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검색결과 (전체 1건)


시멘트용 석회석의 정제기술 및 공정개발 연구 / 통상산업부 인기도
[과천] : 통상산업부, 1998
622.368 ㅌ363ㅅ
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대)
167 p. : 사진, 도표 ; 26 cm
표지표제: 시멘트용 石灰石의 精製記術 및 工程開發 硏究에 관한 최종보고서
사업주관기관명: 한국자원연구소
수행책임자: 채영배


[표제지 등]








제1장 서론 19

제1절 국내 시멘트 및 석회석의 수급추이 21

제2절 시멘트용 석회석의 정제기술 현황 26

제3절 연구의 목적 및 범위 29

제2장 실험장치 및 방법 31

제1절 실험장치 31

제2절 실험방법 43

제3장 시료의 특성 47

제1절 표토 제거 공정에서 발생되는 폐석 49

제2절 석회석 채광중 산출되는 폐석 58

제3절 석회석 광산의 폐석장 폐석 69

제4장 기초선별 실험 결과 및 고찰 80

제1절 회전식 스크린 선별기에 의한 선별실험 80

제2절 경사벨트 및 탄성반발 선별기에 의한(위한) 선별실험 102

제5장 현장 적용 실험 결과 및 고찰 111

제1절 최적공정 수립을 위한 예비실험 111

제2절 표토 제거 공정에서 발생되는 폐석에 대한 현장실험 123

제3절 석회석 채광중 산출되는 폐석에 대한 현장실험 137

제6장 분리 회수된 석회석과 점토의 활용에 대한 고찰 156

제7장 결론 167

참고문헌 169

표 1. 국내 시멘트의 생산실적 21

표 2. 국내 석회석의 매장량 ('96년도) 23

표 3. 국내 석회석 수급실적 23

표 4. 석회석의 국별 수입실적 24

표 5. 석회석의 용도별 품질요건 25

Table 1. Chemical components analysis of the waste rocks from the topsoil. 51

Table 2. Particle size distribution of the waste rocks from the topsoil. 53

Table 3. Chemical composition depend on particle size of the waste rocks from the topsoil. 54

Table 4. Particle size and chemical composition of the waste rocks from the topsoil. 56

Table 5. Chemical components analysis of the waste rocks produced on mining. 61

Table 6. Particle size distribution of the waste rocks produced on mining. 63

Table 7. Chemical composition depend on particle size of the waste rocks produced on mining. 64

Table 8. Particle size and chemical composition of the waste rocks produced on mining. 67

Table 9. Chemical components analysis of the waste rocks from the waste site. 71

Table 10. Particle size distribution of the waste rocks from the waste site. 73

Table 11. Chemical composition depend on particle size of the waste rocks from the waste site. 74

Table 12. Particle size and chemical composition of the waste rocks from the waste site. 77

Table 13. Separation results of the waste rocks from the topsoil. 127

Table 14. Separation results of the waste rocks produced on mining. 141

Table 15. Chemical composition and the price of raw materials. 157

Table 16. Chemical composition for the separated limestone and clay. 158

Fig.1. Draft design of rotating drum type separator. 32

Fig.2. Draft design of inclined belt type separator. 39

Fig.3. X-ray diffraction patterns depend on particle size for the A-3 sample. 57

Fig.4. X-ray diffraction patterns depend on particle size for the B-3 sample. 68

Fig.5. X-ray diffraction patterns on particle size of the C-3 sample 79

Fig.6. Flow diagram for the separation test on the waste rocks. 81

Fig.7. Separated products of clay and stone as a function of moisture content 83

Fig.8. Clay quantities in the separated stone as a function of moisture contents. 85

Fig.9. Chemical composition analysis for the separated stone products as a function of moisture contents. 87

Fig.10. Chemical composition analysis for the separated clay products as a function of moisture contents. 91

Fig.11. Relationship between retention time and separator slope. 95

Fig.12. Clay and stone quantities of separated products as a function of retention time. 96

Fig.13. Clay quantities in the separated stone as a function of retention time. 98

Fig.14. Chemical composition for the separated stone products as a function of retention time. 99

Fig.15. Chemical composition for the separated clay products as a function of retention time. 103

Fig.16. Production ratio of the clay and rocks as a function of moisture contents with inclined belt separator. 107

Fig.17. Production ratio of the clay and rock as a function of moisture contents with elastic-repelling separator. 109

Fig.18. Flow diagram for the scale-up test on the waste rocks. 113

Fig.19. Overall quantities of separated stones by each separation process. 114

Fig.20. Overall quantities of separated clay by each separation process. 116

Fig.21. Clay quantity percentage in the separated stones. 117

Fig.22. Chemical composition analysis of separated stones. 119

Fig.23. Chemical composition of separated clay. 121

Fig.24. Separation process of the waste rocks from the topsoil. 124

Fig.25. Quantities of separated stones, clay and clay with stones as a function of moisture content. 132

Fig.26. Chemical composition of the products(1+2) as a function of moisture content. 133

Fig.27. Chemical composition of the products(3) as a function of moisture content. 134

Fig.28. X-ray diffraction patterns of the separated products from the topsoil. 136

Fig.29. Separation process of the waste rocks produced on mining. 138

Fig.30. Quantities of separated stones, clay and clay with stones as a function of moisture content. 148

Fig.31. Chemical composition of the products(1+2+3) as a function of moisture content. 150

Fig.32. Chemical composition analysis of the products(4) as a function of moisture content. 151

Fig.33. X-ray diffraction patterns of the separated products produced on mining 152

Photo 1. Rotating drum type separator (small scale). 35

Photo 2. Rotating drum type separator (large scale). 36

Photo 3. Inclined belt type separator(seperator). 42

Photo 4. A panoramic view of limestone mine. 48

Photo 5. The topsoil of limestone mine. 50

Photo 6. Limestone ore including clay materials (pocket type). 59

Photo 7. Limestone ore including clay materials (stratified type). 60

Photo 8. The waste site of limestone mine. 70

Photo 9. Separated products of various steps. 154


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