=266,268,2

(34) Facilities for Practical Training and Laboratories=268,270,4

(35) Equipment for Practical Training and Laboratories (Machinery & Implement)=272,274,4

(36) Number of Classes by Number of Students Per Class=276,278,1


1. Summary=278,280,14

2. Number of Foreign Students Registered=292,294,2

3. Status of Graduates to Advanced School=292,294,2

4. Number of Students Exempted From Tuition Fee and Students Awarded Scholarship=292,294,2

5. General Status of Graduates=294,296,12

6. Number of Instructional Staffs by Position=306,308,1

7. Status of Possession of Books=307,309,1

8. Number of Instructional Staffs by Earned Degree=308,310,2

9. Number of Instructional Staffs by Major Study=310,312,2

10. Number of Instructional Staffs by Age Group=312,314,2

11. Number of Instructional Staffs by Career=314,316,2

12. Number of Instructional Staffs by Lecturing Hours Per Week=316,318,2

13. Mobility of Instructional Staffs=318,320,2

14. Status of School Buildings=320,322,2

15. Status of Buildings by Structure=322,324,2

16. Land Used for school=324,326,1


(1) Summary=326,328,2

(2) Number of Students by Age Group=326,328,2

(3) Number of Students by Course=328,330,2

(4) Mobility of Students=330,332,1

(5) Mobility of Instructional Staffs=330,332,1

18. JUNIOR COLLEGE=331,333,1

(1) Summary=332,334,2

(2) Number of Students by Course=334,336,8

(3) Number of Students by Age Group=340,342,2

(4) Mobility of Students=342,344,1

(5) Mobility of Instructional Staffs=342,344,1


(1) Summary=344,346,2

(2) Number of Students by Age Group=344,346,2

(3) Mobility of Students=346,348,1

(4) Mobility of Instructional Staffs=346,348,1


(1) Summary=348,350,2

(2) Number of Students by Course=350,352,12

(3) Number of Students by Age Group=362,364,2

(4) Mobility of Students=362,364,2

(5) Mobility of Instructional Staffs=364,366,1

21. GRADUATE SCHOOL=365,367,1

(1) Summary=366,368,2

(2) Number of Students by Course=368,370,4

(3) Status of Conferment of Degree=372,374,2

(4) Number of Students by Age Group=374,376,2

(5) Status of Conferment of Honour Doctor & Doctoral Degree=374,376,2

(6) Number of Foreign Instructional Staffs by Nationality=376,378,1


(1) Summary=378,380,2

(2) Number of Students by Course=380,382,2

(3) Number of Students by Age Group=382,384,2

(4) Mobility of Students=382,384,2

(5) Mobility of Instructional Staffs=384,386,1

Ⅱ-7 OTHERS=385,387,1

1. Summary=386,388,8

2. Status of Students Passed National Qualifying Examination=390,392,2

3. Land Used for School=394,396,2

4. Status of School Buildings=396,398,2

5. Status of School Buildings by Structure=398,400,2

6. Auxiliary Buildings & Other Facilities=400,402,3

7. Civic School=403,405,1

(1) Number of Students by Age Group=404,406,2

(2) Status of Graduates in Society=406,408,2

(3) Number of Teachers by Position=406,408,2

(4) Number of Teachers by Educational Career=408,410,2

(5) Number of Teachers by Age Group=408,410,2

(6) Number of Teachers by Teaching Career=410,412,1


(1) Number of Students by Age Group=412,414,2

(2) Status of Graduates in Society=414,416,2

(3) Number of Teachers by Position=414,416,2

(4) Number of Teachers by Educational Career=416,418,2

(5) Number of Teachers by Age Group=416,418,2

(6) Number of Teachers by Teaching Career=418,420,1


(1) Number of Students by Age Group=420,422,2

(2) Number of Students by Major Study=422,424,2

(3) Number of Teachers by Position=422,424,2

(4) Status of Graduates in Society=424,426,2

(5) Number of Teachers by Educational Career=426,428,2

(6) Number of Teachers by Age Group=426,428,2

(7) Number of Teachers by Teaching Career=428,430,1


(1) Number of Students by Age Group=430,432,2

(2) Number of Students by Major Study=432,434,2

(3) Number of Teachers by Position=432,434,2

(4) Status of Graduates in Society=434,436,2

(5) Number of Teachers by Educational Career=436,438,2

(6) Number of Teachers by Age Group=436,438,2

(7) Number of Teachers by Teaching Career=438,440,1

11. SPECIAL SCHOOL=439,441,1

(1) Summary=440,442,2

(2) Number of Classes and Students=442,444,2

(3) Number of Students by Age Group=442,444,2

(4) Number of Teachers by Position=444,446,2

(5) Number of Teachers by Educational Career=444,446,2

(6) Number of Teachers by Age Group=446,448,2

(7) Number of Teachers by Teaching Career=446,448,2

(8) Land Used for School Buildings=448,450,2

(9) Status of School Buildings by Structure=448,450,2

(10) Status of School Buildings=450,452,2

(11) Auxiliary Buildings & Other Facilities=450,452,3


(1) Status of Schools=454,456,1


(1) Summary=456,458,2

(2) Number of Participants by Shooling=458,460,4


이용현황 테이블로 등록번호, 청구기호, 권별정보, 자료실, 이용여부로 구성 되어있습니다.
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0000102111 R 370.951 ㅁ317ㅁ 1966 [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실) 이용가능


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